Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On February 20 — The Moon Aligns With Venus

Thursday's love horoscope comes with revelations for the astrological signs.

love horoscope February 20 2025 Design: YourTango

The love horoscopes for Thursday, February 20 show the Sagittarius Moon aligning with Venus in Aries, inspiring you to focus on your relationship with yourself to help you attract the love that is meant for you into your life. 

The Moon in Sagittarius is inspiring you to explore new depths of feeling and be open to seeing connections and patterns in your life. As the Moon in Sagittarius aligns with Venus in Aries, you will be motivated to shift your perspective and focus on yourself to strengthen your external relationships


Focusing on the love you have for yourself, which may include themes of healing, will help you attract the relationship that is meant for you in your life. Any love or relationship you attract into your life will only ever mirror your connection with yourself. If you want a healthier or better love, look first within yourself. 

When you change the relationship you have with yourself, what you attract into your life shifts — and the more you love yourself, the greater the love you will receive.


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The love horoscopes for each zodiac sign on February 20, 2025:



aries love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Open yourself up to new possibilities, Aries. You can tend to hold past lovers in high regards, so that after you break up, you still remain in contact with them. This ends up having you romanticize these past relationships but also ends up closing you off from meeting someone new. 

Try to understand that if you were meant to be with someone from your past, you would be. Try to cut the records of any previous exes and let yourself start to entertain new possibilities. 

Someone you’ve never met may be able to love you better than a person that’s been in your life for years. Yet the only way you will see for sure is to open yourself up to new possibilities.

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taurus love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Be creative in your approach, dear Taurus. When a certain way of approaching a relationship or partner doesn’t seem to be working, your only option is for you to change.

 You’ve been trying hard to keep the peace and be encouraging, however, that has not attracted the results that you were hoping for. 

Try to become creative in how you approach your romantic life, testing out new ways of communicating or holding space. Be forthright in your desires and step away from stereotyping yourself. 

The relationship in your life may be able to be saved, but in order to do that, you need to embrace your own power to change.

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gemini love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

A relationship will never make you choose beautiful Gemini. When someone is truly aligned with your soul, they will make life better. It’s not that they bring into your life what you were lacking, but they do emphasize what you’ve already created. 

Yet in this process, they will never make you choose between them and the life that you love. Be mindful of any choices it feels like you must make, recognizing that you have to be true to yourself in order to have the relationship that genuinely is meant to be in your life.

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cancer love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Change isn’t so scary, when you’re the one in charge, Cancer. It may feel overwhelming or  a bit scary to realize just how much power you have over your life at this time. 

Yet, you are finally in charge of your own destiny. Take ownership over how empowered you are at this time, and rise to any occasion for change. The current energy is going to help you honor yourself and create a life that will be a true representation of who you authentically are. 

The bonus is of course, that it will also attract that great love into your life. Don’t worry about finding love though, just keep choosing yourself so you can attract the one who will choose you.

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leo love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Become the person you’ve always wanted to attract into your life, dear Leo. Your romantic life has been going through a transformation process as you’ve grown in incredible ways recently. 

However, you may be putting energy into this connection that you’re receiving. Rather than focusing any energy on how to save or help this relationship, focus on becoming the romantic partner you’ve always desired. 

This may have you taking off on a new path, yet it’s also the best way to know if your current relationship is one that is meant to continue to grow with you.

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virgo love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Surrender to the process, sweet Virgo. You don’t need to do or become someone different to attract the love that you desire. 

This also means it’s not a matter of you changing to improve a relationship, but in taking the stance of allowing. When you move into a space of allowing, you let yourself surrender to the process, rather than trying to fight for where you think it should go. 

This will help you have the space to focus on yourself, so that you don’t continue to feel exhausted by this relationship. There are changes in store within your domestic sector, however, remember that change isn’t always a bad thing.

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libra love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Speak up for what you want, Libra. Ever since Venus shifted into Aries you’ve been encouraged to become assertive and forthcoming with your ideas and desires. 

This may have felt uncomfortable, as you tend to go along with whatever your partner wants but it is a necessary step in this relationship. 

With the current energy, you are being guided to embrace your emotions and speak up for what you want. This concerns the course of your relationship and what you need from a partner and will finally deliver the clarity you’ve been needing to make any future decisions.

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scorpio love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Certain themes will keep returning until you are ready to deal with them, Scorpio. What you are is what you will attract. Yet what you believe to be true is also what you will attract into your life. 

If you’re dissatisfied with what you’re attracting into your life or the current state of your relationship the key to change exists within yourself. You have to be honest with yourself about what you need, and what you feel you truly deserve. 

This is what has been missing from your life up to this point and is the reason that it may have seemed like nothing was actually changing. Get to the root of what is really going on, and you will finally see the growth you’ve longed for.

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sagittarius love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You are in charge of your destiny, Sagittarius. In the past you’ve often given your power away, not realizing that the love you have for yourself serves as a mirror for what you will attract. 

During this phase you made choices in your romantic life that you thought you should, rather than based on what you genuinely wanted. 

Yet, this is a phase that you are beginning to come out of, and so it’s important to take stock of your feelings. Spend time reflecting on your inner self, and what feelings may have changed, so that you can be sure from this point on you truly are attracting what you want into your life.

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capricorn love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Focus on the love, dear Capricorn. Slow down and let yourself focus on the love in your life. Instead of reflecting only on goals or how to practically create a better life for you and your partner, make the choice to focus on love. 

This comes down to holding emotional space for yourself, and letting your feelings dictate the decisions that you make. A relationship isn’t only about commitment or in planning the details, but in making time to feel. 

You can often become disconnected from your partner, but it’s not representative of your relationship. When you make space for love, you can see just how deep the connection is with that special person in your life.

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aquarius love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Your relationship is only between you and the person you are in love with, beautiful Aquarius. Today may bring outside interference into your relationship that could cause difficulties. 

While you can’t control the choices of others, you can control the effect you let it have on you. Relationships can be messy, especially the older you get, and the moving pieces that are involved. 

But rather than focusing on the outside interference today, try to return to the bond that you share with your partner. You may have to practice boundaries with those who you are looking to disrupt your plans or voice their opinions. Yet, by doing so, you can feel confident you are honoring yourself and your relationship in the process.

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pisces love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Invest in the relationship you have with yourself, dear Pisces. You’ve recently started to open up and hold space for what you want to attract into your romantic life. However, you mustn’t let that have you start focusing all your energy on what you don’t have as of yet.

 When you pour into the relationship you have with yourself, you can be sure that you're sending out a clear energy of what you want to attract into your life. In your case, this isn’t so much about love but truly feeling like you value yourself and what you bring into a relationship. 

Be sure to spend time feeling good about yourself, so that you can attract someone that truly will love you in the ways you are dreaming of.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
