Mom Hides A ‘Surprise Cheesecake’ From Her Kids So She Can Eat It Peacefully

Motherhood is characterized by these small moments to yourself — no matter what it takes to get them.

woman eating a slice of cheesecake Matva | Shutterstock

Are you truly a new mom if you haven’t begged your partner to let you run errands, just for a moment away? Taken a drive headed nowhere just to get out of the house? It’s just the reality of being a parent — everyone needs a break at some point.

It’s exactly the honest reminder mom of three named Maggie exemplified in a recent TikTok video. She confessed to secretly eating a piece of cheesecake instead of sharing it with her young kids.


The mom secretly ate a ‘surprise cheesecake’ so that she didn’t have to share it with her young kids.

Parenting isn’t about perfection — you truthfully take it one day at a time, doing the best that you can in each moment. Whether it’s hiding a cheesecake for yourself or figuring out the best outfit for your toddler, there’s no right or wrong way to show up for your kids — and, of course, for yourself.

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“We got a surprise cheesecake in our meal delivery box,” Maggie said in a video while stealthily eating the treat while her kids were unaware. 

“I’m home with my kids all day; they are so sweet. I opened the box and realized there was only one piece… [Expletive] them kids.”

Secretly enjoying the cheesecake on the couch next to her kids, the video captured one thing — everyone looked happy! Most parents in the comments section rejoiced that she was willing to share such a hilariously honest moment.

Despite knowing her kids are ‘cheesecake lovers,’ she kept the sweet treat for herself, and viewers applauded her.

“You deserve to enjoy that cheesecake, mama,” one person wrote under the post. Hundreds of other people swarmed to shower this Maggie with similar accolades, reminding her that she's just as worthy of a treat as her kids are. 


Especially considering the toll parenting in general has on parents, these little moments and reminders can make all the difference.

Mom looking stressed with her kids running around. Fizkes /

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Research even suggests that more than 70% of mothers feel “invisible” in their families outside of their identity as a parent, making it difficult to find time alone or to pursue their own passions, hobbies, and interests. 


We’ve accepted the struggle and loneliness of motherhood as a cultural norm despite knowing that a healthy and happy parent raises more empathetic, compassionate, and loved children.

As a mom, Maggie said she takes any moment alone as a chance to reconnect with herself, even if it’s a grocery store trip.

Most of the content on Maggie's platform centers around the true lifestyle of motherhood, reminding viewers that not everyone is blessed with luxuries like remote jobs, organic grocery hauls, and hand-stitched baby clothes. 

Given that over a quarter of parents are struggling financially with basic necessities like rent and food, the luxurious TikTok version of parenting is a gross misrepresentation of most families.

“I really, really love these girls,” she wrote in the caption, “and this life of ours lately.”


Maggie offered a refreshing reminder that motherhood isn’t always aesthetically pleasing. It’s not a trend to be a mother, start a family, or dedicate your entire life and identity to becoming a parent. 

It’s not a realistic standard. If she wants to save a treat for herself, let her have her moment — enjoy that cheesecake!

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Zayda Slabbekoorn is a News & Entertainment Writer at YourTango who focuses on health & wellness, social policy, and human interest stories.