Create An Energy Clearing Meditation You Can Practice In Just 5 Minutes Or Less
Spiritual work for those without a ton of time on their hands.

Did you know that you can create an energy clearing meditation you can practice in five minutes or less anywhere and any time you like just by breathing?
Most would agree that modern western society is fast-paced, hyper-stimulating, externally focused, and constantly changing. It endlessly bombards you with literal and figurative noise as well as measurable and subtle energy.
In this kind of environment, it's hard to stay grounded, centered, and clear. Fortunately, you have a powerful reset button right within your own bio-physiology: your breath.
This is your prana, or life-force energy. And you can access it 24/7.
Energy clearing meditation is simple and easy
This meditation is comprised of just two components: breath and visualization.
It's simple, easy to learn, effective, and convenient to do anywhere.
The two components of a quick meditation.
This energy clearing meditation doesn't require you to sit in the lotus position, use a mudra (hand posture), or even close your eyes, although, all of these elements will facilitate flow and clearing.
Good posture or a straight spine is, nonetheless, recommended.
Still, do what comes with ease and be as discrete as you like.
All that's required is to breathe rhythmically, with comfortable, long, and deep breaths. Four to six seconds for each inhale and exhale is a good target to aim for.
Try to equalize the inhales and exhales, but most importantly, maintain a breathing pattern that's comfortable for you.
Simultaneously, allow your mind's eye or simply your intention to gently direct the exhalation internally to various parts of your body.
An easy energy clearing mediation variation.
An easy and effective progression is to start sending the breath down your legs and through your feet into the earth. If you like, repeat this more than once.
Sense yourself grounding into the earth. Then, envision your exhalations softly swirling through your abdomen, clearing away anything that doesn't serve you.
Next, send your breath down your neck, across your shoulders, down your arms, and through your hands. Feel tension melt away. Then, send your exhale across your face, sensing your brow and jaw soften.
I like to finish off with an exhale through the mind, clearing away the jumble of thoughts, to-do lists, or whatever else keeps the mind busy.
Repeat deep slow breathing with visualization while sending the breath to anywhere that needs attention. You can continue breathing this way for as long as you like.
You'll know when you've followed the practice long enough because you'll feel calm, centered, and clear.
Breathing and clearing energy in a quick meditation is nothing new.
For thousands of years, people have used the breath or prana to move and clear energy.
Yogis and yoga practitioners use Pranayama techniques to manipulate their pattern of breathing in order to move, alter, and/or elevate life force energy.
More recently, research reveals that biological systems within the body employ the breath (its pattern, composition, and other qualities) as a barometer and a rebalancing agent.
For example, short shallow breathing can initiate an autonomic nervous system (ANS) stress response while a different pattern of breathing can tone the vagus nerve, shift the ANS, and encourage re-balance.
Brainwaves during energy clearing meditation.
With this type of breathing meditation, you can shift from a cluttered or highly active brain state into a more centered and clear one.
You can move from your active, focused, and analytical brain state (Beta) into a relaxed, more expansive, and creative Alpha state.
These brain states are natural and everyone moves back and forth between them throughout the day, sometimes resting in one state for a prolonged period depending on intention and need.
In addition to promoting relaxation, being in an Alpha mind state helps you open your perspective, turn your attention inward toward your embodied mind or body-mind.
Your right hemisphere becomes more dominant, allowing you to access greater creativity, intuition, and original thinking.
All of these considerations should be taken together in order to create the energy clearing meditation that works for you, wherever you are, and whenever you need it during the day or night.
Patricia Bonnard, Ph.D., ACC is a life coach and energy healer. She blends conventional coaching, embodied practices, workshops, energy healing, and more for both organizations and individuals. She offers a free Relax, Ground, Center, and Clear the Mind Guided Meditation.