4 Zodiac Signs Receive Blessings From The Universe On December 10, 2024

We're talking about the gratitude we feel for simply being here, right now.

zodiac signs blessings universe December 10 2024 Design: YourTango | Photo: FXQuadro from Getty Images, Canva Pro

It looks like four zodiac signs here on this day will be receiving a pretty good hand as they receive blessings straight from the universe. As our astrology tells us on December 10, it's pretty hard to go wrong when we've got the transit of Sun trine Moon helping us along the way.

Talk about harmonious cosmic events! This one practically takes the cake, and for the four zodiac signs that will experience the full brunt of positivity that the Sun trine Moon brings, we will probably see Tuesday as one that goes down in our personal history books. 


We're talking about the blessing of self-confidence and our gratitude for simply being here right now. Things are looking up, dear zodiac signs. And we have needed this break in a big way. 

Four zodiac signs receive blessings from the universe on December 10, 2024:

1. Taurus

taurus zodiac signs receive blessings universe december 10, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro


You look around you, and you see that people are going out of their minds, stressing it all out, feeling angry, and here you are, not buying into any of it. Hey, it's December 10, and you've got the transit of Sun trine Moon to help see you through it all. You feel good, and you refuse to let the weight of the world get to you.

And that's exactly how the Sun trine Moon works in your world, Taurus. It helps you realize that this is your life, and you don't want to spend it sinking into the muck and mire that seems to want to pull everyone in.

You're just not going down, and you won't. You've discovered what the Sun trine Moon supports: endless positive energy. Nothing is going to stop you from feeling great about life. You're not here for anyone's approval but your own, and ... you approve. Nicely done, Taurus.

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2. Virgo

virgo zodiac signs receive blessings universe december 10, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro

Despite everything that's going on in your external world, your inner life seems to be at peace. This peace is so precious to you that you're not giving it up any time too soon. Yes, you are aware of all the nutty people around you, complaining and disturbing the peace, but you? Nah, you're in your happy place.

And that happy place exists because of transits like the Sun trine Moon, and on December 10, you get to see this in action. You aren't in the mood to feel worried or stressed out for the first time in a while. Not that you ever opt in for such feelings, but you are ready to walk away on Tuesday.


All you want is a good day for yourself, friends, or a loved one, known as a peaceful, kind, and loving day. The drama and craziness of the world around you will still be there when and if you decide to let it in, but for now ... you're golden.

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3. Libra

libra zodiac signs receive blessings universe december 10, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro


No matter what you believe in, you cannot deny that the universe is the ultimate power, and you're going to feel that power in your bones. You've got the brilliant positive energy push of Sun trine Moon, and it's working, Libra, it's working.

Here you are, nearly in the middle of December, and things could be a whole lot more hectic than they are. And why is that, Libra? It's because you are the one in control of you. You're the one who decides if stress will be your constant companion or if you can walk away from it.

Walking away from stress, anger, and tension is what Sun trine Moon is cut out for, and on December 10, it's all for you, Libra. You don't need it; therefore, it's not part of the plan. This is a beautiful, happy, free day for you, and you will enjoy it.

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4. Sagittarius

sagittarius zodiac signs receive blessings universe december 10, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro

While the world around you seems to want to pull you into its drama, you are the one on this day who smiles, waves and walks on by. You are just not up for the unnecessary, and during Sun trine Moon, your feelings are supported.

Quite simply, you don't feel like getting sucked into the melodrama; it's as if a soap opera is taking place all around you, and you've just told the director that you're quitting. You won't perform in this show because you don't feel right about it. That's the spirit, Sagittarius; you do you.


Sun trine Moon is like vitamin C; it brings you health and a feeling of well-being. With this transit as your guide, you can take all of that available Sagittarius Sun energy and use it to find yourself peace, happiness, and detachment. It's all good, and you know it.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
