10 Signs You're Not Ready For Him To Pop The Question
You're not the only one to get cold feet!
![10 Signs You're Not Ready For Him To Pop The Question [EXPERT] 10 Signs You're Not Ready For Him To Pop The Question [EXPERT]](/sites/default/files/image_blog/not_ready_for_engagement.jpg)
There are some telltell signs that you are not really ready for your beau to pop the big question. What are the signs? They might not be quite as obvious as Julia Roberts in the film, Runaway Bride. They could be like little dust bunnies lurking behind your bookshelf filled with romance novels.
But, if you are not thinking "I cannot imagine not being with this man" you know, but are afraid to admit, that you are not ready to get engaged. Here are 10 signs that you aren't ready for him to propose.
1. You think to yourself "if I say yes, I will never get to kiss another man again." This is the first thing that went through my head when my ex popped the question on my 25birthday. After giving me a yellow rose for friendship, lining up a professional massage, then giving me a pink rose for romance over breakfast and finally a red rose for love after a hike, I knew something was up. It wasn't like him. He pulled out a bottle of white wine and wine glasses all tied up in white ribbons. I knew his mom planned it all. Kiss plenty of men if you're dating after a divorce.
Related: If I Learned These 9 Love Lessons Sooner, I Probably Wouldn't Be Divorced
2. Then you think, "how could I say no? That would hurt his feelings." Being the people pleaser I was taught to be, after these thoughts raced through my head, I smiled and said yes. But, I knew I wasn't ready. Not the right guy? Get online.
3. Then you say to yourself quietly, "God please help me." If you are thinking this, you know you are not ready. Begging for help from the creator at a time like this is a big sign that you are not ready to get engaged.
4. You never disliked shopping, until now. You always loved going to the mall and feeling all of the fabrics and taking in the new colors of the season. When you went home with your schoolgirl skirt and frilly blouse you always felt so relaxed. But, now shopping for a new dress seems really heavy, literally. You are now shopping for dresses with matching white boleros and pounds of beadwork and sequins. All in white, antique white, off white and what seems now like dirty white.
Related: Online Dating Is Just Like Online Shopping
5. You do your best to smile when you talk about your engagement. If your eyes don't crinkle up and twinkle when you are talking about your fiancé, you might not be ready to get engaged.
6. You don't feel like he is your soulmate. You don't know what it is. But, something is missing.
7. Your emotional needs are not being met by him. He doesn't call as much as you would like, spend any time with you or do the little things that make you feel cherished and adored. If you feel like this is happening in your relationship, than you might not be ready to get engaged.
8. You've been thinking about other men. I don't mean that one guy you glanced at one time in the grocery store. I mean daydreaming about other men all the time. Fantasizing about Brad Pitt or the chubby guy from your office. This is not a good sign. Unless you're single and dating.
9. You stop taking care of yourself. You stop going to the gym and you start wearing extra large men's t-shirts. When you do not feel like putting on that sexy new dress you just bought, this is another sign that you are not ready to get engaged. Not feeling confident around men?
10. You forgot how to have fun. There is no more romance. You don't feel special. You never laugh, unless you are away from him. This is the absolute worst.
Related: 5 Types Of Awful Kisses That Will Make Anyone Break Up With You
When you are in love and ready to get engaged, you won't stop smiling. You'll wear your ring with pride and have an extra sparkle in your eye. When you're ready to get engaged, you will call your mom and then put in on Facebook for the whole world to see, without one little dust bunny doubt. Contact Dina to get a free consultation.