5 Signs The Universe Sends When Your Third Eye Is Open & Protecting You
Feeling weird lately? Your third eye may be open.

Have you ever felt like you have a keen sense of intuition, inner wisdom, and a deeper understanding of the world? You may be in luck. These heightened perceptions might not be coincidental — they could be signs that your third eye is opening, providing a clearer view of the energies surrounding you and protecting you.
Are you struggling to figure out if your third eye is open or if you’re imagining it? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Qi master and influencer David Wong took to TikTok to share the five clear signs that your third eye is open and protecting you.
5 signs your third eye is fully active:
Your third eye, an invisible energy center between your eyebrows, is not a literal eye but a powerful point of intuition and spiritual awareness. It’s often called the "Seat of the Soul" and is a key belief in spiritual traditions like Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism.
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1. Angel numbers
“First up, repeating numbers like 1111 or 333 — you might think it’s just [a] coincidence, but nope, it’s far from it,” explained Wong. He adds that these are angel numbers, messages from the higher realm guiding you to exactly where you need to be. Paying attention to these numbers can help you align with your true path and purpose.
For instance, 1111, known as the “make a wish” number, signals that angelic forces are supporting you. When you see it, celebrate. It confirms that everything is on track and divinely guided.
2. Moments of synchronicity
Have you ever felt the urge to call someone, and when you do, they tell you they dreamed of you? Or perhaps you wrestled with a big question, only to have the answer appear out of nowhere? Wong said these are moments of synchronicity, guiding you through what he called “the tangled web of life.”
Author Gregg Levoy, writing for Psychology Today, suggested that when you're on the right path, the universe sends signs to confirm it. As you start recognizing these cosmic clues, you'll see them everywhere. He said the most important gift synchronicities offer is astonishment — a sense of assurance that reminds us of life's wonder and its strange, unexpected moments.
3. Heightened Sensitivity
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Another sign your third eye is active is heightened sensitivity. Wong asked, “[Have you] ever walked into the room and immediately sensed the mood?” That’s a sign your third eye is helping you pick up on the energy in the room, whether it’s joy, sorrow, tension, or a range of other emotions that may be invisible to others but clear to you.
In another of his videos, Wong warned that opening your third eye can be overwhelming, as you can easily pick up on others' emotions and, worse, your true self, which can disorient you. Without preparation or the ability to maintain emotional balance, it can be difficult not to let these feelings affect you. He recommended grounding yourself through meditation. Most importantly, don’t be in a rush to open your third eye; take your time, and you’re likely to be able to handle it better.
4. Intense Dreams
“[Have you] ever [woken] up feeling like you just lived another life in your sleep? That’s your third eye exploring deeper realms while you’re off in dreamland,” explained Wong. He added that intense dreams are more than subconscious noise; they are experiences and lessons from your deeper self, offering insight and sometimes helping you heal.
While intense dreams may reflect mental health or unresolved trauma, they also spark creativity. Many inventions, artworks, and breakthroughs have been inspired by dreams, and for some, they offer comfort after loss.
If you're curious, keep a dream journal to explore their meanings — your third eye may be guiding you to process your experiences and connect with your deeper self.
5. Intuition
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The last sign your third eye is fully active, according to Wong, is your intuition. It’s that strong gut feeling that something is about to happen — and then it does! Trusting your intuition helps you avoid danger and recognize opportunities.
If you find yourself doubting it, it may be a sign of overthinking. Learn to trust your instincts, allowing them to guide you, knowing that your third eye is working alongside you. Jen Michelle from Tiny Buddha offers tips on listening to your intuition: take a deep breath, relax, and notice how your body feels. Pay attention to any subtle hints it gives you. When making decisions, ask yourself if fear is driving you or if it’s truly what you want.
Mina Rose Morales is a writer and photojournalist with a degree in journalism. She covers a wide range of topics, including psychology, self-help, relationships, and the human experience.