3 Chinese Zodiac Signs Attracting Financial Success The Week Of February 24 - March 2
Sweet success in money and finances for these animal signs.

Good news is here for three Chinese zodiac signs who attract financial success from February 24 to March 2, 2025. They are: Monkey, Ox, and Tiger. But before we look at their horoscopes, here are the messages for success for everyone.
This week's I Ching hexagram of success is Heaven over Thunder (#25). It carries with it the spirit of “innocence,” reminding us that sometimes people stumble upon success when they allow their pure intentions and heartfelt passion to guide them forward.
For example, an artist who creates something because they are moved to create it will be more successful than the one who does so just to appease an imaginary crowd of people who may even secretly despise their creations. Such success is difficult to replicate or copy because the spark and spirit that drives the creation is unique to you.
Take some time to think about the areas of life that truly bring out the best in you this week. Then, ask yourself if you can take something from them to help you on your life path. It can just be inspiration, but the joy that comes through will change the vibe of what you do in beautiful ways.
Three Chinese zodiac signs attract financial success the week of February 24 - March 2, 2025:
1. Monkey
Design: YourTango
Monkey, you will have an excellent financial week with windfalls of opportunities and money. Entrepreneurs, take note! Your business will soar high. Others may get a promotion that improves their quality of life.
Depending on your birth year, you will attract more financial success when you lean into your elemental nature. Whether you are a wood, fire, earth, metal, or water Monkey, let yourself seek out the qualities that define that element. Friends of compatible elements (not just zodiac signs) will aid too.
If you have felt financially blocked in the past, now's the time to look within and see if you have allowed any bad habits to run rampant in your life. Capitulating to peer pressure and spending all your money to avoid conflict is also a bad habit, so don't ignore that.
Your power color this week is greenish-gray (also called “Xanadu”). Having this in your home decor will help tremendously.
2. Ox
Design: YourTango
Ox, you will have terrific success financially this week! So celebrate your wins with those who helped and were on your team, or with your loved ones if you did this solo.
Don't just cruise onto the next goal because you feel you will jinx your victory. Even a silent celebration is important to keep morale and boost your self-esteem for future challenges.
You will also thrive when you lean into the power of engineering to help you make your life better. Look for solutions that work without just the superficial flash.
If you have felt blocked financially, you may need to do a ritual to ward off the evil eye. Some of you have envious people in your surroundings who would rather have the entire world burn than fix any problems through collaboration and a positive community.
Your power color this week is brown-red. Animal totems with this color in their appearance, like brown bears, golden eagles, red pandas will benefit you too.
3. Tiger
Design: YourTango
Tiger, you will be financially successful this week, all because of the concentrated efforts you made in the past and the way you refused to ignore what you observed. There's power in leaning into knowledge and know-how, which will be your boon this week.
You can continue to thrive when you keep your diet clean and healthy. Batch freezing can also help you break out of bad habits and tap into the power of intention-setting.
If you have felt blocked from being financially successful, look at your financial role models. Sometimes, the Insta life can lead to bad financial habits, while tried-and-tested wisdom from the past may work wonders.
Your power color this week is gray. Wearing more gray will help you find peace within and also be meditative, thus allowing you to act when you must and succeed like a star!
Valeria Black is a Tarot Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.