Love Horoscopes For Each Zodiac Sign On February 8 — The Mercury Cazimi Is Here
Being direct isn’t always easy, but it is the best choice in knowing whether a relationship is meant for you or not.

On February 8, the Sun and Mercury will align in Aquarius, affecting each zodiac sign's love horoscope and relationship. Mercury travels into the heart of the Sun as it begins a new cycle, forming a cazimi, marking a new beginning in how you express yourself in your relationship.
Mercury is the planet of communication, so it profoundly influences each zodiac sign's romantic life. Be mindful of how you speak in love this Saturday, trusting that you can only follow your heart when you’re being direct about what you want. Remember, communication is essential in love, not just in what you say but also in how you decipher your thoughts.
While Mercury represents the words you speak, the Sun governs the actions you take. The energy today isn’t just one that promotes directness in your relationship but also inspires the action to follow through.
With Mercury cazimi in Aquarius, look for an innovative and creative solution to any recent challenges. This air sign inspires you to be direct and trust the process, knowing there’s no reason to hold back your truth in a relationship you hope will last forever.
Each zodiac sign's love horoscope on February 8, 2025:
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Open up to new and exciting connections in your life, dear Aries. Mercury Cazimi enhances your ability for mental intimacy as you are drawn to participate in engaging and profound conversations with your partner and those around you.
This may help to draw new love into your life if you’re single or rekindle an existing relationship. You need to be mindful of holding the space for openness, not just in who you connect with but also in the ideas that you share. Let yourself learn from those around you and be present in the moment.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You are empowered to make the changes you’ve sought, sweet Taurus. You have a divine way of grounding yourself and seeing what others may miss. In a relationship, this inspires you to take the lead and direct a romantic connection in the direction you feel is best.
Mercury Cazimi will heighten this ability, increasing your confidence and your ability to be direct with your feelings and visions for love. Be mindful of still holding space for your partner’s feelings and ideas during this time, as you will need to focus your energy on finding a compromise that is best for the both of you.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Explore what resonates with your soul, beautiful Gemini. You are an air sign, meaning you must allow yourself to flow with whatever energy you are feeling. The current influence of Aquarius energy is directing you toward new possibilities and dreams regarding romance.
Mercury Cazimi will bring in an offer that can direct your path in a new direction – but you must allow yourself to take it. Go where it feels like the energy is flowing effortlessly rather than continuing to fight against any currents.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You create the rules that you choose to live by dearest Cancer. In this new phase of your life, you are being guided to realize just how much power you have over the life you live.
You don’t need to subscribe to the rules or ideals of others but instead embrace your unique perspective. You may find yourself rebelling against the status quo, whether in a relationship or currently single.
This energy is helping you understand that there are no rules to achieving your forever love, so you can begin to write your own. Embrace your most authentic self and trust the decisions you are being guided to make.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Your words should foster growth in your relationship, dear Leo. Use the energy of Mercury Cazimi to plan a deep conversation with your partner today. In this conversation it focuses on themes of understanding, compromise and paving a new path forward.
A great deal has happened in your relationship since the start of the year, but it’s not too late to focus on healing and how to continue to grow together.
Be direct with what you’ve been feeling and why you’ve been having doubts, but also hold space for your partner to do the same. Be mindful of taking anything personally and focus on the actions that will allow this relationship to grow.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Your greatest strength lies within you, being yourself, sweet Virgo. You are known for excelling within the details of love, which allows you to manifest all you dream of. Recently, you’ve been guided to hold space for your partner to step up and practice gratitude.
However, the energy of Mercury cazimi will invite you to honor once again what you are best at. There is a balance between carrying the weight of the relationship on your shoulders and becoming passive in your connection.
Let yourself approach your partner as your true self, but don’t do the work for them. You have incredible ideas for resolving a particular issue, but you must make sure you’re holding space for your partner to support you in the ways you need.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Allow yourself to express your deepest truth, dear Libra. Mercury cazimi is intensifying the current energy, inviting you to become assertive and direct when communicating with your partner.
Your ability to discern what is best for you ensures you’re not participating in people-pleasing within your current relationship.
You may feel enthusiastic about how you express yourself and your dreams today. Pay attention to how your partner responds, as being direct will never make you too much for the love that is meant for you.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Slow down, beautiful Scorpio. The current energy could make you feel like your thoughts are racing in a million different directions.
This may cause you to question yourself or feel you can’t trust yourself to know your choice. Instead of getting swept up in the illusion of urgency, allow yourself to slow down.
Focus on matters connected to the home you share with your partner or the influence of certain family members. Reflect on your options and journal to help you understand what feels best for you.
There is no reason you must rush ahead, but you need to slow down and organize your thoughts before taking action.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Suddenly, everything looks different, sweet Sagittarius. Mercury cazimi in Aquarius brings a moment of awakening where you are suddenly faced with divine inspiration and a new understanding of your romantic life.
You may find yourself challenging previous decisions you’ve made or wanting to take your life in a completely different direction.
Allow yourself to trust in the ideas and downloads you receive today. While you have been searching for answers, they may catch you off guard when they suddenly arrive today. You’ve been looking for this, so embrace what comes and know you are ready to take a step toward love.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Focus on embracing themes of partnership in your life, Capricorn. You can tend to take the lead in your romantic life; however, it doesn’t always serve your highest good. Mercury cazimi encourages you to see matters from a unique perspective.
As long as you focus on working together in your partnership, this energy can help you to figure out a solution to an ongoing issue. Instead of looking at who is right and wrong, try to visualize yourself and your partner on the same side of whatever you are trying to work through.
You don’t need to take the lead on this, Capricorn, but you need to make sure you’re working to find the best solution together.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Embrace your most radical ideas, divine Aquarius. Mercury cazimi is occurring in your zodiac sign, heightening your self-confidence and desire to take action. In Aquarius, you are guided to become radical in how you express yourself and what you want to manifest in your relationship.
This is a call to be honest about what you want in your romantic life, as it’s the only way to achieve your goals. You don’t need to be submissive or make assumptions at this point. Instead, it comes down to you clearly articulating your feelings or how you are looking to progress a relationship.
The universe empowers you to take charge of your destiny and go after what you most want.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Be careful what you tell yourself, dear Pisces. You may feel in your head more than you have been recently.
This may have caused you to isolate yourself from romantic possibilities or other important connections. Instead of fighting against the feelings and thoughts arising, create space to honor them.
Validate yourself, Pisces, but hold space to focus on your emotional well-being. You may need to focus on themes connected to self-healing, especially if you’ve been hard on yourself lately or feel like you will be alone forever.
While you may benefit from some quiet, you also should open yourself up to receive support from those in your life. Make plans with your partner or friends today instead of just sitting around feeling bad for yourself.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.