What The Universe Will Provide For Each Zodiac Sign From Now Through October 6, 2024

Potent energy transforms you.

woman with hand in universe week ending october 6 Photos: Artem Mihailov, Antusenok Tanya | Design: YourTamgo

During the week of September 30 through October 6, the universe will provide energy specific to each zodiac sign.

We will experience a Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, a critical period during which we dive into topics surrounding our relationships and connections with others. When the Moon enters Scorpio on October 4, it meets with Venus, making the next several days very pleasant and relaxing. On Sunday, October 6, the week closes with the Moon in Sagittarius, adding an element of hope and courage as we prepare for the upcoming week.


What the universe will provide each zodiac sign from September 30 to October 6, 2024:


what universe provide aries through october 6 Design: YourTango

The notable transit this week for everyone is the eclipse, but it will impact you the most since it’s occurring in your relationship house. The excess of potent transformative energy makes this a pivotal time for you to analyze what you want in a relationship and what you will no longer be willing to tolerate. This period can also feel like an awakening, allowing you to take the steps needed to thrive. Releasing the past becomes essential for you to find your personal power.


Journal Prompt: What have you learned about your finances during this Libra season? What is a list of non-negotiables for you in your relationships? How are you incorporating saving more during this period?

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what universe provide taurus through october 6 Design: YourTango


When it comes to your work or responsibilities, this is a time for you to reflect and actively search for methods to better connect to the routines that allow you to thrive. The eclipse allows us to focus on our relationships, translating as a moment when connecting with your partner may be essential for you now that Venus is in Scorpio, helping your relationship house. You can expect to be more nurturing, calm, and provocative when it comes to helping others. The eclipse will show you a new side to yourself and your compassion.

Journal Prompt: How will you be willing to discard any past themes connected to your relationships? Are you willing to reconcile? Are you opening your heart to new potential experiences?

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what universe provide gemini through october 6 Design: YourTango


A potent transit, the eclipse in Libra fosters inspirational and insightful energy. You are much more keen on learning about love and what it has to offer. But there is a hidden treasure connected with discovering how to utilize your energy. These transits are tied with planning and finding balance with your routines as well. Libra season has brought about changes and obstacles that have helped you feel more emboldened to continue carrying the Saturnian messages you have learned throughout the year.

Journal prompt: Discuss how you are showing yourself love during this Libra season? Or are you overwhelmed with too many responsibilities? If you are overwhelmed, how will you take the time to get back to you?

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what universe provide cancer through october 6 Design: YourTango


With more self-care and love, the transit pushes you to find the love surrounding you and the love that has uplifted you. Pluto has been transforming your relationship house, so it isn’t a surprise you are used to the metamorphosis occurring in your connections. Venus is a power player as well, giving you more clues and grounding with the trine to your sign. While this Libra season is showing you the power of love, the eclipse is a moment where you can visualize where you want to be.

Journal prompt: Are you operating through a sense of urgency? Understand that there are times where you may be behind. Discuss how you show yourself grace.

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what universe provide leo through october 6 Design: YourTango


Feeling more confident in your self-expression results from this eclipse energy as Libra season continues to push you into the spotlight, taking command of the stage without feeling insecure. The eclipse now puts the lens on how the past has shaped you now and how it has shaped your confidence levels. It is your time to break free from the insecure thoughts that refuse to help you shine through and get in your element.

Journal prompt: Are you being more analytical during this Libra season? Discuss the moments when you collaborated with a group or team. How did you feel during these moments? Were you in your element?

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what universe provide virgo through october 6 Design: YourTango


The battle of the inner critic may have intensified when the eclipse was in Pisces. Now we have entered similar terrain and can see some topics we assessed six months ago. The solar eclipse in Libra will is a reminder to be your own best friend and root for yourself. Nourishing your ego can result from this transit, which is a positive force teaching you not to second guess yourself. Be more willing to let others see your brilliance.

Journal prompt: Are you still holding a magnifying class towards your previous actions? Are you willing to move forward and stop criticizing yourself?

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what universe provides libra through october 6 Design: YourTango


You're entering another powerful period with the eclipse in your sign. Release and come together with those people who anchor and help you flourish. Your season may feel like a powerful wake-up call making things more intense as you navigate your emotions and the stress thrown your way. Saturn in Pisces energizes you and Mercury in Scorpio shows you are a problem solver. Know that you can find solutions when you put your mind to it.

Journal prompt: Is Libra season allowing you to see your potential or think more optimistically? Are you brainstorming new ways to manage your stress levels? How have your networking skills changed in the last six months?

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what universe provides scorpio though october 6 Design: YourTango


Given the ups and downs of these transits, many clues have continued to help shape you. As we close in on your season, this week's eclipse energy allows you to tune in to your needs and give yourself love and attention while you continue to excel. The energy now calls for a lot of focus and healing. With Mars making a trine to your sign, you are entering a new phase where your confidence levels are rising while also admiring your successes and potential.

Journal prompt: Has Libra season allowed you to be more bold and speak your truth now that Mars is aspecting your sign? Are you being mindful of your emotional energy? Are you protecting your boundaries?

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what universe provides sagittarius through october 6 Design: YourTango


While the eclipses continue restructuring your friendship circles, you may even see some people from your past that can be reassuring and help you confirm that you have made the right decisions involving your friendship dynamics. With your growth, the Libra season is also teaching you about love. You are learning to love yourself and be more appreciative of the love you receive and the love that has been poured onto you by others.

Journal prompt: Are you learning how to change your mask when dealing with others? Has Libra season allowed you to be more transparent with others? Are you communicating effectively with loved ones?

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what universe provides capricorn through october 6 Design: YourTango


Because the energy is occurring at the highest point in your chart, the eclipse can change how you view plans and your relationships. You are learning not to settle for less in anything and give it your all. During this period, love can feel challenging but it is also healing and protective. Understanding what is required in your relationships is an essential element that can help you continue your personal development. Mars and the eclipse team up to remind you that listening to others works as well as mediating conflicts when needed.

Journal prompt: Are you comfortable calling others for help when you need it? Has this been a period where you had a breakthrough with your communication style? Now that Pluto is ready to leave your sign, discuss how your plans or expectations have changed in the last six months.

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what universe provides aquarius through october 6 Design: YourTango


Since this transit is making a trine to your sign, you will be introduced to opportunities that allow you to see things from a new perspective. As your philosophy evolves and you consider learning new things, the Moon feels a lot more potent as you measure and uncover new things to discover. You are on a journey now that is transforming and putting you in the limelight. 

Journal prompt: Are you making new friends that are aligned with your goals? While the eclipse continues to transform us, discuss the pivotal changes you have experienced with connections with friends, family or romantic partners.

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what universe provides pisces through october 6 Design: YourTango


Diving into one of the more hidden parts of your chart, the Moon in Libra will be a good opportunity to continue shedding the old version of yourself and embracing the powerful parts within you. As the eclipse energy begins to shift, this can be a moment where facing the hurts from the past may come easier because you have become a soldier. Pisces, you have battled and won a lot of victories in the last year and things will only continue to get better for you.

Journal prompt: Are you learning to be more appreciative of the growth you have made during the last year? Discuss how you may feel blessed during this eclipse season or in the last year. What are your dreams now that the nodes are ready to enter your sign next year?

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A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.
