Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On December 5 — The Mercury Morning Star Is Here

We learn from the past and see things for what they are in our relationships.

love horoscope December 5 2024 zodiac signs Design: YourTango

Love horoscopes are here for each zodiac sign in astrology on December 5, 2024. Any regret or mistake is something you can learn from, and the Sun and retrograde Mercury aligning in Sagittarius offers a chance to do just that on Thursday.

Mercury is reborn as a morning star as it emerges from the underworld and begins a brand-new cycle on Thursday, as it merges with the Sun in Sagittarius. Though Mercury is retrograde until December 15, this marks the halfway point of its retrograde and a time when you can also conclude what it was meant to bring up for you. 


The Sun and Mercury together in Sagittarius creates an opportunity for you to learn, to become better and to change the course of your life by finally embracing the lessons of your past. This can help you have important conversations and take positive action in your life so that you can truly be confident that you’re not continuing the mistakes of your past but preparing to write a brand-new future.


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Love horoscopes for each zodiac sign on December 5, 2024:



aries weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Today is all about new beginnings, Aries, but you may want to pause and reflect on some of your past lessons. 

While this could affect any area of your life, it would be beneficial to focus more on your romantic life, particularly what went into deciding to say yes to a relationship or move in a different direction. 

You may not have been satisfied with your past decisions, but rather than wish you could rewrite history, take this time to learn from it. This will allow you to seize the opportunity for a new love coming into your life.

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taurus weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You will feel a growing excitement for change, Taurus, and though this may seem a little unfamiliar, it will help you transform your life. 

This new energy proves everyone wrong that earth signs are incapable of change as you will embrace and even initiate the process in your relationship that will have you living the life you’ve always dreamed of. 

Although you will need to take a risk in this process, you also have to forgive yourself when you choose comfort over growth. This will allow you to truly have a fresh new perspective so that there won’t be anything you can’t accomplish.

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gemini weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

No matter how long you have loved your partner, Gemini, it is still possible to have a new beginning. You haven’t necessarily been at odds with your partner, but that doesn’t mean everything has flowed smoothly. 

The new energy today will allow for deeper conversations about the past and the ability to forge a new agreement for the future of your relationship. Are you prepared to back up any of your words with actions? You can finally see ease return to your romantic life.

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cancer weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You are becoming more comfortable with change, dear Cancer, which will be of benefit as it will help you greatly in this new chapter of your life. 

But today’s energy may be one that you need solitude to move through as you reflect on what you’re willing to sacrifice and what is most important to you in this new beginning. 

Don’t overplan your day. Are you taking care of yourself in all the ways you need? While you are still on the threshold of change, you must know what you’re willing to risk for the love you’ve always wanted.

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leo weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Take a moment to be honest with yourself, Leo. Although it’s easy to beat yourself up over what has occurred in the past, the simple truth is that none of your other relationships lasted because they weren’t meant to. However, each connection helped you learn what would genuinely be in alignment with your truth. 

The energy today could provide opportunities for releasing past pain and developing a clearer idea about the kind of relationship you genuinely feel called to. Honesty will get you everywhere, especially when you can be honest about the love you genuinely want.

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virgo weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Dear Virgo, there have been a lot of hurts and even changes this year. But none of that has to take away from what you’ve created. It’s not that you’re happy despite all that has occurred, but that everything you and your partner experienced was a part of what you’re enjoying. 

Use the energy today to reflect on the past, specifically how your expectations went into the challenges that you faced. This will allow you to start looking toward the future, knowing you’ve learned what the past was meant to teach you.

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libra weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

A new beginning doesn’t always arrive with sunshine and rainbows, Libra. Sometimes, it’s the quiet moment in which you decide never to go back to what was because you have taken a risk to believe in what will be. 

You may have some regret today over the moments that you withheld your truth, or even how look it took you to realize it. But try to see this as evidence of your growth rather than letting it affect your confidence. 

Once you do, you can also promise never to sacrifice yourself for anyone else again, precisely what it takes to receive the love you’ve always needed.

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scorpio weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You may realize today that you’ve been underselling yourself, Scorpio. As much as you thought you’d grown and even healed, you may have a different perspective that allows you to see certain aspects of your life are still mirrors for your wounds. 

In acknowledging that you’ve been accepting less than you deserve, you may finally have a breakthrough moment to see how to change your relationship and life. 

When you know what you deserve, down to your soul, you lose the desire to be rescued because you’ve learned that you are the one you’ve been waiting for.

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sagittarius weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

This is a big moment for you, Sagittarius, and you need to celebrate it accordingly. You have moved through an immense growth phase, but because of that, you’re still making peace with what it has cost you. 

Nothing that was meant for you was ever lost, so rather than wondering why you didn’t make certain decisions sooner, try to focus on how to heal from the past so it doesn’t continue to affect your future choices. You have always done your best, and now is when you can finally understand how to do better.

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capricorn weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

A beautiful opportunity arrives for you, Capricorn, which will allow you to enjoy all the love that surrounds you truly. You may finally understand the importance of following your dreams and intuition as you see the deepening of a soulmate relationship in your life.

This doesn’t only help you heal from the past but also the fear of being truly seen by your partner. Today is truly a day for love, and you may even feel more dreamy than usual, so plan some quality time with that special person in your life and make the most of this beautiful moment.

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aquarius weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You may have an important conversation or offer today, Aquarius, which could help pave the way for your future dreams. You are wrapping up an incredible healing phase, and because of that, you’ve been trying to acclimate to this new energy that surrounds you. 

Today, there will be a conversation with a friend or even a past acquaintance that helps you see just how far you’ve come. This may even be a conversation with your current partner about your collective pasts, allowing you both to feel freer to start dreaming of the future. 

Regardless of how it shows up, this is the final piece in your healing that will guarantee a major chapter is closing for good.

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pisces weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Reflect on what it means to feel valued by another, Pisces, as you are about to receive a love you have only dreamed of up to this point. 

Romance is always an important theme for you in relationships, but being seen by your partner has often been a reality that you have feared more than you have received. 

Yet someone special has come into your life, making it impossible not to take a chance on love and let them truly see your authentic self. 

Try to focus on how to radiate your most authentic self without watering down your feelings or even truth, and then, when that special person validates who you are, be sure to receive it, as this will prove to be a turning point in your relationship.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
