10 Superpower Traits Of People Who Are Naturally Resilient
How to overcome the challenges life throws at you.

Perhaps, one of the upsides of the world has been discovering resilience in the face of adversity. The constant barrage of curveballs that have been thrown at everyone, individually and collectively, has been immense.
It has been in the face of these major life challenges and transitions that you've had to dig a little deeper into our internal well of resourcefulness and find your way through the dark forest of the unknown.
All of these trials can wreak havoc on your sense of self-worth and self-esteem if you’re not careful. The turmoil, mayhem, and chaos (both externally and internally) can leave you feeling off-balance and wobbly, which opens the door to letting fear, self-doubt, and anxiety come rushing in.
Here are the superpower traits of naturally resilient people:
1. They get to know themselves
Who are you? What do you love and appreciate most about yourself? What parts of yourself can you love a little more? Here are some questions to prompt your thinking:
- "I’m really happy when…"
- "Something that my friends/colleagues like about me is…"
- "I’m proud of…"
- "Something that makes me unique is…"
- "Things I am good at are…"
- "What I like about my appearance is…"
- "I’ve helped others by…"
- "Challenges I have overcome are…"
2. They forgive themselves
Yuri A / Shutterstock
What can you forgive yourself for? One of my favorite ways to do this is by using the Hawaiian prayer, "Ho’oponopono." It’s an ancient Hawaiian practice for forgiveness and reconciliation.
It's very simple, yet powerful: "I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you."
Repeat this to yourself for as long as you’d like each day. It is a potent mantra that can help foster healing at a deeper subconscious and cellular level.
Forgiving oneself is strongly linked to increased resilience. 2023 research explained that letting go of past mistakes and self-blame allows individuals to move forward from negative experiences, fostering a more positive mindset and better ability to cope with future challenges. By releasing the emotional weight of past actions, individuals can more easily bounce back from adversity.
3. They take responsibility for themselves, their actions, and their reactions
Acknowledge that you have personal power and you are always at choice to change or influence the events and circumstances of your life. While you might not be able to change the way someone else feels about you or treats you, you are at choice about how you choose to respond to their behavior (versus reacting from a place of fear or old triggers) to the situation.
4. They are mindful of their self-talk
What are you telling yourself on any given day? Do you speak kindly to yourself? Or do you spend more of your waking hours berating yourself with negative emotions and thoughts, judgments, or criticism?
Try this: For one 24-hour period, just notice the conversations you’re having with yourself. Are you spending more time entertaining a positive experience emotionally or engaging in negative self-talk? Your mind is a powerful place!
It takes in data and believes everything you tell yourself, so what do you want to be telling yourself on the regular to boost your sense of self-worth and self-love? If you're not happy with your self-talk, then change it.
Positive self-talk fosters natural resilience by enabling individuals to reframe negative thoughts into optimistic perspectives. This helps them cope with challenges, bounce back from setbacks, and maintain a positive outlook.
Research published by Southern Illinois University Carbondale suggests that positive self-talk can activate areas of the brain associated with reward and positive emotions, further enhancing resilience and a sense of well-being.
5. They curb their media consumption
If you’re spending a lot of time on your devices each day consuming social media, news, TV, etc. and you find yourself feeling down and depressed, then put yourself on a media diet. Practice significantly reducing your media consumption for a week and notice how you’re feeling.
By nature, we are empathic human beings and we pick up on the feelings and emotions of what we see all around us. (Who’s with me on crying over T.V. commercials sometimes?)
It’s easy to get caught up in the negative swirl that media provides because it "sells." But all that negative spin impacts your energy and can quickly bring you down into the dumps.
Find friendly, positive, and uplifting media to consume instead (if you must), or better yet, get outside for a walk in nature and let the wind and sunshine on your face help boost your mood as you reflect on all the things you’re grateful for in each day.
6. They don't compare themselves to others
Social media is a breeding ground for negative self-comparison to everyone else’s seemingly perfect lives.
No matter how pretty and perfect another person’s life may seem, they too have their challenges, pain, and imperfections. They all face adversity just like you. Know that you are perfectly imperfect just as you are and stop comparing yourself to others.
Avoiding comparisons to others significantly benefits mental well-being by reducing feelings of inadequacy, envy, and anxiety. A 2014 study found that this leads to increased self-esteem, greater life satisfaction, and a more positive outlook on personal achievements.
7. They eat healthy, exercise, and get enough sleep
It’s not cliché if it’s true. Human bodies need plenty of nutritious food, water, exercise, sleep, and sunlight to run optimally.
What is your body asking you for? More sleep? Some extra fruits and veggies? Need to go for a walk?
Listen to the whispers of your heart, mind, and spirit to take care of the amazing body that you have. It’s really a work of art if you think about it!
8. They do what they love
What makes you happy? What do you enjoy most about your work or hobbies? Whatever it is that lights you up and fills your cup, try to do more of that each day, and each week.
These activities align with your values and nurture your soul. And, as the saying goes: "Choose a job you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life."
Research published in a 2020 study indicated that engaging in activities you love significantly contributes to resilience by fostering positive emotions, enhancing self-esteem, providing a sense of purpose, and reducing stress, allowing individuals to better cope with life's challenges and bounce back from adversity more effectively
9. They find their tribe
DavideAngelini / Shutterstock
Are you spending too much time with toxic, negative, or unhappy people? How is that impacting your sense of self-worth and self-esteem?
The energy of the people you surround yourself with has a big impact on your energy, which in turn impacts your mood and sense of self.
If you’re surrounded by a bunch of Negative Nellies and Hateful Harold’s then it might be time to upgrade your company and find yourself a new tribe. Spend time with the people who treat you with loving kindness, respect, and care. People who lift your spirits instead of bringing them down.
10. They go with the flow
When we face adversity and unexpected challenges, it’s human nature to want to resist any sudden changes. I’ve learned over many years and from various teachers, the more you can learn to not push against and resist the change, the less painful it will be.
Does that mean you have to like it? No. But by releasing your defiance to change, you can find the path of least resistance to get through it more quickly.
Try out these top 10 tips. You’ll be amazed at your resilience in the face of adversity. Enabling you to maintain and grow your sense of self-worth while overcoming major life challenges and transitions.
A flow state demonstrates resilience by allowing individuals to adapt to changing situations, maintain focus amidst challenges, and effectively manage stress by fully engaging in the present rather than getting caught up in negative thoughts or anxieties. A 2020 study found that this ability to adjust and remain positive in the face of adversity is a key component of resilience.
Michele Molitor, CPCC, CHt, is a certified coach, hypnotherapist, and co-author of the book I Am Perfectly Flawsome - How Embracing Imperfection Makes Us Better. She coaches high-achieving professionals in reducing their overwhelm and reclaiming their self-confidence, calm, and clarity to create a thriving life and career.