Your Weekly Horoscope For March 10 - 16, 2025
This week's horoscope reveals the importance of caring for ourselves, protecting our energy, and making room for those who deserve us.

The weekly horoscope for March 10 - 16, 2025 marks the start of the year's first eclipse season. The week starts with a Leo Moon helping us find our power and courage, which will be much needed for the Full Moon lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 14. This eclipse is a chance to revisit the boundaries we may have neglected.
The Libra Full Moon on the 14th is followed by Mercury retrograde in Aries further shaking things up, especially since the planetary ruler of this Full Moon, Venus, is also retrograde. This is a week to take care of ourselves, protect our energy, and make room for those who deserve us.
Each zodiac sign's weekly horoscope for March 10 - 16, 2025:
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
The week begins with positive fire energy through the Moon in Leo, allowing you to connect with your dreams and your goals during this intense season.
The magnetic lunar eclipse in Virgo this week helps you check in on how well you’re taking care of yourself and assess how your self-discipline has improved over the last few months.
Mercury, the planet of communication, has been in your sign since March 3, and this week the planet stations retrograde beginning on the 15th. Miscommunication is possible, so make sure to think before you speak and plan ahead.
Mercury retrograde will also bring plenty of opportunities for you to get back to revisiting old projects with a magnificent new perspective.
The beautiful Libra Moon closes the week, adding a lot of excitement and new energy that adds sparks to your relationships.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
The Leo Moon magnifies pleasant energy at the start of the week. You are reminded that taking breaks is fine because you have the support from and love of others, which can help motivate you for the next several weeks of challenging astrological energy.
Things get a lot more interesting with the Full Moon eclipse in Virgo adding new life to your relationships. This eclipse cycle is a test for all types of relationships, and most importantly, the one that you have with yourself.
This week, take it easy and focus on your goals. Once the Moon enters Libra on Friday, you will be better equipped to brainstorm fruitful and practical plans that can help you in the future.
Mercury in Aries stations retrograde on the 15th, fueling the lessons of this Virgo eclipse. Be open to healing your inner child and making space for your creative energy.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
The Leo Moon at the start of the week reminds you of the importance of showing respect to others and being able to work with them. Creative energy bursts through, continuing all the way through the lunar eclipse.
The energy from your ruling planet, Mercury, is very potent during this time as the eclipse helps you feel aligned despite Mercury stationing retrograde on the 15th. Nevertheless, you’re going to explore some new ideas and evaluate your existing relationships with an optimistic perspective since lucky planet Jupiter is still in your sign.
Your focus for the next several weeks will be on all the connections you make and how well you work with others.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
The Leo Moon energy early in the week helps you find your inner power as you're reminded of all your positive traits. This is a week to start valuing and appreciating yourself more.
The Full Moon in Virgo on Friday is another powerful transit this week, helping you find your way with words and feel more comfortable with your self-expression, especially if you’ve lacked the connection with yourself in the last six months. You’ll have plenty of time to reconnect and find the love that sparks within you.
The Libra Moon at the end of the week gives you a boost and plenty of confidence to face the upcoming week. Mercury is also stationing retrograde in the sign of Aries, bringing focus back to your responsibilities and how well you’re working with others.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
A lovely Moon in your sign early in this week fuels you with optimism. You are very much aligned with your goals and purpose this week. This is a time for you to meet new people and have fun exploring your romantic relationships.
The Moon in Virgo will be the first potent eclipse of the year now that the Nodes are in new signs. You’re going to have a deeper connection with the relationships you’ve had in the past as you come to see how they reinforce what you desire in the present and future.
Current connections feel stronger this week, and if you are single, you have a heightened ability to meet someone more aligned with what you desire.
The Libra Moon at the end of the week brings romance and optimism that will help you feel very much in your element over the weekend. Do something fun with people that you care about and enjoy your free time!
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
Dynamic energy takes control early in the week with the Leo Moon making the collective feel the prelude of the first eclipse in your sign. As you navigate through this week’s energy, you may be more pensive and reflect on the last six months as Saturn and this eclipse continue to help you transform and enter a new chapter.
The Full Moon lunar eclipse in your sign draws attention to your relationship with work and what you may need to change to continue protecting your boundaries.
Once the Moon enters Libra on Friday, there's an increased focus on optimism and self-care. Make time for yourself and your hobbies this weekend.
Your ruling planet Mercury stations retrograde on Saturday, impacting you the most since it will show you what you need to do to make the necessary changes to improve your work, home, and relationships.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
The week is filled with a lot of enthusiasm and opportunities to continue progressing and elevating as the Moon in Leo continues giving you a lot of discipline and helping you improve your networking skills.
This is a week of deep analysis to see how well you’ve been taking care of yourself. How are you prioritizing your downtime?
Consider taking some time to revise and review the work you’ve been doing for the last six months once Mercury retrograde begins on Saturday. During this period, you may receive constructive criticism from people you trust, so make sure to accept it from people you respect and not be opposed to it.
Resting comes easier once the Moon enters your sign on Friday, making the weekend a moment of healing and calm as you prepare for the next week.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
The Moon in Leo opens this week, making you the center of attention. This week, it's wise to take extra care to think before you speak and learn how to cooperate with others.
We experience a Full Moon lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 14, which shifts your attention to your accomplishments and struggles. Your focus is now on how well you hold onto those ideas and how hard you work towards your goals. Don't give up on the magic you can create since you begin seeing the fruits of your labor during this time.
On Friday, the Moon enters Libra, giving you a moment to go slow, get back to you, and feel comfortable with new initiatives as you develop ideas you can unleash once Mercury stations direct in April.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
Early in the week, settle into the plans you'd like to see unfold in the future as the powerful Leo Moon on Monday brings you the confidence to consider your many options. Be mindful that patience is a virtue that will allow you to achieve the successes you desire.
Eclipse season is officially here with the magnetic Virgo Moon lunar eclipse creating new paths for you to explore, allowing you to meet new people and add an additional solid structure onto your foundation. Communication is the driver of this energy, and with Mercury stationing retrograde in a fellow fire sign, you have the edge.
Things feel more optimistic once the Libra Moon enters the picture on Friday, giving you the freedom, courage, and motivation to dream big.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
Given the changes happening, the Leo Moon at the start of the week provides clarity and direction as you prepare for the energy of this upcoming eclipse. While it is important for you to be practical, the Leo Moon makes it easy to find optimism and guidance because you will feel empowered.
Once the Full Moon lunar eclipse in Virgo takes center stage towards the end of the week, you will understand just how essential it is to trust yourself, become your own biggest cheerleader, and not let past mistakes define you.
The start of Mercury retrograde this week presents a new opportunity to rekindle a romance or friendship from the past. Or, this can be your green light to forgive and move on as the Libra Moon on Friday brings your focus toward the future, and as we close the week, you see how it can help you prepare for moving forward with greater plans once Mercury stations direct.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
You are given an opportunity for reconciliation early this week with the beautiful Leo Moon on Monday filling us with hope and love.
The energy is centered in your relationship house, making it a lot easier for you to reach out to others and be emotionally vulnerable with your romantic partner. For those who are single, the energy may open you up for potential business partnerships that catapult your dreams.
The Full Moon eclipse in Virgo on Friday is a strong energy that centers on healing and learning how to protect your boundaries. Your talents shine through this week, especially with Mercury in Aries stationing retrograde, creating space for you to explore and continue to build upon your skillset.
The Libra Moon on Friday feels enchanting, encouraging you to fall in love with learning.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
The Moon in Leo at the start of the week gives you new perspectives that can help solidify your routines and get you back on track.
Eclipse season officially begins this week with the mysterious lunar eclipse in Virgo making a grand entrance. Now is the time for you to see the clues and puzzle pieces missing in your relationships. Relationships that aren’t strong will fizzle and those that are sturdy will continue to gain momentum.
You feel more open to being vulnerable with others this week with Mercury in Aries stationing retrograde, making you bolder and confident to speak your truth while not letting others control you.
The Libra Moon closes the week, reminding you to embrace your place in the Sun and not let others stop your vision. Take pride in your work and successes, and stay strong.
A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.