Joy Returns For 3 Zodiac Signs After Mercury Goes Retrograde On November 25, 2024
We turn confusion into clarity and joyfulness.
On November 25, 2024, joy returns for three zodiac signs. Our old friend Mercury retrograde is back in town and up to its old mischief. It's OK, though, as we're kind of used to these kinds of hijinks, and we know how to handle the ups and downs of an astrological system in retrograde.
The irony of Mercury retrograde in the lives of three zodiac signs is that we won't be going bonkers on this day, as expected. Instead, we will find that the retrograde seems to work in our favor, allowing us to spot our true happiness and act on it.
So, despite Mercury being retrograde, we can find joy and bliss in what should not be working out for us. We are stronger than we thought we were. The last thing we need right now is retrograde energy, and yet, for three zodiac signs, we can turn the confusion into clarity and joyfulness.
Joy returns for three zodiac signs on November 25, 2024:
1. Cancer
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It's interesting to think that the universe, while impartial, is still so on the ball when it comes to personalized help, and you, Cancer, will experience how true this is after Mercury is in retrograde. Something in your life will flip over, and this action could potentially change your life for the better.
Because of a mishap that occurs, Mercury retrograde, you will have to scramble for either an explanation or a way out of it. Don't worry, it's nothing too tremendous, but whatever does happen, it will return you to a place of joy and alter the course of your life.
Yes, that sounds drastic, but it's actually what spares you a much harsher fate. Mercury retrograde sets the tone for great change in your life. If you're keen on picking up on universal clues, as you very much are, Cancer, then you will parlay all that takes place on this day into something brilliant and successful.
2. Virgo
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You've never liked that Mercury retrograde can trip things up so much that things seem to be in disarray. You like your order and your perfect little scenarios, and you want to be able to control the outcome of the actions you take.
You'll sigh at first, and then, you'll get down to work. You aren't going to let the lore of the retrograde trip you up before it even arrives. So when it does arrive, you'll already be well on your way to making things go the right way. Joy is about to return for you.
You do have control to a degree, Virgo. And with Mercury retrograde, and for days to come, you see very clearly that it's really up to you to deal with the foils and fumbles that seem destined to come. You are cool, calm, and collected this time around. Retrograde, schmetrograde!
3. Pisces
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You have wondered where your joy has gone, as you haven't felt much of anything over the last few days. It's not that things are going wrong per se; it's that this whole end-of-year, prepare-for-holidays-thing tends to get you stressed out. You'd never think Mercury retrograde would set things straight, yet it does.
Because of a small mishap due to the influence of Mercury retrograde, you will have the chance to escape a situation that got you nervous and anxious. But no more! You've escaped. Joy returns!
The mishap is your ticket out, and being out brings you back into that place of joy. You are grateful to Mercury retrograde for coming when it did, and you are now starting to appreciate that everything happens for a reason. Your stress is relieved, and your even-keeled attitude is back on track. Nice!
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.