What The Universe Will Provide For Each Zodiac Sign The Week Of October 7, Once Pluto Goes Direct In Capricorn

A pivotal moment this week is something to look forward to.

woman in universe october 7-13, 2024 Photo: Justin Essah | Design: YourTango

The week of October 7 - 13, the universe will provide a special horoscope that offers an experience each zodiac sign can look forward to. One change that makes this possible astrological is Pluto stationing directly in the sign of Capricorn. 

The collective prepares to close a critical chapter defined by power and control in government, authority figures and how the world does business and banking. With Pluto stationing direct for the final time in Capricorn before leaving to enter Aquarius this year, the energy requires us to be open to personal transformations for the remainder of the 2024 eclipse season. 


During this period, Pluto's energy will be strongest on October 13 since the Moon works closely with it while both are in the sign of Capricorn and the cusp of Aquarius. The week with the Moon in Pisces, giving us an opportunity for reflection, meditation, and journaling.

What the universe will provide each zodiac sign the week of October 7-13, 2024


aries universe provide zodiac sign week october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


Pluto will be stationing directly, and this can be a period when you can catch the surprises with the devotion and enthusiasm that come with your career. The transits allow you to reawaken your passion for work

Work can feel engaging as you take on new roles and show others how you were born to be a leader. As Pluto prepares to re-enter Aquarius, you can witness how much more aligned and confident your career path is.

Journal prompt: Are you dedicating time to those important people in your life? How has Libra season made you a better problem solver?

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taurus universe provide zodiac sign week october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


As Pluto moves into new territory, you are closing a cycle regarding your philosophy and understanding. There is still a lot to learn and uncover through these transits. 

These are the moments where you have learned to feel empowered to express your thoughts and not feel limited. As Pluto gets closer to Aquarius, you can see how you will be more thrilled to learn new things and not be influenced as easily by others.

Journal prompt: What have you learned from others during this period? How empowered are you feeling to use your voice?

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gemini universe provide zodiac sign week october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


As with all the changes, the transit has you in a much more confident state, ready to take on challenges and win. 

With Pluto now direct, you are prepared to be more open-minded and not let the past control you. These chapters define who you are and allow you to see your potential. With Saturn in Pisces giving you more structure, the Pluto energy moving to a new sign can help you transform even more.

Journal prompt: Discuss how you have unlocked your inner power in the last year. What are your expectations for this Pluto in Aquarius transit?

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cancer universe provide zodiac sign week october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


With the changes occurring, Pluto's move into a new house means managing your relationships will be much easier. 

Some lessons will allow you to grow and make the changes needed to bring more balance to your relationships. Pluto may have taught you how to be more independent and not tolerate people that cause you pain. You are entering a prosperous era where you have the potential to build or meet someone who helps you grow.

Journal prompt: What have you learned from friends and romantic partners during this Pluto transit? Do you accept love more efficiently in your life?

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leo universe provide zodiac sign week october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

Discovering what you want in relationships during this transit has allowed you to elevate. Now that Pluto is preparing to move into your partnership house, you are analyzing the lessons from before and how they continue to shape who you are. 

Pluto in Capricorn may have taught you how to be more self-sacrificing with others, but now you may consider what you need to bring balance in relationships.


Journal prompt: Have you tapped into your creative energy during this period? How have you made time to release stress in the last several weeks? Are your time management skills improving?

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virgo universe provide zodiac sign week october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


Pluto in Capricorn has helped you build on structures that may have allowed you to pursue your goals with more direction, clarity, and self-assurance. 

Pluto stationing direct helps you make peace with your previous partners and view romance with much more optimism. As the planet of transformation enters Aquarius, you may focus your energy on yourself.

Journal prompt: Discuss the relationships that have transformed you. How has your relationship with yourself changed?

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libra universe provide zodiac sign week october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


Because you were willing to do the work, Pluto has helped you establish balance as you continue to nourish your root system properly. As you go through these phases, Pluto in Aquarius will show you how your patience and hard work can grow into something beautiful. In this next chapter, you will discover your talents and potential and how to shine in a new light.

Journal prompt: Discuss what you learned more about your family and immediate environment in the last ten years.

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scorpio universe provide zodiac sign week october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


While you continue to learn and navigate the changes, Pluto direct will be a whirlwind, initiating a new cycle that will continue to transform and empower you. 

You see how your projects can take off when you give them a lot of love and care. Through these transformations, others will see how your brilliance shines and how well you work with others.

Journal prompt: How have your relationships changed during the last several years? Have you allowed your creativity to shine through?

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sagittarius universe provide zodiac sign week october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


Valuing yourself and discovering how you are also a powerful and courageous person can result from this magnificent transit as you uncover pieces of yourself you may have let go of. 

Now that Pluto has been stationed directly, you see the magic brewing within you and how much you are discovering through this process. But to tap into this energy, you must become your biggest cheerleader.

Journal prompt: Are you showing yourself love and care? Have you connected with your muse lately?

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capricorn universe provide zodiac sign week october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


Your independence, power, and courage have allowed you to evolve during the Pluto transit in the last several decades. Now that Pluto has been stationed directly, you are several weeks away from officially beginning a highly anticipated new story. 

While you pen the remaining pages of this book, you are ready to incorporate the healing, love, and energy essential to help you continue growing. Now is your moment to see how your routine changes have allowed you to have more faith, trust, and care in yourself and the process.

Journal prompt: Discuss your achievements during this Pluto transit. What are you most proud of? What do you hope to accomplish in the next several decades?


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aquarius universe provide zodiac sign week october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

You have witnessed the changes in your relationships over the last several years. This Pluto transit has allowed you to see the value of having people you trust because they may surprise you by providing some emotional healing. 


Nevertheless, now that Pluto has been stationed directly, you can reciprocate the energy to those who deserve it. As Pluto prepares to move into your sign, you will see how your independent side flourishes.

Journal prompt: How are your friends supporting you during these times? Discuss how you have been a good friend to others.

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pisces universe provide zodiac sign week october 7-13, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


As your friend circles change and the dynamics change, you now have the energy to focus more on planning and winning. You are celebrating the outcome of your work with Puto stationing direct. The lessons during this time are connected with your work ethic and faith in yourself, magnified during this Jupiter in Gemini transit.

Journal prompt: Are you celebrating yourself during this time? Are you aware of your efforts and how you see the fruits of your labor? 

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A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.
