Mother-In-Law Leaves Awful Voicemails For Her Son’s Wife For Making Him A ‘Cup Of Noodles’ After His 12-Hour Shift

"A cup of soup is not a meal for someone who busted their butt working 12 hours."

Man eating instant ramen Taryn Elliott | Canva Pro

An overbearing mother had a bone to pick with her daughter-in-law after she learned what kind of meal she prepared for her son after he got off a 12-hour shift.

What's worse, the mother-in-law had some pretty horrible things to say about her daughter-in-law and her ancestry despite the fact that her son completely approved of the meal. 

The mother-in-law was upset after learning that her daughter-in-law had cooked her son noodles after a 12-hour shift.

Sharing her mother-in-law horror story in a TikTok video, a woman named Edith explained that she prepared the ramen her husband requested before he arrived home from his 12-hour shift.


Her husband asked for his favorite beef teriyaki ramen noodles — but not just your typical instant beef ramen in a cup. Edith prepared an entire beef noodle ramen recipe from scratch, and it is a meal that her husband often asks for after he gets off work.

However, after learning what her son had for dinner after talking on the phone with him, Edith’s mother-in-law had a few choice words to say to her, believing that the meal wasn’t filling enough for him. 

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The wife shared that her mother-in-law left her three voicemail messages insulting her for making 'Cup Of Noodles' for her son after a long shift.

“A cup of soup is not a meal for someone who busted their [expletive] for 12 hours,” she said to her daughter-in-law.

She then went on to call Edith a “stupid Mexican ditz.” 

According to Edith, her mother-in-law assumed that she had made her son instant ramen instead of home-cooked ramen, but really, that wasn't the point. 

Even if she made her husband a microwaved Hot Pocket for dinner, it was not her mother-in-law’s place to determine that it was an inappropriate meal, and she had absolutely no right to insult her the way she did.


wife serving husband dinner annastills | Canva Pro

According to, Edith's mother-in-law could definitely be classified as toxic. Described by the resource as "overly controlling, critical, and disrespectful, often interfering in their child’s marriage," this woman's attacks on her daughter-in-law are more than just overbearing and fitting of the monster-in-law title; she's racist and cruel.

When it comes to resolving in-law drama, PsychologyToday asserts that communication and boundaries are key, but as with everything in life, each relationship is different, and each family and its dynamics and drama impact what works and what doesn't. What's truly essential is that Edith and her husband present a united front and make sure that his mom doesn't come between them.


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Commenters shared how they would have handled the situation, and none of them were exactly in favor of her mother-in-law.

“I would have my husband handle it because I would never speak to her again and if he doesn't he can go back to mama!” one TikTok user commented.

“I would make it clear that she has the right to be wrong, but that she WILL not disrespect me like she did. If she doesn’t get it, go no contact,” another user wrote.

“Show her the picture of what you really made. Then tell her it's none of her business, and if she ever speaks to you that way again, it will be the last time she will ever speak to you,” another added.


Even if Edith’s mother-in-law does not believe that noodles are filling enough for her son, he is a grown man who could easily pick up more food for himself on the way home from work or add a couple of sides to his ramen. 

It is important to note that Edith is also holding down the demanding job of being a stay-at-home mom that doesn’t end after 12 hours.

There is no one willing to step in and cook her favorite meals at the end of a long day, and we doubt that her mother is calling up her husband to berate him via voicemail.


There is also nothing wrong with just wanting a cup of ramen noodles after work! We all have our preferences, and sometimes after a long day, our comfort food is just enough, whether it be ramen, a sleeve of powdered doughnuts or just a cup of coffee with a snack!

Mothers-in-law are not dictators of what kind of meals we eat and if we are getting enough by their standards.

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Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.