Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On February 23 — Mars Direct Is Here

Mars rx has helping you be aware of your emotional needs and past decisions.

Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On February 23, 2025 Design: YourTango | Photo: Dean Drobot, Canva Pro

What will we experience from Mars during each zodiac sign's love horoscope on February 23, 2025? Mars first stationed retrograde on December 6, 2024, in Leo, where it remained until shifting into Cancer on January 6.

This has not been a time for forward momentum or rushing into following your heart; however, as Mars stations direct in Cancer on Sunday, February 23, all of those changes — and it is time to take action.


Mars direct in Cancer will end the internal review and reflection process that you’ve been enmeshed in since the start of the year. Yet, you will be tasked with taking action and implementing changes based on all you learned during this period.

Mars will continue to move through Cancer until April 18 before reentering Leo, giving you the time and space to make improvements in your romantic life so that you can feel confident you are prioritizing your emotional well-being.

Allow yourself to focus on what matters most to you, recognize that there is no rush to do anything, but take heed of the current energy, knowing you are empowered to make changes.


Clarity has finally arrived, but with it comes the necessity to begin to take action so that you can feel confident that the relationship in your life truly fulfills your emotional needs.


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Love horoscope for each zodiac sign on Sunday, February 23, 2025:


aries love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Direct your energy towards your home, sweet Aries. Mars direct in Cancer highlights your ability to make changes within your home and closest relationship. 

If there have been challenges or tensions in this area of your life, you will finally be able to figure out how to resolve them. 

You will want to pay close attention to how you treat your partner and those you love during this time, ensuring that you genuinely care for them in ways that reflect your commitment. 

You can improve your relationship or save this part of your life, but you must be willing to give it your full attention.

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taurus love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Express yourself honestly, dear Taurus. While Mars was retrograde in Cancer, you may have felt emotional and had difficulty fully expressing yourself. 

Not that your emotions don’t deserve to be shared, but it was challenging to express the real issue. 

Now that Mars is direct, you will still be operating with a high sensitivity, but you will also be able to articulate yourself clearly. 

Use this to plan a proper conversation with your partner so that you can get to the bottom of any challenges you’ve had in your relationship.

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gemini love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Make sure that you’re not avoiding the real issue, sweet Gemini. Mars direct in Cancer may bring a sudden burst of energy that makes you want to overspend to prove you or your relationship is okay. 

Rather than getting caught up in material demonstrations of love, focus on what you’ve learned about your worth during this time. 

Start putting healthier boundaries into place and finding new ways of relating with your partner. 

This period was to help you understand your emotional and non-material needs in a relationship so that you can genuinely know how to improve your connection. 

Remember, it's not about how a relationship looks but always in the way it feels. 

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cancer love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You don’t need to do everything on your own, Cancer. Mars retrograde in your sign of Cancer helped you to focus on the emotional stability and safety you want to instill within your life. However, you may also have felt this as a burden you had to carry in your relationship. 

You do deserve a life that feels safe and stable, but it’s not your job to take that role on for everyone else. 

Make sure you are doing what is best for yourself, and be willing to ask for help, or to delegate in your relationship. If you want someone to truly be a partner, then you also must treat them as if they are capable of it.

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leo love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Start making your dreams come true, dear Leo. Mars retrograde has been a poignant time of understanding your dreams and helping you see how you can accomplish all you desire. 

Yet, Cancer energy also represents divine soulmate relationships in your life, so you may have also been focusing on progressing a specific relationship in your life. 

Now, as Mars is stationing direct, you are moving into a period of action. Be mindful of what you’ve learned and not limit yourself as you move forward. 

Be open to where you are being direct, but don’t give up on what you know is meant for you.

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virgo love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You can’t hide from life, Virgo. Mars retrograde may have made you withdraw from social gatherings and relationships. 

Though this might have meant time together with your partner, it doesn’t mean you can continue at the current pace. 

You were meant to invest greater energy into your romantic life, yet now, you need to return to a better state of balance.

Be mindful of the changes that have already occurred while you were focused on building your relationship, as not all connections in your life may be meant to return. 

This is the start of a new chapter of you being surrounded by genuine support and love; you just want to make sure you focus on instilling balance in your life.

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libra love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You deserve your own success, Libra. While you’ve been directed to focus on your career success in the last year, Mars retrograde may have made you back a bit. 

During this time, you may have had to rely on your partner’s financial help or began to wonder if it would be so bad to be taken care of by them instead of creating your own success. 

However, as Mars stations direct, you can understand that while help is always beneficial, it never takes the place of you feeling like you’re living according to your purpose. 

Get back to the dreams that you had for yourself and your life. Love is everything, but it doesn’t mean you don’t deserve your own purpose.

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scorpio love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

A breakthrough always happens when you least expect it, Scorpio. You have wanted to move ahead but haven’t felt it was the right time. 

This inner desire for change has been frustrating as you’ve had to practice patience through the process of Mars retrograde. 

However, now that Mars is stationing direct in Cancer, you will finally be moving ahead with your plans — and dreams. This may involve travel or a significant relocation. 

Because of this, a certain relationship may end in your life. However, you can remain confident it creates space for the love you want.

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sagittarius love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

It’s easier to trust in the process, Sagittarius when you know you trust within yourself. Mars retrograde in Cancer has brought immense changes to your life; not all is what you had originally expected. 

Yet the purpose has been to teach you to prioritize your emotional needs over simply creating the life others want you to. When you trust yourself to know what is best for you, you can also begin to move with newfound authenticity and courage. 

As Mars stations direct, it’s time to take your power back. To move in the direction of your heart and to embrace the changes that are a part of making all your dreams come true.

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capricorn love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Every challenge serves a purpose, Capricorn. Mars retrograde in Cancer has targeted your house of relationships, making this a tumultuous period in your romantic life. While not necessarily easy, the purpose of this phase was to help connect you to your emotional truth. 

This would have brought opportunities for healing in your existing relationship, along with the ability to be clearer about what you want moving forward. 

As Mars stations direct, it’s time to take all you’ve learned and begin putting it into action. 

Any challenges will resolve, but only if you can start prioritizing the emotional connection you share with your partner — knowing nothing is as important as the bond you both share.

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aquarius love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Life has felt busier than normal recently, dear Aquarius. With numerous aspects of life tugging on your time and energy, you may have felt depleted or stretched beyond your limits. 

This phase aims to help you understand the boundaries you need to feel like your best self and how to protect your romantic life from outside influence. 

You can’t control the world or the actions of others, but you can be proactive in protecting the most sacred part of your life. 

Mars direct in Cancer will soften your life and allow you to see how easy it is to choose what and who matters most.

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pisces love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Dreams require your dedication, sweet Pisces. Dedication isn’t solely about never giving up but also recognizing the gentle way you must hold a dream so that it can come to fruition in its own time. You can’t force any process, especially a creative or romantic one.

 The past few months were about you learning to gently hold what you want while realizing it doesn’t mean you can directly act on it — just yet. 

As Mars stations direct, you will feel your life force intensify and start to notice a surge in synchronistic events. 

This will help bring about the manifestation of dreams into your life and confirm that you are on the right track.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
