Luckiest Day Of The Week For All Zodiac Signs During October 21 - 27, 2024

Authenticity attracts the divine moments of luck.

Luckiest Day Of The Week For All Zodiac Signs During October 21 - 27, 2024 Marcelo Chagas, Sparklestroke | Canva Pro

The week of October 21 - 27, 2024, brings one lucky day for each zodiac sign. Scorpio Season starts helping you get more in touch with your truth and be more open to change. 

Scorpio season begins on Tuesday, October 22

Scorpio craves to go deeper, to explore all the hidden nooks and crannies of the soul in search of its ultimate purpose. No matter what shadows may hide or darkness exists, Scorpio greets it all with the knowledge that it is all necessary for growth. You may feel less judgmental and more of a desire to simply understand what it means to be a human having a soul experience. 


The Last Quarter Moon arrives on Thursday, October 24

As you are diving more deeply into your truth this week, the Last Quarter Moon in Leo allows you to see the connection between your authentic decisions and the life you create. This will help to redirect your path.

Vesta enters Libra on Sunday, October 27

Vesta shifts into Libra, reminding you of your inner fire and the need to always make sure any decision you make is truly authentic. Only in that can you attract the luck and abundance destined for you.

Luckiest day for each zodiac sign from October 21 - 27, 2024:


aries zodiac signs luckiest day horoscopes october 21-27, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva


Luckiest day for Aries: Tuesday, October 22

Let the winds of change bring you to precisely where you are meant to be, dear Aries. There is nothing to fear and everything to gain. You are no longer the person you were, so it’s time to let yourself become a reflection of all your hard work and efforts to grow. Not only are you more able to tap into your authentic truth, but you no longer fear the process, which is a part of your destiny. 

Greet every unexpected moment with a smile, as you know everything genuinely occurs for your highest good. This means that you are entering a profound time of change. Scorpio Season can help you continue to evolve to attract the abundance and love you’ve dreamed of.

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taurus zodiac signs luckiest day horoscopes october 21-27, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva

Luckiest day for Taurus: Sunday, October 27

Tune into your inner self, sweet Taurus, and realize there is no reason to rush through life. There is no time clock on your fate or sense of urgency in manifesting this next chapter of your life. 


While you tend to be more patient, you seem to struggle with divine trust. So, the universe plans to guide you through this process this week. Vesta shifts into Libra on Sunday, October 27; this date is your chance to slow down. 

It's time to focus; make each decision resonate with your inner truth. Throughout it all, you’re not letting yourself be governed solely by logic but by how each moment resonates with the deepest parts of your soul.

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gemini zodiac signs luckiest day horoscopes october 21-27, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva


Luckiest day for Gemini: Thursday, October 24

Closure isn’t always about an ending, dear Gemini, especially as it often is the catalyst for a new beginning. As the Last Quarter Moon rises, it activates your house of communication. 

You are urged to reflect on what may need to be released. In your case, focus on releasing the idea that you must be perfect or follow a particular path and allow yourself to create more room to tune into your inner knowing. 

You are precisely the person you are meant to be now, but to reach the next level of your life and self-growth, you need to leave behind the idea that somehow you aren’t enough, just as you are.


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cancer zodiac signs luckiest day horoscopes october 21-27, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva

Luckiest day for Cancer : Thursday, October 24

Let yourself see all the places where hope is beginning to bloom in your life. Although you may be frightened to believe that the worst is behind you and that you can pause long enough to breathe, you truly are being guided into a place of abundant new beginnings. 


But this time, you already know that if you don’t resonate with a particular choice, you can’t agree to it, no matter how much it might please others. 

In many ways, this is the pinnacle of your journey that you’ve been on the past year, and in which you will ask to choose yourself, and all that is most valuable to the dreams that you have for your life. By confidently standing in your divine worthiness, you can also remain sure that you are empowered to create in your life whatever it is you wish.

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leo zodiac signs luckiest day horoscopes october 21-27, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva


Luckiest day for Leo: Sunday, October 27

There is always more to learn, dear Leo. You have been on a new journey recently that has made you reflect more deeply on how you communicate and work with others to accomplish your dreams. This has, of course, involved you developing a deeper understanding of yourself, yet it seems you are still struggling to accept yourself. 

Vesta, the keeper of the internal flame, brings you the chance to feel more comfortable with who you are — which will also significantly benefit all those communication lessons you’re currently learning. 

Remember that you only need to speak the truth and be open to receiving it from others. Life is infinitely more enjoyable when you can approach each moment through a mindset of continually being open to learning more.


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virgo zodiac signs luckiest day horoscopes october 21-27, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva

Luckiest day for Virgo: Tuesday, October 22

There is no one right way to speak from the heart, Virgo, but you must allow yourself to stop being so critical. It can be hard not to repeat certain events or conversations in your head. 


But all this does is stop you from embracing your most authentic self. Remember that the voice you often hear in your head doesn’t always have your best interests at heart, as, at times, it is only trying to protect you, which means everything remains the same. 

As Scorpio Season begins, you will feel more in touch with your deepest emotions and have a sense of authenticity, which will help you approach matters in your personal and professional life with greater certainty and confidence. Speaking from the heart, no matter what situation you are in, allows you to align your life with your soul.

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libra zodiac signs luckiest day horoscopes october 21-27, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva


Luckiest day for Libra: Thursday, October 24

Can you feel the energy shifting already, sweet Libra? This energy of the universe continues to give you opportunities for growth and healing so that you can rise up and choose your highest fate. 

On this path, there will be moments when fears make you weary over what might have to transition out of your life, but you are about to receive divine confirmation that anything lost will be replaced by something even better. 

The Last Quarter Moon in Leo will rise in your house of wishes, helping you authentically choose what you want to manifest in your life. This is a time to collaborate, to take risks, and to take a chance on actually prioritizing your dreams — as it’s the only way you will achieve them.


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scorpio zodiac signs luckiest day horoscopes october 21-27, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva

Luckiest day for Scorpio: Thursday, October 24

Let yourself feel empowered to make the choices that will lead to success in your professional life, Scorpio. You have been rather busy this year and haven’t felt optimistic about the turn of events in your career. While nothing has been bad, you were hoping for changes that haven’t yet occurred. 


But part of this process is that the universe wants to test your readiness by encouraging you to advocate for yourself and decide whether you are truly operating from your authenticity or simply continuing the path of stability and comfort. 

The Last Quarter Moon in Leo allows you to feel more confident and empowered in making the decisions that will bring greater success in your career. Remember not to let fear hold you back from making a decision that will help lead you to your destiny.

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sagittarius zodiac signs luckiest day horoscopes october 21-27, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva


Luckiest day for Sagittarius: Thursday, October 24

Be incredibly mindful of the decisions that you are making, Sagittarius, as you are currently standing at a pivotal crossroads on your journey. You are an explorer of truth. 

While that trait always does serve a benefit, it can often make you hesitant to choose one direction or another because you are aware that you may also eventually want to change your mind. You don’t have to take a particular path; you must remain on forever. Instead, you only need to decide that, at this moment, it is what resonates most deeply with your inner self. 

The Last Quarter Moon in Leo offers you a critical moment in which you can choose your fate and set off an abundant chain of events; however, you will also have the choice not to make one at all or to continue within your comfort zone. If you are ever in doubt, choose the path requiring further growth.


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capricorn zodiac signs luckiest day horoscopes october 21-27, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva


Luckiest day for Capricorn: Sunday, October 27

While your career is always a central focus in your life, Capricorn, you are about to undergo an intense transformation as you develop a deeper calling and purpose. This may change your career, especially if your current role isn’t connected to your divine purpose. Still, no matter what this phase may bring, you must allow yourself to honor your inner self and where you are being directed. 

Asteroid Vesta, ruler of devotion and commitment, brings a greater sense of purpose to your career and instills an ardent desire for success. Remember that you will need to continue to focus on balance, so this time doesn’t become all about your career, but also let yourself pursue what truly feels like it fulfills your soul's desires.

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aquarius zodiac signs luckiest day horoscopes october 21-27, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva

Luckiest day for Aquarius: Sunday, October 27

Embracing the wonderment of the universe, dear Aquarius, allow yourself to focus more on your spiritual journey than one of your human experiences in this lifetime. It doesn’t matter if you see what purpose it might serve or how it would benefit you in other areas. 


Vesta lights up your house of spirituality; you will feel more devoted to the spiritual meaning of life and your connection with the divine. 

Connect with your guides, attend a sound bath or retreat, and let yourself dive deeper into the mysteries of the universe. Know that if you can’t connect the dots yet about what it all means, you are right where you are meant to be.

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pisces zodiac signs luckiest day horoscopes october 21-27, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva


Luckiest day for Pisces: Tuesday, October 22

Scorpio Season arrives with a bang, lighting up your house of luck and abundance, dear Pisces. Scorpio represents an energy that deepens your connection with the source and allows you to take more risks based on intuition.

 But with the Sun in Scorpio, it also means you will be fielding new offers, whether to live more fully for your purpose, for your career or to be involved in travel; this is a time of profound opportunity and change. 

As you head into this exciting time, it’s important to trust yourself, to approach everything inquisitively, and to trust wherever you are led. With Venus in Sagittarius now, it is also highly likely that these opportunities for big moves and abundance will be related to your professional journey. The risks you take will bless you with an abundant reward.


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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
