The Life Lesson Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Learn From January 20 - 26, 2025
The Moon and Mars intensify the astrological energy this week.
What life lesson might your zodiac sign need to learn the week of January 20, 2025? Things intensify with the Libra Moon healing our hearts and opening us to the concept of love now that Aquarius season has begun.
On January 21, the Moon in Scorpio will make a trine to Mars in Cancer, awakening us from the lethargic energy of the retrograde in the last several weeks. The Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius Moon appears on January 23, making a sextile to the Sun.
With Mars direct on January 23, we can all feel more energized and prepared to put our all into the work we do. The weekend brings warmth and provides comfort that can help us feel optimistic for the week ahead.
The life lesson each zodiac sign needs to learn from January 20 - 26, 2025:
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Finding your footing early this week can be difficult, but with Mars stationing direct on January 23, things can work in your favor. With your ruler now back on track, you are given the green light to focus your energy on pending responsibilities and/or your creative endeavors.
During this period, you may connect with a hobby linked to your home that helps you learn an important life lesson about how to release stress and allow your creativity to shine through.
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Developing more structure this week can be challenging, but you need to remind yourself to take things one day at a time. A positive transit this week will be Mars stationing direct, clearing out any mental blocks, and helping you learn a much-needed life lesson that brings inspiration through your connections with others. Aquarius season gives you the essentials to work things through and reconcile if needed.
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There may be tensions with relationships this week, but your charm can help you win the hearts of others with Venus aspecting your sign. Now that Mars is stationing direct on January 23, you learn a life lesson on the importance of being a team player and collaborating when you feel stressed or burnt out. With Jupiter in your sign, you are learning to value friendships.
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Being more vulnerable may have been a product of this Mars transit in your sign. It's teaching you how to be more present with your emotions and how to protect your boundaries, especially if you get carried away by impulsive energy.
Now that the planet is stationing direct on January 23, the life lesson you need to learn will be how to get back to basics, clear out any roadblocks and fix what was not working.
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During this week’s transits, Aquarius season may bring to light some of the challenges you are facing within those close relationships. Now is your moment to take charge and plan to strengthen those connections.
Mars stationing direct gives you insight and teaches you patience. After all, Mars may have you holding back words, but now you may need to learn an important life lesson. You learn how to feel more confident with your expression, and communication during this period can feel potent.
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As the Sun enters Aquarius, your career sector lights up, and you may feel pressure. You could be given more responsibilities, but Saturn’s opposition to your sign has been a saving grace because you know how to handle the surprises, and it is also helping you to work more efficiently. You receive support from Mars direct this week; ultimately, you need to learn a life lesson that expands your horizons.
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Mars is helping you bulldoze through tasks even when you may feel sluggish. Focus on completing those tasks patiently since, through these experiences; you are growing and understanding more about your career aspirations before Jupiter enters Cancer later this year. Aquarius season can also bring excitement with the trine from Jupiter to the Sun in the next several weeks, allowing you to feel bolder. You learn life lessons about how to be courageous.
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Things get exciting with the Sun in Aquarius, energizing the square with Pluto to your sign. Even with the square, you are entering a period of growth and self-assurance that allows you to stay ahead. You will learn a life lesson about love. If you pour yourself love and care, the next several weeks can be enlightening and powerful.
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The Sun is part of your chart that can help you align with your goals and purpose for the next several weeks. Even with Jupiter retrograde teaching you how to slow down. You can still learn an invaluable life lesson: It's important to appreciate learning new things that stimulate your mind and spirit.
The Sun in Aquarius also presents opportunities for connecting with your imaginative side. Take advantage of the muses you connect with during this period.
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Now that Aquarius season has begun, you are working with new tools as the period centers on the opposition you are receiving from Mars. Working well with others will be tough, but you can learn how to conjure solutions through this storm — a period to let your charming side shine through as you shift your communication.
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With the Sun joining Pluto in your sign, this period may feel overwhelming, but the transformations are activated and pushing you to evolve in life. Utilize this fruitful moment to enhance your romantic life, and you will learn to be more vulnerable with your partner.
If you are single, you will meet new people who can help you find new experiences, so be open to participating in groups and collaborating on projects for the next several weeks.
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The Sun in Aquarius lights up the darkest sector of your chart, preparing you for your season. It can feel overwhelming and lonely, but Venus is in your sign, giving you hope, love, and courage.
The next several weeks bring new initiatives and challenges to focus on as you find your balance through these Saturn transits. The life lesson you need to learn is to be mindful of your energy and needs during this time, so make sure to go slow.
A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.