Monday's Horoscope Reveals That The Universe Is Testing Each Zodiac Sign On February 24
Monday's horoscopes call each zodiac sign to make space for both the hustle and the heart.

With the Moon in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer on February 24, horoscopes call each zodiac sign to confront the push and pull between the drive to achieve and the desire to nurture.
This isn’t just about balancing work and family. It’s about claiming your place in both worlds without shrinking back. It’s time to step into your power and make space for both the hustle and the heart.
The tension may feel uncomfortable, even chaotic, but it’s in this friction that you get to create something that truly serves you. You can be both the ambitious go-getter and the loving caretaker. There’s room for all of you.
Your zodiac sign's horoscope for Monday, February 24, 2025:
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
It’s time to celebrate how far you’ve come, even if it feels like you’re not exactly where you thought you should be.
Acknowledge the power in your hands and the momentum you’ve built. Think back to when you longed for what you now have and let that be the fuel to propel you forward.
The world sees your potential, even if you don’t always see it yourself. Claim the spotlight and own your journey, with no apologies and no holding back.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
Today, take a good hard look at the foundations of your life. What’s giving you security, and what’s holding you back from stepping outside your comfort zone?
It’s time to shake up the status quo and break free from the self-imposed limits you’ve built.
You might be feeling the pressure of the past holding you in place, but it’s time to make bold moves. Let go of what no longer serves you and make room for the risks that will lead to greater rewards. Your next chapter starts now.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
Give yourself a break. Put a limit to how much you’re criticizing yourself for what you haven’t accomplished yet and start digging into the deeper truths of your past.
The reality of your experiences is here, and it’s time to face it with clear eyes. The limiting beliefs you’ve been carrying are ready to be dismantled, but first, you need to trace them back to their roots.
It’s time to take control of your narrative and turn those past stories into stepping stones for your future. The world is waiting for the evolved version of you. Own it.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
Stop justifying your need for rest. Your nurturing energy is always ready to take on the world, but even the strongest souls need a break.
Today, allow yourself to do nothing without guilt. The real power lies in knowing when to step back and recharge. The world doesn’t need your constant doing, it needs you fully recharged, ready to take on what’s next.
Trust that by taking this pause, you’re making space for even greater things to come.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
You’re being called to step into your courage and stop letting fear hold you back from the opportunities you deserve.
It’s time to leave the fear of missed chances behind and move boldly toward the future you want to create. The missed opportunities of the past were never about your ability, they were about your willingness to trust yourself.
Now’s the time to shatter your limits and claim the future that' waiting for you. You’ve got everything you need to go after it, so why wait?
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
Today, you’re being asked to see how deeply your emotions have been tied to old, outdated habits. This is your alarm to break free from patterns that no longer serve you.
The fog is lifting, and you’re finally seeing the reality of how these habits have shaped your journey. Now’s the time to rewrite the story, shedding what holds you back and stepping into the new version of yourself. The future is calling, and it’s time to answer.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
It’s time to push beyond the limits you’ve set for yourself. Don’t let time or setbacks keep you from making progress toward your dreams.
Challenges are a part of the journey, but they’re also the moments that shape your growth. Don’t let them derail you.
The energy today is about taking steady, intentional steps forward, no matter how slow the progress may seem. The road may be long, but the destination is worth it. Keep moving toward your goals, and the world will follow.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
It’s time to question what really drives your desires. Are they coming from your soul, or are they shaped by external (family) expectations?
Today, you have the power to define your true vision and set clear steps toward it. Stop living in the shadow of what others want for you, and start creating a future based on your own desires.
The power to manifest is in your hands, make sure you’re building the life you truly want.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
It’s time to craft your vision unapologetically, even if it feels bold, unconventional, or a little out there.
Don’t worry about whether others will accept or validate your creations, this is about putting your unique essence into the world. The most impactful work comes from those who are willing to be different, stand out, and shine in their own way.
Trust in the power of your authenticity and let the world see you for who you truly are.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
Today, take a hard look at how your upbringing and past have shaped your core values. This is your opportunity to break free from influences that no longer align with who you are today.
You have the power to redefine what matters to you and take full ownership of the values that will guide your path moving forward.
It’s time to step into a version of yourself that is fully aligned with your current truth. Don’t let the past keep you tethered.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
Your unconscious mind is speaking to you in ways that might be hard to articulate but is impossible to ignore. A
sk yourself: what does success truly mean to you on a deeper, more unconscious level? Are there hidden beliefs or patterns you’ve internalized that shape your perception of success? Maybe it’s tied to external achievements, societal validation, or perhaps you associate it with something more personal, like inner peace or freedom.
These hidden truths are your key to freedom.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango
Your emotions are speaking loud and clear, but are you truly listening? Today, you have the opportunity to dig deep and understand what’s truly influencing your sense of security and self-worth.
Trust that by addressing what needs to be released, you can make room for a deeper sense of self-acceptance.
This is your cosmic moment to integrate the wisdom you’ve gained and use it to build a stronger, more secure foundation. You have everything you need to step into your next chapter, believe in it.
Sade Jackson is a psychological astrologer, writer and energy healer. She writes about Jungian lore, creativity, feminine mysticism and astrology on Substack.