7 Clues You've Finally Found Your Soulmate Relationship

Don't settle for anything less than a soul-connected relationship.

Couple displays the rare clues that they have finally found their soulmate relationship. skynesher | Canva

Many people put up with the wrong partner for far too long. They’ve put up with disconnection, cheating, lack of intimacy, and feeling frustrated and depressed. That is no way to live your life, and it is not the purpose of relationships.

When someone understands the kind of partner they’d love to be in a relationship with, they must be aware of what being in a relationship with their soulmate would really look and feel like.


Here are 7 big clues you've found your soulmate relationship.

1. You connect on a soul level.

What does it mean to connect on a soul level? There’s an intuitive connection when you’re with your soulmate that you can’t explain. It may even feel like you've known each other your whole lives.

clues you've finally found your soulmate relationshipPhoto: Dmitriy Ganin / Pexels


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Connecting on a soul level can also look like having the ability to finish each other’s sentences, feeling each other’s energy when you’re not together, and having the same morals and shared vision. It's the first big clue you've finally found your soulmate relationship.

2. They contribute to your life.

A soulmate inspires you and uplifts you. They thrive on seeing you succeed. They support you through good and bad.

A soulmate is your best friend and is truly there for you, no matter what mood you're in or what challenges you're facing. They are your greatest cheerleader. They work with you, not against you.


3. You experience more peace and freedom.

When you’re with your soulmate, it feels natural to be able to spend time alone or with your friends, and to allow your soulmate to do the same.

Soulmates don’t need to control each other, nor get jealous about who you’re talking to or why you need to spend the night out with your friends. In fact, your soulmate will encourage you to have a girls’/guys’ night out on the town.



And because they’re your soulmate, you can trust them completely. You won't worry about them making plans without you, or question their intentions about leaving the house solo.


4. You communicate easily.

It’s so easy and natural to talk with your soulmate about anything. You never feel judged, or that you’ll say something wrong and they’ll go running for the hills. Your soulmate values you and wants you to express yourself authentically.

You rarely argue with your soulmate. You may not agree on everything and have disagreements from time to time, but you never feel the need to yell at each other or get so frustrated with them that you wish they’d just evaporate into thin air.

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They are able to take responsibility and not blame you or others. They have no problem making amends and enjoy that you can openly communicate with each other without feeling like you have to hold back.


5. They’re emotionally available.

Your soulmate is open and ready to love you, the way that you desire and deserve to be loved. They are willing and able to share how they feel easily — and inspire you to do the same.

clues you've finally found your soulmate relationshipPhoto: Katerina Holmes / Pexels

Plus, they can be very vulnerable when necessary and can share themselves with you completely. No topic of conversation is off limits, and you can count on them to listen intently when you have a problem, and vice versa.


6. They want a partnership.

When you’re with your soulmate, it’s more than just a relationship — it’s a partnership. They want to co-create a relationship with you.

They want to make mutual agreements with you and are willing to honor them, and honor you. They want to support you in being the best version of yourself. They see your magnificence and love you unconditionally.

They allow you to be completely yourself, warts and all. They are so unbelievably grateful to have you in their lives and they express that to you regularly.

7. They value you and your relationship.

When you’re with your soulmate, they will honor and respect who you are and what you need. They will accept you exactly as you are, without trying to change you or wrong you for being yourself. Every area of your partnership aligns easily.


A soulmate treats the relationship like it’s an entity. By that, they are committed to nurturing the relationship, even at the beginning stages. They treat it as sacred and know that there is a higher purpose for your relationship that impacts more than just the two of you.

clues you've finally found your soulmate relationshipPhoto: Budgeron Bach / Pexels

Take a minute to close your eyes and envision a relationship that is like the one described above. How could it get any better than that? Seeking out your soulmate is definitely worth it. And these signs are clear indicators that you've met them.


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Kelly Ann Garnett is a certified love attraction coach, certified life coach, spiritual psychologist, and educator for women looking for their soulmate. Her bylines have appeared in TIME and The Mind's Journal, as well as other websites.