Love Horoscope For Tuesday, January 14, 2025 —  Venus Squares Jupiter

Venus in Pisces is turning the dial on romance, desire and soul-connected relationships.

Love Horoscope For Tuesday, January 14, 2025 Design: YourTango

On January 14, 2025, our daily love horoscope teaches us that there is never a need to rush love or any romantic decision. However, when you feel pressured to make a decision or speed matters along, it’s essential to ask yourself why. 

This will be crucial as Venus in the zodiac sign of Pisces squares retrograde Jupiter in Gemini on Tuesday, January 14, bringing an excess of positive feelings and the urgency to decide. Enjoy the moments of love, but know that no matter the circumstance, you don’t need to rush into making a decision that will affect the rest of your life.


Venus in Pisces represents an incredible time for romance as you will be drawn into unconditional love and the feeling that you and your partner are meant to be together. Yet, as Venus in Pisces squares off with retrograde Jupiter in Gemini, you may not see the full picture, or what you see may seem impossible. 

Venus and retrograde Jupiter create conflict between each zodiac sign's desires and their fulfillment. Whether this is in terms of a new relationship, attracting your forever love, or ending a connection that has become problematic, it’s important to take your time. 

Jupiter will remain retrograde until February 4, so you have time to make any decisions. It is better to wait until you truly feel confident in your choice rather than rushing ahead and only being left with regret. Be open to what arises, but refuse to be rushed in the quest for your forever love.


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Each zodiac sign's love horoscope for Tuesday, January 14, 2025:


aries love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Be where you are, dearest Aries. You are full of big dreams and confident in manifesting them all, but you are being urged to be present right now. 

You can’t create the future you want if you don’t allow yourself to be where you are now. Spend time talking with your partner today about any issues that have been overlooked. 

Consider planning a spiritual retreat together or a trip that resonates with your soul. The key to making your dreams real is slowing down enough to be part of the planning process without feeling like you must rush toward a finish line.

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taurus love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Don’t believe everything you tell yourself, Taurus. Just because you’re moving ahead doesn’t mean that every day is guaranteed to be easy or that your personal work is done. 

Today could bring about feelings that you don’t deserve the love you seek or that special person in your life. You may be hard on yourself today, so try not to make any decisions or call off new relationships. 

Focus on your emotional healing to truly know you are worthy of receiving all you desire.

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gemini love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Open yourself up to living life on your terms, bold Gemini. You will feel ready to take charge and make some major decisions today. 

However, you’ve been planning for some time and are feeling ready to start the process. This would be especially beneficial if you want to meet someone new or return to the dating world. 

You will feel confident and secure, creating a magnetic aura around you. Just be mindful of not steamrolling over your partner in your exuberance, they will be on board with your decision, but it’s in how you approach it.

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cancer love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Give yourself some grace, Cancer. You want to set off on an exciting new chapter of your life, but that can’t be done by avoiding your healing. 

You have come so far in being able to prioritize your emotional needs and knowing that you don’t need to chase what is meant for you. 

But today, you would be better served by reflecting on what has held you back. This is the day to conquer your fears surrounding existing comfort zones to initiate a new beginning. 

Doing the inner work will put you in the best position possible for new love and adventure.

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leo love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Let yourself slow down, dear Leo. You don’t always need to lead the pack or rush off to put out fires you didn’t start. 

You are allowed to care for yourself and enjoy quiet time. This doesn’t mean that this will be a difficult time for you, but only that you must allow yourself to slow down to set a new precedent in your life. 

You may be more drawn to spending time with friends today than any romantic partner. Let yourself honor what you need right now, recognizing that you must listen to yourself if you hope to have your partner consider your needs. 

The world will be okay if you take a step back today, and you will be better for it.

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virgo love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Focus on what brings you the greatest joy, sweet Virgo. A desire is building within you to make major decisions in your life. Though surprising, these choices are about creating space for creativity, joy, love, and family in your life. 

You’re not expected to do it all, Virgo, and by allowing yourself to validate this desire for change, you could transform your relationship. 

Be mindful of giving too much energy to your professional life during this time, as you could end up neglecting some important personal matters or those who mean the most to you. 

Focus on your joy for once, and trust that right now, that’s all that matters.

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libra love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Nothing can satiate your craving for freedom other than listening to your intuition, beautiful Libra. You have a deep desire to free yourself from everything and take off on a new path if you have no idea where it will lead. 

This could be related to a new relationship or step in an existing one. However, this may also have to do with your purpose and following through on making your dreams happen. If that is the case, trust that the love you dream of will meet you there. 

But nothing will be gained by trying to talk yourself into a life that isn’t meant for you. Listen to your intuition and take the steps to free yourself.

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scorpio love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Life is better together, Scorpio. You may have gotten accustomed to doing everything alone or feeling like it was all your responsibility. But that has shifted recently, as a special person or romantic partner wants to do life with you. 

Grow and release those survival skills that had you doing everything independently. Make space for your partner and lean into working together. Whether it’s plans for the future or financial matters, it will benefit you to focus on doing it together. 

You don’t need to hold onto the previous ways you’ve been living, as the love you have in your life truly is meant to stay.

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sagittarius love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Don’t let anything make you doubt your faith in love, dear Sagittarius. You have been on a journey of self-healing and reevaluating your relationship needs and beliefs. 

Though this journey isn’t quite done, you’ve learned enough to know what genuinely resonates with your heart and what doesn’t. 

You may need to make some bold moves in the coming weeks regarding a particular relationship, especially if it involves someone your family hasn’t necessarily approved of. 

None of that matters anymore. When you know what and who you want, you become unstoppable. All you must do is not give up faith in having your forever.

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capricorn love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Be open to change, Capricorn. You are in the midst of an extremely beneficial period. This phase is about reprioritizing your life and making the necessary adjustments to have time for the person you love. 

You may have an honest and vulnerable conversation with your partner today. Though you may not be ready to take action on anything yet, let your partner in on your plans, as it will make all the difference. 

They don’t need you to have everything perfectly arranged, but to feel your intent, they will also feel seen and loved by you.

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aquarius love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Know you are worth it, Aquarius. You are worth effort and reciprocity. You are worth making time for and romantic plans. But you have to know that within yourself first to attract that into your life. 

Whether you are single or standing at a crossroads with your partner, focusing on truly feeling worthy today is important. You deserve all the good coming into your life, but you must know you deserve it to receive it. 

Try practicing some positive self-affirmations today, and be willing to take a risk when fulfilling your heart's desires.

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pisces love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Honor the slowness, dear Pisces. There is no reason to feel rushed in making changes or seizing new opportunities. 

Instead, you can take all the time you need for yourself. Although you tend always to seek a new adventure, often internationally, you’ve become a homebody recently. 

Your biggest source of joy is your home and those you share it with. It has taken you a long time to reach this point, so don’t think there’s any reason to rush through it. 

It is enough to enjoy the simple moments at home with the one you love. You have created so much of the life you once dreamed of, and you deserve to immerse yourself in it.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
