Relationships Enter A Hopeful New Era For 5 Zodiac Signs The Week Starting March 10

The powerful lunar eclipse energy this week benefits these zodiac signs' love lives.

zodiac signs relationships enter hopeful new era march 10-16, 2025 Photo: Dziana Hasanbekava | Design: YourTango

The five zodiac signs whose relationships enter a hopeful new era the week starting March 10 benefit from four significant dates that help us see things for what they are. The week begins with a confusing alignment between Mercury and Venus retrograde in Aries on Tuesday, March 11. 

Venus retrograde can make you question past decisions about love. You may feel confused about the state of your romantic life this week. Rather than pushing ahead, you must realize that oftentimes, the only way through is to let yourself be confused, trusting that the process matters more than the results.


This confusion may lessen as the Sun and Saturn align in Pisces on Thursday, March 13. The Sun and Saturn in Pisces can help bring clarity and the ability to plan how to move forward together. Acts of service will figure heavily into love languages around this time, where you’re not just looking for a beautiful expression of feelings but real-life actions that leave no room for confusion.

The week's energy comes to a head as the New Moon Lunar Eclipse rises in Virgo on Friday, March 14. This is the first Virgo Eclipse now that the Nodes of Fate have shifted into Pisces and Virgo, and so it’s important to remember that this is a beginning point. You aren’t meant to have the answers now but to notice what arises without trying to control the outcome. 


Mercury will begin its retrograde on Saturday, March 15.  Mercury may make you want to search for answers that just can’t be found. While improving your romantic life often means hoping to keep a particular relationship together, it also represents clarity and the ability to move on to attract new love. 

For now, it's important to observe and trust the feelings that arise, having faith that you’ll know what to do with them when the time comes.

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Five zodiac signs whose relationships enter a hopeful new era the week of March 10 - 16, 2025:

1. Pisces

pisces zodiac signs relationships hopeful era march 10-16, 2025 Design: YourTango

Change is coming, Pisces. Yet, there’s no reason to fear, as the divine is truly working to bring you where you are meant to be. Regardless of your relationship status, you are entering a phase of immense change where you will be brought together with the one meant for you. This may mean that another relationship must first be cleared away, but in your heart, you already know that is meant to happen.

Let this new energy bring you into the relationship you’ve always wanted, as it will likely lead to marriage. No matter where you find yourself on your romantic journey, it’s important not to lose hope and to remember that all it takes is a moment to change everything.


The North Node shifted into your sign of Pisces on January 11, signaling that a new eclipse cycle was here, and with it will bring you to the love that is meant for you. The first official eclipse in this cycle will occur on Friday, March 14, with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo. 

Virgo is the sign that rules over your house of relationships, while a Full Moon represents endings. Being the first eclipse in a new cycle, it is set to bring in a phase of new beginnings. 

A Lunar Eclipse governs your emotions yet can still bring unexpected moments that an eclipse is known for. Let go of any thoughts or fears that have kept you from opening yourself to love or moving forward with your life, as this will let you surrender to whatever arises during the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo.

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2. Sagittarius

sagittarius zodiac signs relationships hopeful era march 10-16, 2025 Design: YourTango

Sometimes you have to go back to get ahead, Sagittarius. This also means that the path to improving your romantic life may lead you back to an old flame or to recurring themes that need your attention. 

You’ve been doing great work regarding how you approach commitment and knowing what you want from love. While changes in the last year have already rocked your love life, it doesn’t mean that everything has been settled since that time. 


You often need space to grow and heal independently to recognize love when it finally arrives, which is precisely the space you’re currently entering. Don’t discount any possibility just yet, and be ready to make the first move, especially if it involves someone from your past that you’ve realized you truly don’t want to live without.

Mercury will station retrograde in Aries on Saturday, March 15, joining Venus, which is already retrograde in Aries. Aries is the sign that represents long-term love, commitment, and marriage. This isn’t just about dating or casual flings, but who you want to spend your life with. 

With the past eclipse cycle of Aries and Libra targeting this area of your life, you have seen changes and growth opportunities. Yet, as Mercury joins Venus retrograde in Aries, you’re now being given a second chance.

 Mercury and Venus will remain retrograde in Aries through March 27, giving you ample time to reflect on what arises and to start making amends in relationships — or reach out to that special person from your past. 


You must not let ego or any internal story stop you from following your heart around this time, especially as incredible romantic surprises are in store as the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries occurs on March 29.

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3. Libra

libra zodiac signs relationships hopeful era march 10-16, 2025 Design: YourTango


Give yourself time to see the truth, Libra. Everything you’ve been going through has been leading you to this moment in your life. As much as you will get the answers you’ve been seeking soon, that doesn’t mean they will occur this week. 

Trusting in the process and observing what occurs in your romantic life is important. You will feel driven to find the clarity you need to know how to move forward as you are done with being confused or living in limbo. 

You’ve already been patient in love, but now you realize that patience doesn’t always pay off if the person you’re with is unavailable or unable to love you in the ways you desire. If you haven’t already had a break-up, you may be heading towards one, yet it’s not something that will feel crushing — but liberating as you finally start listening to your inner self.

Venus retrograde will unite with Mercury in Aries on Tuesday, March 11, bringing in confusion and a deep desire to find the answers you’ve been seeking. This is understandable, given all you’ve been through. 


Mercury is set to station retrograde on Saturday, March 15, meaning that you can’t necessarily trust your thoughts at this time, let alone the words of the person you’re with. Venus and Mercury will be together in Aries, helping to bring clarity into your life, though you are advised to wait before making big decisions. 

The last time that Venus and Mercury united in Aries was April 19, 2024, so it would be wise to reflect on this time in your life to see what may surface around this transit. While normally a recurring transit would bring clarity and action, with Venus and Mercury being retrograde until April 12, it’s important to wait to make any decisions until then — yet that doesn’t have to stop you from receiving the information that the universe wants you to have.

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4. Taurus

taurus zodiac signs relationships hopeful era march 10-16, 2025 Design: YourTango


Lean into your inner self, dear Taurus. As an earth sign, you have many positive qualities; you tend to be emotionally balanced, financially secure, and logical when making decisions in your life. However, you don’t always listen to your intuition in the ways that you should. 

Logical thinking often wins out over emotional feelings, which can lead to challenges in your relationships. This can cause a lack of connection or separation from someone you genuinely love and value. 

While leaning into the relationship can help, exploring your inner self first is the bigger lesson. You can’t just go into a relationship trying to fix the emotional connection if you aren’t in touch with your feelings. While it may seem contradictory, the path to improving your relationship is giving yourself time to focus on yourself.

The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Virgo will peak on Friday, March 14, in your house of marriage, commitment, and happiness. This tends to be a deeply spiritual and emotional experience as it’s about reconnecting with a part of yourself you have lost or haven’t yet explored. 


While eclipses can bring break-ups or divorce, in your case, it’s about transforming your existing relationship so you don’t have to be afraid of what arises. Be proactive as you head toward the Full Moon in Virgo, leaning into your emotional feelings, especially concerning your relationship and whether it contributes to your happiness. 

While you need to learn to listen to your intuition and become emotional in expressing yourself, this is a time to open yourself up to live the life you’ve always dreamed of. This serves as an invitation to become creative in improving your relationships, as conversations or therapy may not be what you need. 

Consider planning something new and exciting for you and your partner, and be mindful daily of how you’re expressing yourself so that you can take full advantage of this new energy that is just beginning to filter into your life.


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5. Virgo

virgo zodiac signs relationships hopeful era march 10-16, 2025 Design: YourTango

Don’t take everything on yourself, Virgo. You can tend to carry much of the weight in a relationship on your shoulders. While it’s healthy to be an equal in a connection and be able to take accountability for any choices you’ve made, your relationship isn’t your sole responsibility. 


Thinking or operating as if it is can create unnecessary stress and challenges in your relationship. While your partner should also be stepping up, most of what you’ve been experiencing is because you’ve been thinking about love and not creating the space for growth. 

Be mindful of any building resentment because you feel like you have to carry greater weight than your partner. Whether this is financial, chores around the house, or planning for the future, it’s important to recognize your limitations and consciously try to change the narrative that exists in your relationship.

On Thursday, March 13, the Sun and Saturn will unite in Pisces, highlighting your relationship sector and bringing about opportunity for growth. While you want to improve your relationship with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo occurring on March 14, it’s important to realize that if you want matters to change, you must be the first to change. 

The Sun governs your external actions, while Saturn brings a necessity of responsibility and practicality. This can be great energy to reflect on your relationship and check whether the stories you are telling yourself are accurate. 


You can move into a space of receiving, which can help reduce the burden you feel and help to strengthen and improve the connection. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo signifies a change in your self-perception, which would go along with reducing your burden and changing the narrative of your connection. 

Instead of thinking you must do everything, let your partner pick up the slack because you’ll have time to focus on the love.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
