The Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign From March 31 - April 6
Find balance in all you do. This is a time to rise up and to take charge of your destiny.

Each zodiac sign has one day that's the luckiest this week, from March 31 - April 6, 2025. After a busy retrograde and eclipse season, you will finally start to feel and see greater forward momentum in your life in April. You'll make progress, and you can start manifesting your dreams. On Monday, March 31, bid farewell to a chaotic month. Saturn in Pisces aligns with Uranus in Taurus, ushering in changes in how you do work.
Mercury stations direct on April 7, followed by Venus direct on April 12, so this week is the perfect time to start mapping out your schedule for the entire month. You’ve embraced your divine lessons and are moving forward stronger. You're empowered to create the life you wish.
While April may arrive quietly, the First Quarter Moon in Cancer on Friday, April 4, offers a reprieve from March's busyness and emotional disturbances. The First Quarter Moon represents the plans and actions you put in place to help manifest your intentions. In Cancer, this centers a great deal around what you hold most sacred. However, it also represents how you care for yourself.
This is the universe’s way of ensuring you are giving yourself a break and fresh start before getting started on any plans. Time is never wasted in caring for yourself, so be sure to take this reprieve because it will help as the momentum of April begins to pick up.
While the weekend is normally a time for respite, the universe has other plans in the week ahead. On Saturday, April 5, the Aries Sun will create a lucky alignment with Jupiter in Gemini, followed by the union of retrograde Venus and Saturn in Pisces on Sunday, April 6. It’s as if you are waking up and seeing your opportunities. Rather than feeling delayed or blocked from pursuing your dreams, this energy will help you figure out the plans necessary for success and the courage to make them happen.
With so many retrograde planets, Aries Season hasn’t felt normal. However, this weekend, beginning April 5, all of those changes will allow you to ensure the boldness and motivation associated with Aries. This is the introduction of small progress. You don’t have to conquer the entire mountain in one day, but you will finally be able to see the summit and know which should be your first step.
The luckiest day of the week for each zodiac sign from March 31 – April 6, 2025:
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Luckiest day of the week for Aries: Saturday, April 5
You must start believing in yourself, dear Aries. It has been a challenging Aries Season up to this point, but all of that is soon changing. As the Aries Sun aligns with Jupiter in Gemini on Saturday, April 5, you must trust yourself to start taking action on your ideas.
The Aries Sun is helping you to regain your confidence and believe in yourself. At the same time, lucky Jupiter in Gemini represents an idea or project you must invest in. Use this energy to start preparing so that once Mercury stations direct on April 7, you can begin to make progress and make the most of your zodiac season.
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Luckiest day of the week for Taurus: Saturday, April 5
Your intuition always guides you toward your best life, Taurus. Your intuition may seem inconvenient as it often guides you toward dreams or opportunities that don’t fit your original plans. Yet, this part of yourself is connected to the divine, meaning it’s a voice that should always be trusted.
Pay close attention to any intuitive downloads you receive on Saturday, April 5, as the Aries Sun aligns with Jupiter in Gemini. This energy will activate your intuition and help you achieve financial abundance and success. Jupiter in Gemini is in your house of finances, helping to expand this area of your life, so you must listen to that inner voice to begin attracting greater wealth.
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Luckiest day of the week for Gemini: Sunday, April 6
Don’t be afraid to return to a past idea or career role, Gemini. Venus has been retrograde in Pisces since March 27, bringing a period of reflection involving your professional reputation, aspirations and financial success. This period is meant to help you understand what you deserve and also help you to see yourself in a positive light, rather than waiting for others to validate you.
You will get an intense boost as retrograde Venus unites with Saturn in Pisces on Sunday, April 6, helping you to understand what must be done to progress your career. You may find yourself returning to a previous idea or professional position. Yet this may also represent you remembering what you are worth and advocating for a higher-paying job or a raise. Make the most of this time so you can feel you aren’t just attaining success, but living in your purpose.
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Luckiest day of the week for Cancer: Sunday, April 6
Focus on what you want, not what you’re afraid of, Cancer. You have to focus your energy on what you want to manifest in your life, instead of letting the fears involving what may go wrong hinder your progress. On Sunday, April 6, retrograde Venus will unite with Saturn in Pisces in your house of luck. This does represent an incredible opportunity, but only if you can continue to believe that matters in your life can be improved upon.
Don’t let yourself wallow in lost opportunities or fear second chances. You must understand that the universe is working for you in your life. Because of that, you may experience redirections or situations that require your determination. This will pay off, though. You must keep focusing on what you want, knowing it is meant for you.
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Luckiest day of the week for Leo: Saturday, April 5
You don’t have to go it alone, Leo. The Aries Sun is in your house of luck, helping you take action and craft the path forward into your dream life. While this area of your life has been slowed thanks to Mercury and Venus retrograde in Aries earlier in March, the energy is different now, especially as Mercury prepares to station direct on April 7.
This will feel like a lighter energy, and the ability to make progress in your life, which will be of benefit as the Aries Sun aligns with Jupiter in Gemini on Saturday, April 5. Jupiter in Gemini is in your house of wishes and collaboration, inviting you to network or contact friends to start making progress. You are not meant to go it alone during this part of your journey, so use this time to connect with those who are of the most benefit.
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Luckiest day of the week for Virgo: Saturday, April 5
You deserve all the success in the world, Virgo. You’ve been so focused on personal matters recently; you may not have dedicated your usual energy to your career. It’s not because you haven’t cared or wanted success, but because you are learning how to navigate life when you have finally manifested so many of your dreams. Be mindful of opportunities for change and financial improvements as the Aries Sun connects with
Jupiter is in Gemini on Saturday, April 5. The Aries Sun is in your house of transformation and financial improvements. While this was slowed by Mercury retrograde in March, this planet is set to station direct on April 7, bringing in greater opportunities and momentum. As the Aries Sun connects with lucky Jupiter in Gemini in your house of career, you can expect a promotion or a positive shift in your professional life. Just create space to focus on your career, as incredible growth is in store.
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Luckiest day of the week for Libra: Friday, April 4
Attract what you seek, dearest Libra. Rather than tirelessly working toward your dreams or developing your career, you are encouraged to step into the attraction. The First Quarter Moon in Cancer will rise on Friday, April 4, inviting you into a space of finding balance in your life and attracting the professional opportunities you’ve been dreaming of.
The First Quarter Moon in Cancer represents an opportunity to take a break, to let yourself rest or begin working from home. This isn’t a time to overdo it or exhaust yourself; instead, focus on how your professional life makes you feel. While late days and busy schedules can be tiring, your career should be something that energizes you – and that means it’s time for a short holiday or to begin looking for remote work.
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Luckiest day of the week for Scorpio: Friday, April 4
Don’t stunt your own growth, dear Scorpio. While there have been great opportunities for transformation and freedom in your life, it also feels as if you’ve been afraid to change your life or seize certain opportunities. It’s normal to be afraid of the unknown, but you don’t want to let fear stop you from living the life that you are meant to.
The First Quarter Moon in Cancer will rise on Friday, April 4, in your house of luck and abundance. This lunation will help you lean into your desires for the future, while also being open to learning what making certain changes would entail. Try to hold off any judgment for now or declare what is or isn’t possible. Instead, see this as an exploratory mission where you can learn exactly what it will take to live a life you love.
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Luckiest day of the week for Sagittarius: Monday, March 31
You can build your best life when you start becoming your best self, Sagittarius. On Monday, March 31, Saturn in Pisces will align with Uranus in Taurus, creating a powerful opportunity to focus on having your outer life reflect your inner growth.
You’ve been on an immense healing journey since the end of 2024. This has led you to take greater accountability for yourself, heal your past wounds, and understand who you authentically are apart from the opinions of others. As Saturn and Uranus align, this is your chance to make major changes regarding your home and family life that help to honor all of your inner growth and healing. At a certain point, you will outgrow the life you previously lived, and when you do, that’s how you know you’re finally ready to live your best life.
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Luckiest day of the week for Capricorn: Sunday, April 6
Be open to adjustments, Capricorn. Just because matters are improving, doesn’t mean you should close yourself to any opportunities. On Sunday, April 6, retrograde Venus will unite with Saturn in Pisces, allowing you to review any obligations or previous agreements you’ve made. This could occur in your personal or professional life, so it’s important to be mindful.
With Venus already having begun a new cycle and set to station direct on April 12, you may receive clarity on what changes you want to make or what is no longer your responsibility to uphold. You may also begin to move through an awakening where you realize what and who matters most to you, which would catalyze changes once Venus is direct. Just be open to adjustments and see this as a period of your life when the universe conspires to bring you to your destiny.
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Luckiest day of the week for Aquarius: Sunday, April 6
You must continually return to what it is you deserve, Aquarius. On Sunday, April 6, retrograde Venus will align with Saturn in Pisces in your house of finances. This will help review your financial life and the ability to seize previous offers for greater abundance. However, your self-worth will be tested with Venus retrograde in this area of your life.
This may feel like a deciding moment where you can choose between accepting what you are given or taking a stand for what you genuinely deserve. Be aware that you don’t back down from any professional conversations regarding salary during this time. Yet, if you see a situation involving self-worth arise in your romantic life, remember that it’s not your job to teach someone how to love you. Return to what you deserve and promise never to accept less.
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Luckiest day of the week for Pisces: Friday, April 4
Do what makes your soul happy, Pisces. You’ve been attaining professional success through a creative endeavor. This began by listening to your soul and doing what brings excitement and fulfilment into your life. However, you’ve become bogged down by deadlines and goals, resulting in diminished creativity. You are one of the most creative and artistically inclined zodiac signs, so embracing this side of yourself is important.
As the First Quarter Moon rises in Cancer on Friday, April 4, it will create a divine opportunity to embrace your creativity through your professional life or simply for enjoyment. Whether it’s being creative in the garden or picking a paint brush back up, this time will help to rejuvenate your soul so that you can remember why you began this successful chapter in your professional life.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.