How Venus Retrograde Affects Each Zodiac Sign’s Finances From March 1 - April 12, 2025
Venus retrograde can cause financial upset, but there are ways to prepare.

Nowadays, none of us is a stranger to a bit of economic turmoil, but as Venus stations retrograde from March 1 to April 12, 2025, a shake-up in the ol' bank account just might be on the horizon. Batten down the financial hatches!
In astrology, Venus is all about love, beauty, attraction, pleasure and luxury — and those last three mean it also has a major impact on how we obtain, use, and spend our money. When a planet stations retrograde, though, it moves backward — or appears to anyway. It's actually just an optical illusion, but a powerful one that tends to shake up the areas of life the planet governs.
Don't worry just yet, though — there's plenty you can do about it. Professional astrologer Sunaree Ko of shared some tips with us for each zodiac sign, so you can put your best financial foot forward and make sure you and your money make it through Venus's upcoming shake-up.
How Venus retrograde affects each zodiac sign's finances from March 1 to April 12, 2025:
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Aries are often said to be natural entrepreneurs, and they love to take risks. Of course, risks often don't pan out, and Ko says now is the time to let financial lessons from the past inform the present.
"Past financial missteps may resurface" during Venus retrograde, Ko explained, so it's a good time to review your spending habits and tighten your belt for the time being.
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Tauruses LOVE the good life and have a taste for indulgence, and they're one of the two signs ruled by Venus — so you can probably see where this is going.
"A strong temptation to indulge in luxury purchases could lead to financial strain," during this time, Ko says.
So lean into that OTHER side of your financial tendencies — the part of a Taurus that loves security as much as luxury — and rein it in until Venus has her act back together.
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We all know that Geminis love money, chasing money, spending money — they dig money. But! They also tend to be pretty good at managing it, and that's the side you'll want to lean into as the Venus retrograde approaches, especially when it comes to money arrangements between you and others.
"Be cautious with financial agreements," she says, because retrogrades are always about miscommunication, too.
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Cancers aren't exactly materialistic, but they do have a love of comfort and quality, especially when it comes to their homes. They tend to shop with their hearts, not with their minds. Log off of Wayfair, Cancer, and think critically as Venus retrograde begins.
During this period, "emotional spending may increase," Ko warns, so it's "important to focus on financial priorities" for these six weeks.
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Now we all know how you Leos are with money — you love to splash out on luxury and quality. But you're also good financial planners, and that's the side you want to default to in the run-up to Venus retrograde.
Ko warns Leos to rein in that lion-like confidence and "avoid splurging on big-ticket items" till the transit is past, lest you find yourself staring down a major case of buyer's remorse once Venus goes direct again.
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All you Virgos do is plan, so you're not exactly in the overspending danger zone here. However, Ko warns that your natural pragmatism runs a risk of going TOO far during the Venus retrograde.
She says the weeks before the Venus retrograde are definitely "a time for reviewing budgets and financial plans," but to keep it within reason, because your tendency to overanalyze can go haywire once the transit begins in March, creating delays in your financial goals.
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Libra is the other sign ruled by Venus, but where Tauruses love luxury, Libras are more about sharing and partnerships, including financial ones. This is where Ko says Libras should keep an eye peeled in the lead-up to the Venus retrograde, whether the financial partnership is with your spouse, business colleague, or financial planner.
"Financial partnerships may come under scrutiny," she says, so "careful evaluation" is in order.
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Scorpios are known to be good with money, with a keen eye for things like investments and a need for the stability of keeping track of where each dollar goes. Venus retrograde, however, has the potential to undo all this, and hit Scorpio with unexpected expenses they never saw coming.
This "emphasizes the need for financial preparedness," Ko says, so sock some money away rather than splurging, just in case.
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When it comes to money, dreamy, idealistic Sagitarians love to spend on experiences more than things — especially travel and entertainment purchases. But as we approach Venus in retrograde, now is not the time.
Ko says "spending on travel and entertainment may lead to complications or regrets" once the retrograde hits, so keep your feet on the ground for the time being.
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Capricorns tend to do everything by the book, including with their careers and finances. The meeting point of those two things is where Venus retrograde threatens to wreak a little havoc, Ko says. Hence, "career-related financial choices should be reviewed carefully before committing," so double-dot those i's and triple-cross those t's.
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When it comes to money, Aquarians tend to have the attitude that money simply ebbs and flows, which gives them a bit more confidence about it than the average bear — which often works out to their advantage. But Ko says now is definitely not the time.
"Risky financial ventures should be postponed in favor of reassessing past money strategies," she says, so heed the lessons of the past until Venus retrograde is over.
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Dreamy, heart-led Pisces are not ones for pragmatism in any part of life, but that gut-led bent often leads them to good financial decisions through sheer intuition alone. But now is not the time to give this free rein.
"Trusting intuition is essential when making financial choices," she says, "but impulsive purchases should be avoided." Lean into convention until Venus is done with her tricks!
John Sundholm is a writer, editor, and video personality with 20 years of experience in media and entertainment. He covers culture, mental health, and human interest topics.