Each Zodiac Sign's Luckiest Day Of The Week From February 24 - March 2, 2025
When it comes to luck, some you create for yourself and some days the universe hands it to you on a silver platter.

Each zodiac sign's luckiest day of the week of February 24 to March 2, 2025 reveals when your luck comes through to maximize your odds of success.
As you begin to traverse the depths of Pisces season, the Pisces New Moon rises on Thursday, February 27, sending a download of informational energy to guide your path. A New Moon offers you a new beginning in your life, and in Pisces, it connects you with a spiritual purpose and the elements of hope and faith that appear to increase your luck.
This week's Pisces energy can often feel like there is a haze surrounding you, making it impossible to know if you are on the right path or not. However, with faith, you can continue and allow yourself to surrender to the divine plan that the universe has in store.
The most poignant transit of the week arrives on Saturday, March 1, as Venus stations retrograde in Aries for the next forty days. Venus represents themes of romance, finance, self-worth, and real estate. And since Venus is about love, believe that self-love and faith are involved.
While retrogrades are often feared because of the changes that they bring to your life, there is also an immense amount of luck found within these phases as well. Venus retrograde in Aries allows you to reflect, however, it will also increase your confidence allowing you to not hesitate in manifesting what you most desire.
Venus will be retrograde in Aries until March 27, when it will shift into Pisces before stationing direct on April 12. It’s important to not rush this process and allow yourself to receive the wisdom this transit will bring to your life as you trust that everything is truly happening for your greatest good, even when you are dealing with uncertainty for the future.
Each zodiac sign's luckiest day of the week from February 24 - March 2, 2025:
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Luckiest day of the week for Aries: Saturday, March 1
Luck begins when you take a journey within your inner self, Aries. Venus will station retrograde in Aries on Saturday, March 2, inviting you into a portal of self-discovery. This retrograde can hold immense possibilities for you as you can discover new dreams and aspirations by understanding what your divine purpose is.
Be willing to revisit ideas from your past and take on the energy of exploring what arises. By embracing this fortunate time, you can discover a new sense of authenticity as well as tap into greater creativity.
You may also see improvements in your self-image during this time as you will be able to radiate your inner truth. This is a period of a makeover of your inner self and one that will allow you to focus on what matters most so you can achieve the success you desire.
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Luckiest day of the week for Taurus: Thursday, February 27
Be open to divine redirections, Taurus. Let go of any stagnancy and allow yourself to embrace changes in your life that generates good will and luck. On February 27, Mercury in Pisces will align with Uranus in Taurus, signifying an internal shift and new possibilities through luck and good fortune.
You must let yourself release what is no longer working in your life so that you can have space to dream. There are so many possibilities in your life, you just need to be accepting change instead of running from it.
Mercury in Pisces is in your house of wishes and networking, while Uranus in Taurus is helping you evolve into your higher self. As the two meet, there will be a pivotal moment in your journey that allows you to transform your life and seize an exciting new offer. Let go of any fear and take this redirection from the universe.
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Luckiest day of the week for Gemini: Tuesday, February 25
The work will always be worth it, Gemini. You may be wondering when you are going to catch a break in your professional life. It has felt like the last few years have brought immense work and commitment to this area of your life.
You’ve already seen the rewards start manifesting, it doesn’t mean you can start backing off what you’re investing into this area of your life. On Tuesday, February 25, Mercury and Saturn will unite in Pisces, creating a lucky opportunity to plan for your success.
Use this highly fortunate energy to put into place the logical plans for what you are hoping to achieve. While Pisces tends to carry abstract energy, Mercury and Saturn ask you to harness that and formulate it into a plan that will lead to the life of your dreams. Don’t give up now, especially as you’re almost in the place to receive everything you’ve been working so hard for.
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Luckiest day of the week for Cancer: Thursday, February 27
Step out of the old and into the new, Cancer. The Pisces New Moon on February 27 offers you a shining moment of hope. Pisces rules over your house of luck, while the New Moon brings about a new beginning on Thursday when your luck peaks during the week.
This energy can help you set intentions for the direction that you hope to take your life in, by expanding your possibilities. The New Moon in Pisces is a fortunate time when anything will seem possible, and you will be feeling greater luck with hope for the future.
This is the perfect energy for you, as the last few months or years have been challenging. Don’t let yourself continue to subscribe to the worry, doubt, or sadness that you’ve had to endure.
Let this be the beginning of a new era in your life where you allow yourself to embrace opportunities, step out of your comfort zone, and know that you are ready to live the life you deserve.
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Luckiest day of the week for Leo: Saturday, March 1
Every challenge can lead to an awakening, Leo. Don’t let yourself miss out on an opportunity for an upgrade, just because it is arriving within an uncomfortable process.
Venus will station retrograde in Aries on March 1 in your house of expansion and luck making Saturday your luckiest day of the week. This period is meant to help you reevaluate your dreams and goals so that you can realign yourself with what is most important. You may also be driven to reflect on your purpose, and whether you feel truly aligned with your soul.
While you will see career advancements during this time you need to be mindful to not distract yourself with matters of work. Use this to reflect on whether you’re truly living the life that you desire, or if you’re settling for what seems easy. Let yourself start living on purpose and trust that it’s never too late to start following your dreams.
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Luckiest day of the week for Virgo: Thursday, February 27
The best moments always happen unexpectedly, Virgo. So many aspects of your life have felt magical recently that it can be hard to imagine anything being able to get better. Yet, that is precisely what will happen as Mercury in Pisces aligns with Uranus in Taurus on Thursday, February 27, your very lucky day of the week.
Mercury in Pisces helps you focus on what you love, while Uranus in Taurus is encouraging you to try new experiences. Together, Mercury and Uranus are encouraging you to truly create a life of luck that you love.
A life that you love is built by experiences that help fuel you, rather than exhaust or deplete you. Use this energy to take stock of your life and be willing to release anything that truly doesn’t contribute to your overall joy and satisfaction.
You may receive a surprise offer or encounter a shocking twist of fate around this time, so as always, it’s important to be an open-minded, deep thinker. Life has felt good recently, but that doesn’t mean it’s not about to get so much better.
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Luckiest day of the week for Libra: Tuesday, February 25
Keep your dreams private, Libra. While you tend to like to involve others in your plans, you’re currently moving into a phase where you will need to keep your dreams private. This will be amplified as Mercury and Saturn unite in Pisces on Tuesday, February 25, which is your luckiest day this week.
Under this influence, you will feel a stronger dedication to matters of work and will be able to be detail-oriented in your approach. You can make enormous strides in your career during this time, especially if you work from home or have a side business you’re trying to launch.
By keeping your dreams and aspirations private during this fated time, you can ensure that you won’t be susceptible to any outside influences, which will be important as it looks like not everyone in your life is truly supportive.
Recognize when it is your time to shine, versus collaboration with others. Right now, keep your head down and focus on yourself so that you can truly make the most of this fortunate opportunity and manifest all of your dreams without saying a word.
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Luckiest day of the week for Scorpio: Thursday, February 27
Embrace your inner muse, Scorpio. You can underestimate yourself when it comes to what you can achieve or manifest. However, you have a deep well of creativity that you will be able to tap into once the New Moon in Pisces peaks on your luckiest day this week: Thursday, February 27.
The New Moon in Pisces will help you embrace your creativity and launch a successful new project. Whether it’s related to the arts, writing, or simply an endeavor that is close to your heart, you are on track to exceed your expectations.
This is a fortunate time of new beginnings that will allow you to create swift, but long-lasting success in your life, but you must allow yourself to connect with your inner muse.
Don’t second guess your inner thoughts, or question your intuition. You are creative and because of that, you can feel confident that the lucy success you desire will be found by believing in yourself and all of your gifts.
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Luckiest day of the week for Sagittarius: Saturday, March 1
You deserve a redo, Sagittarius. It can often feel like once you miss out on a particular opportunity it is gone forever. However, when something is truly meant for you, the universe will keep bringing it back around until you can choose it.
By embracing themes of self-growth and confidence, you can feel ready to create change in your entire life. Your luckiest day of the week comes via Venus retrograde in Aries on Saturday, March 1 in your house of creativity, joy, and commitment.
When this occurs be mindful of not succumbing to any self-sabotaging thoughts and instead see this for the opportunity that it is. Venus retrograde helps you return to previous ideas, projects, or relationships that are destined for you.
Be willing to explore what fortune surfaces and believe that anything truly meant for you will never be ruined or removed from your life. Take the lessons from this fated time, so that you can turn it into the greatest comeback story of all time.
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Luckiest day of the week for Capricorn: Tuesday, February 25
Be willing to commit to your dreams, Capricorn. On Tuesday, February 25, Mercury and Saturn will unite in Pisces, bringing about a fortunate opportunity to commit to your dreams.
Pisces rules over communication, agreements, and contracts, so this may bring about a significant lucky development in your professional life. Let this serve as confirmation that you are ready to accept a new job offer, start a project, or an investment opportunity to make more money — especially if it feels like it gets you closer to your dreams.
This energy invites you to commit to what you feel is meant for you, if you can’t see how all the pieces align just yet. Embrace your faith and hope that you are being called to show up at this moment because it represents a pivotal turning point on your journey.
You will be blessed with a deep intelligence and practicality that will allow you to know this is the stroke of luck you’ve been working for — and so it’s time to fully commit to your success and the life you want.
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Luckiest day of the week for Aquarius: Thursday, February 27
You are worthy of receiving everything you’ve ever dreamed of, Aquarius. There have been so many lessons recently affirming your worth and gaining respect from others to gain the deservingness of what you desire.
This has all been part of a divine process because you need to understand your inherent value, before being offered opportunities for an upgrade. On Thursday, February 27 your luckiest day of the week involves Mercury in Pisces. Mercury will align with Uranus in Taurus, bringing in greater financial wealth and significant fulfillment.
Mercury in Pisces represents themes of self-worth and wealth, while Uranus in Taurus signifies sudden strokes of. luck. This lucky break will be coming from a family member, house, or previous investment. Your new financial offer or upgrade will be unexpected; however, trust in what is being presented to you during this fortuitous time.
Know your worth, and don’t waste time questioning the lucky gifts that the universe is bringing into your life. Not every reward must be worked for, as some are just meant to be received with gratitude.
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Luckiest day of the week for Pisces: Thursday, February 27
Set new goals on your luckiest day this week, Pisces. The February 27th Pisces New Moon will bring new opportunities for success, money and growth in your life. You have been waiting for a breakthrough moment this month, and on Thursday, you'll receive confirmation that you have indeed been on the right path.
As the second New Moon of the year peaks, you will receive what you’ve been waiting for — and be ushered into a new beginning. Themes surrounding how you interact with the world, and how you see yourself will figure in heavily in this fortunate time.
Be willing to create more luck by testing out new dreams and stretch yourself beyond any previous limitations. You may find that your intuition is heightened during this time, helping you to see opportunities you hadn’t previously considered.
The most important aspect of this advantageous lunation is to be willing to try new methods to achieve success while realizing that you already have everything you need to succeed within you.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.