3 Zodiac Signs Overcome A Specific Obstacle From Now To October 20, 2024

This week looks wild and woolly with the October 17th Full Moon in Aries.

Zodiac Signs Overcome A Specific Obstacle Between Now And October 20, 2024 SHOT PRIME | Canva Pro

This week, three zodiac signs will overcome a specific obstacle, and it may take up to October 20, 2024, to see things finally settle. This week looks wild and woolly with the October 17th Full Moon in Aries. While it won’t be a harbinger of bad news for everyone, it is one to watch and be aware of, and we will undoubtedly see major events play out in the world. October is probably the most stressful month of the year.


Aries rules the 1st house or the self. It is considered the baby of the zodiac because it is the first of 12 signs. Some of Aries' negative qualities include impatience, abruptness, and self-centeredness.

This Moon forms a grand cross in the sky, which looks like a cross and pulls in the energies of all the planets involved, and it is considered difficult.

In this case, the planets involved are the Moon (Aries), the Sun (Libra), Mars (Cancer), and Pluto (Capricorn). Notice that these are all Cardinal signs, which means action, or these planets are basically fighting with each other!

Moon-Mars can cause upsets, anger, and hyped-up over-the-top emotions. Moon-Pluto can deal with the dark, intrusive and obsessive feelings that tend to be buried in the subconscious mind, destruction, and endings.


Venus’s sextile to Pluto may help us, at least on an emotional level, and with conversations with others. Later in the day, Venus enters Sagittarius, leaving Scorpio for another year.

Of course, everyone will not experience intense negativity or the worst, and most people will be fine. However, if the Moon hits a sensitive point in your chart, you may fare worse than others.

Monday, October 14th, the Sun squares Mars. Many people will be busy with this transit, but it is prone to aggression, arguments, anger, and upsets. Venus also opposes Uranus. This is unpredictable, and your romantic life may take an unexpected twist, but not always bad.

October 15th, Venus trines Neptune. This can be pleasant and creative if you can tap into it.


Three zodiac signs overcome a specific obstacle from October 14 - 20, 2024:

1. Aries

aries zodiac signs overcome specific obstacle october 14-20, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

This is a significant week, Aries. With the powerful full moon in your sign, the focus is on you.  It does, however, oppose your 7th house of partners, so the focus of this Moon is your partner. If you don’t have a partner, the lack of one might be the issue. This moon also squares your 10th and 4th houses setting off a grand square in your personal chart so that you may be dealing with many different issues this week around home and work as well. Look for the problems to begin before the full moon as soon as Monday.

The real question is, is this relationship working for you? It may be a question of shared resources and who is contributing more, or it could be deep-seated issues from the past.


For some, it may be time to end a particular arrangement or relationship. This would mean relationships tottering on the edge before the full moon. If this is the case, this moon may allow you to make your break and begin anew.

If you don’t end the relationship, this moon can create growth by allowing you to step into your power and speak up about the issues. Bear in mind that the Aries moon can make us self-centered (or others could react this way), so the most important step in overcoming conflict would be to not engage in drama and remain calm. 

By calmly exploring intense matters after the full moon passes, you can look at things more clearly, evaluate them, and move forward. If you don’t have a relationship, know your time will come, particularly when Venus enters your sign in February.

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2. Libra

libra zodiac signs overcome specific obstacle october 14-20, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

Like Aries, problems this week will center on partners. Libra is the house just opposite Aries, so some issues will be the same. Bear in mind that partners, in this sense, mean others, including business partners, romantic partners, or those in your life daily. There is a good chance the issue could concern work and home on some level or center around money and/or intimacy.

In your case, Libra, the moon opposes your Sun, which means the problem comes from another person. In all likelihood, this will start before the full moon, as soon as Monday.


It appears to be a stressful week, possibly most of the week. Libra likes to have a partner more than any other sign. You are tuned into the other to neglect your desire and need to give your partner what they want.

In some cases, this full moon will end relationships. If this is the case, it will be an opportunity to walk away from a toxic relationship or one you can no longer handle and start afresh.

If this is not the case, you can help or calm the situation in several ways. First of all, avoid drama or overly emotional conversations. You may have to wait for the full moon to pass.

You have the same rights as your partner, so you must prioritize open communication. Listen to your partner’s needs, compare your own, and seek a balanced compromise.


It’s important to set boundaries that you are not especially good at. Don’t let your natural indecisiveness take over and back off. You are about fairness and justice more than others, and if you take the above steps and your relationship isn’t generally failing, you should be on track next week.

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3. Cancer

cancer zodiac signs overcome specific obstacle october 14-20, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva


You are the most emotional sign of the zodiac, so this week, the key will be to control your emotions.

This full moon falls in the house related to work career, status, and reputation. This can also relate to parents and your private life.

This Moon especially lights up your career house, and you may feel that you are reaching a peak somehow, but this full moon will be difficult. At this time, you may need to focus on the direction you will be taking. 

You may be focused on a specific project in your career or want to start something new, and at this time, you may feel impatient, if not irritated. Also, there could be a conflict with someone who would be an authority figure at work, which could be upsetting.


The way to get around these problems is to chill and realize that the full moon is stressful. Also, there are some things you can do, and some things are simply out of your control. To reflect on this may give you some peace. If you want to lash out at someone, take a step back.

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Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide.
