Mom Refuses To Let Her Son And His Pregnant Girlfriend Move Back In With Her — 'He Needs To Handle His Own Responsibilities'

She doesn't want to be responsible for her son's child.

Mom saying no to son's girlfriend fizkes | Shutterstock

A mom on Reddit is excited to become a grandmother but is unwilling to allow her 23-year-old son's actions to disrupt her entire life.

The mom refused to let her son and his pregnant girlfriend move back in with her.

"My son, Jake, has always been an independent and hardworking guy. After graduating college, he moved out, got a decent job, and seemed to be doing well for himself," she wrote in her since-deleted Reddit post


The mom explained that a few months ago, her son introduced her to his girlfriend, Emily, who she admitted was nice. However, over time, she started noticing some "red flags" in her son's significant other. 

Mom meeting her son's girlfriend BearFotos | Shutterstock

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She admitted that her son's girlfriend suddenly quit her job shortly after they began dating, claiming that she wanted to find something better. However, she has yet to apply for jobs. The mom also noticed that Emily has a spending problem and constantly wants to eat at expensive restaurants and shop for new clothes. 

It all came to a head after her son shared a life-changing announcement. "Recently, Jake came to me with some news. Emily is pregnant, and they want to move back in with me to save money," she revealed.

Her son insisted that they plan on getting married and raising the baby together as a family. 

While the mom emphasized that she loves her son and wants to support him, she was shocked that the expecting couple asked her to house them. Ultimately, she decided against it.


"I believe he needs to learn how to handle his own responsibilities," she added. "I told Jake that while I'm excited to be a grandparent and will help out in other ways, they can't move in with me. I offered to help them find a more affordable place to live and promised to assist with some baby expenses, but I can't have them living under my roof."

Mom refuses to let her son and his pregnant girlfriend move in with her BearFotos | Shutterstock

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Her son's girlfriend is now furious that she isn't allowing them to stay with her.

No matter what age you are, having a child and starting a family can be a terrifying and daunting new chapter. It's why people say, "It takes a village," even before the baby is born. 

Still, it's not the village's responsibility to care for the child, let alone provide housing. While it would be very generous and kind of this mom to allow her adult son and his girlfriend to move in, she is under absolutely no obligation to do so.

Since making her decision, she's had family members reaching out, insisting that she's being unreasonable and "turning her back" on her son during a time when he needs the support of his mother. 

"I feel bad, but I also believe that enabling them won't teach them the independence they need," she added.


New parents Antonio Guillem | Shutterstock

Having a child is a major responsibility that lasts a lifetime. She's not wrong that the soon-to-be parents need to be responsible and independent in this new chapter of their lives — they will soon be the parents that another life is depending on. 

At the end of the day, it's her decision whether or not she will allow her son and his pregnant girlfriend to take up residence in her home, and it's not wrong of her to refuse, especially since she plans to offer her support in other ways.


"You’re doing what you believe is best for your son’s growth and independence. It's not easy to set boundaries, especially when family members disagree," one Reddit user empathized. "Keep communicating openly with Jake and Emily about your concerns and continue to offer your support in other practical ways."

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Nia Tipton is a Chicago-based entertainment, news, and lifestyle writer whose work delves into modern-day issues and experiences.