2 Lucky Zodiac Signs Receive Abundance On October 2, 2024

New Moon — new me!

Lucky Zodiac Signs Receive Abundance On October 2, 2024 yawdda designs, blackrancho | Canva Pro

The New Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, 2024, is set to be, dare I say, one of the most powerful cosmic events of the year, bringing big transformations, shifts toward balance, and fresh beginnings to every last one of the zodiac signs! Eclipses' are known for shaking things up, and pushing us out of our comfort zones, and this one is no exception especially for two lucky zodiac signs who will experience powerful abundance.


As it occurs in the sign of Libra, the energy of this eclipse will be centered around relationships, harmony, and the delicate art of balancing our desires with the needs of others. Whether you’ve been putting others first or focusing too much on yourself, this eclipse is here to help you find that perfect middle ground... like right now!

This is a great time for some deep reflection or a little bit of soul-searching. With this eclipse in Libra, we’re being called to head into our mind castle and reassess how we really show up in our relationships — romantic, platonic, or even the one we have with ourselves. The influence of Venus, Mars, and 


Saturn brings support in navigating this shift, helping you balance ambition with grace and assertiveness with diplomacy during such a powerful transit that may make you feel like you’re being whisked into a whole new world — and you might go bananas! Expect to confront areas where you need more equilibrium, but also embrace the opportunity for new beginnings that align with your true self. This eclipse is your cosmic invitation to reset, reflect, and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose.

Two lucky zodiac signs receive abundance on October 2, 2024:

1. Libra

libra zodiac signs receive abundance october 2, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro

Libra, this Solar Eclipse in your sign, right during your cosmic season, is essentially your personal new year! It’s a celestial spotlight shining just for you. As the zodiac’s ultimate diplomat, you thrive on harmony and keeping the peace, but this New Moon is shaking things up. It’s urging you to find a fresh balance between making everyone else happy and prioritizing your needs. You’re always about the scales, but now, it’s time to tip them in favor of numero uno — you!


With Venus (your ruler, of course) joining forces with Mars and Saturn, you’ve got the perfect cosmic support system to help you ease into this new phase of self-discovery. While your natural charm may tempt you to keep playing the peacekeeper, this eclipse is a bold reminder that it’s okay to demand what you deserve. You’re not just here to be the most diplomatic and attractive person in the room (though, let’s face it, you always are) — you’re also here to assert yourself.

This lunation pushes you to claim your power, all while Mercury’s alignment with the Sun and Moon encourages deep reflection. Expect some soul-searching, but don’t rush any decisions. Balance is your strength, Libra, and this eclipse is your runway to redefine yourself and your relationships with grace. Time to shine, darling!

RELATED: Exactly How Your Zodiac Sign's Relationships Improve By The End Of October 2024

2. Aries

aries zodiac signs receive abundance october 2, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro


You're going to want to hold onto your hat (get it, because you rule the head!?) — this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra is urging you to slow your usual roll and consider some balance, which doesn’t always come naturally to your fiery soul! With this eclipse happening in your oh-so-lovely and diplomatic opposite, Libra, the Scales, it’s time to check your “me first” attitude at the door and think about us. Yep, it’s all about partnerships now, Aries. You’re being called to flex your negotiating muscles — not by steamrolling everyone to get your way (we see you, Mars), but by finding that sweet spot where both sides win.

Libra’s diplomacy and harmonious vibes show teamwork doesn’t mean sacrificing your desires. You can be assertive and considerate, bold and balanced. It’s a lesson in maintaining your fierce independence while recognizing that thriving relationships might require a little give-and-take. The eclipse is squaring your ruler, Mars, so don’t be surprised if some frustrations bubble up, especially if things aren’t moving at your usual breakneck speed. 

Take a deep breath, avoid those knee-jerk reactions, and use this as an opportunity to refine how you connect with others. Trust us, Aries — if you channel that fiery energy into working with people rather than blazing ahead solo, you’ll reach new heights and have some solid allies cheering you on!


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Jla Starr Johnson is a journalist currently enrolled in the Professional Astrologer Training and Certification Diploma Program at Astrology University.
