4 Zodiac Signs Receive Blessings From The Universe On October 16, 2024

We are ready to make good on what we find.

smiling woman receiving blessings from universe october 16, 2024 Photo: Daniil Lobachev | Design: YourTango

This Wednesday, four zodiac signs will receive blessings from the universe. Our daily horoscope for October 16, 2024, shows us that blessings are all around us, and all we need to do is pay attention to get them. 

These gifts from the universe are available to all. Still, during the Moon in Aries, zodiac signs Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Pisces may make it their business to intently collaborate with the universe more closely.


What's interesting about the Moon in Aries is that it's still an Aries Moon in the long run. While it's in its waxing phase, it shows us that there's much to look forward to in the future. The universe is very much set in its ways when it comes to letting us know that we're blessed, and due to this transit, we are not only open but ready to make good on what we find.

Four zodiac signs receive blessings from the universe on October 16, 2024:

1. Taurus

taurus zodiac signs receive blessings universe october 16, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro


You're on the 'to-do' list composed by the universe itself, and you'll see a special agenda in mind for you. It's all good, Taurus, and you need not worry during hard times, but you do need to stay open and figure out what the universe wants to give you.

Because of the Waxing Gibbous Moon phase in Aries, you'll feel like a power is growing in you. This could be seen as confidence or the conviction that a choice you've recently made is the right one.

You'll see that other things in your life seem to support that one thing you decided to do, making you feel good. The universe is blessing you in ways that show you that your best efforts are being supported and promoted.

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2. Libra

libra zodiac signs receive blessings universe october 16, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro

The thing about the Waxing Gibbous Moon is that it is still, essentially, an Aries transit, and while it's just building its power now, you feel as though you're right there with it, Libra. You can't shake the feeling that something good will happen to you, and you'd be right to assume the universe will bless you.

The universe has decided to give you the power of positive thinking, which isn't always the case for you. While you are well-balanced, you give plenty of time to cynicism and doubt; it's how you are. It's now you get to the bottom of things.


However, you don't feel as much of a need to downgrade what you've analyzed as this day gives you reasons to celebrate. This is how you want to feel, always, and you are not going to ruin it today by downthinking any of it. Positivity to the rescue!

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3. Capricorn

capricorn zodiac signs receive blessings universe october 16, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro


You are very much an adaptable person, Capricorn, and when the times are hard, you stand tall and get yourself through the worst of it. The promising aspect is that there's no jungle to machete your way out of. It seems that all good things are presenting themselves to you very easily.

It would appear that you are one of the universe's favorites, and it's smiling down upon you and handing you a day filled with gifts. How you interpret these blessings is up to you, but with the Waxing Gibbous in Aries, you'll likely make the best of your situation.

You sense that something great is coming, so rather than dwell on it anxiously, you prepare your mind for the best, and thus, you create the best. It's just how you roll, Capricorn. You're a master of manifestation, and you'll create something awesome.

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4. Pisces

pisces zodiac signs receive blessings universe october 16, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro

Wednesday is unusual and supercharged with positivity; you'll readily admit that the universe must have seen you coming, as these blessings are way beyond your imagination. You've got the Waxing Gibbous Moon in Aries to help you deal with it all, and by 'all', we are looking at something spectacular.

Not only is October 16 a great day filled with spiritual blessings, but it officially lets you know you can handle what's to come. You may have been dreading something that looms large, and yet, on this day, it just seems like another day on Planet Earth.


Confidence is part of the deal, too, and you feel it growing inside yourself, and that's a new thing. Sure, you might feel somewhat confident, or rather, you might appear that way to others, but the true test of confidence starts on this day, and it seems to be a piece of cake for you, Pisces.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
