The Trait Of A Very Bad Manager That Is Often Praised By Their Bosses

This trait is often the reason that people quit their jobs to find something better.

Manager looking serious Mangostar | Shutterstock

If there's one thing that creates a negative work environment, it's a toxic boss. Particularly, a boss who demands around-the-clock perfection without taking into account that you have a life outside of being their employee.

Unfortunately, this type of manager is all too common in the corporate world. And the traits that are most harmful to employees are often encouraged by their bosses. 

A corporate content creator revealed the trait of a very bad manager that is often praised by their bosses.

"One of the worst kind of managers to work for, in my opinion, are ones that commit their entire existence to the jobs that they work because they secretly hold you to that same standard," Jay Maliq remarked.


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He explained that these managers are the ones that completely disregard work-life balance and will reach out to you on a Saturday, during off-hours, or during the early hours of the morning with questions or requests that could've easily waited. So much so, that Maliq questioned whether or not these managers have families, friends, or other things that require their time and attention when they're not at work.

"Why are you over here sending me messages and expecting a response?" Maliq questioned. 

He further claimed that these types of managers often seem to get upset and irritable when their employees leave early after finishing their work before their scheduled time without mistakes. 

woman standing with laptop working hard Dean Drobot | Shutterstock


"The other thing is when you're effective at your job, and you're able to deliver similar results in less amount of time," he said. "I don't think we talk about it enough, but I think that breeds some sort of envy."

"This is not my personal situation, by the way," Maliq clarified. "I have experienced it before, but it's not recent or current. It's just interesting how it works." 

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This type of behavior from managers leaves empoloyees burnt out and overworked. 

According to SHRM's Employee Mental Health in 2024 Research Series, 44% of the 1,405 surveyed U.S. employees feel burned out at work, 45% feel "emotionally drained," and 51% feel "used up" at the end of the workday.


employee with bad manager feels burned out Ground Picture | Shutterstock

Employees are often expected to be available around the clock just because their manager is, however, that shouldn't be the case. Working 24/7 has zero benefits and can lead to higher levels of unproductivity, which is the exact opposite of what these managers strive for.

Toxic managers are also the main reason why employees leave their jobs for something else. It's a common saying: Employees don't quit companies; they quit managers. 


According to a study by DDI, 57% of people have quit because of their boss, and 37% reported that they've considered leaving because of their manager. Similarly, in a 2022 GoodHire survey, 82% of American workers said they would quit their jobs because of a bad manager.

Ultimately, an employee is entitled to enjoy their time outside of work — even if their boss doesn't enjoy theirs. Good managers accept that fact, especially if the worker gives 110% effort when they're on the clock. 

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Nia Tipton is a Chicago-based entertainment, news, and lifestyle writer whose work delves into modern-day issues and experiences.