Loneliness Ends For 3 Zodiac Signs On October 11, 2024
We can once again return to the world of friendships, love affairs and happy days.
October 11, 2024, brings us a rare transit, which can cause us much grief if we feel pain, loneliness or sorrow. The astrological reading of the day shows us that Pluto has gone direct at this time, which means that all things Pluto are being restored.
For three zodiac signs, the dog days of feeling lonely, depressed or just plain antisocial are now on the wane. Pluto is back, and that means change is back as well. We may not have thought we had it in us to make any changes, but Pluto direct shows us that we still have it in us.
We make the advanced moves to rid ourselves of what seriously disturbs us. We have felt lonely for so long, yet we've always understood what to do about it. We just never did what we knew would work. So, Pluto direct helps us get past our inhibitions to return to the world of friendships, love affairs and happy days.
Loneliness ends for three zodiac signs on October 11, 2024:
1. Leo
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Pluto direct is a major transit depicting the shift of a large planet back into its direct orbit. Things tend to smooth out during Pluto direct, and for you, Leo, that's just the stuff you need to get you out of that funk you've been in for far too long. You're not upset about anything in particular; you just feel lonely.
You've always thought that loneliness was something meant for people who are anything but your 'kind' of people, but you've come to know that loneliness is for everybody and anybody. You don't like to admit you're lonely because you think that makes you look 'bad.'
However, you won't concern yourself with preconceived notions about what others feel or think, as you'll be right on track with Pluto direct, and this major transit will elevate you into a new way of seeing things. You do NOT want to be lonely, and so, you'll create a new path for yourself, one that leads to harmony and acceptance.
2. Virgo
Artulina, KayDesigns Stuff, Khaneeros | Canva Pro
You feel as though you're always a lonely person, even when you're in the middle of a crowded room. In a way, I guess we all feel that at times, but you've made it into a lifestyle, Virgo. You tend to think that no matter how many people love you, you're still lonely when all is said and done.
You need what you're about to receive on October 11, during Pluto direct. This Pluto event — and it is certainly an 'event' — is what will show you that you have had traits of loneliness and that you don't have to stick with it, as if it's giving you a paycheck for your efforts. It isn't, and you know it.
You no longer have to think of yourself as a lonely person because something will take place during this day to show you, in contrast, that you needn't feel as miserable as you do. Pluto Direct reroutes the way you think about loneliness, and you might even feel relieved to think that loneliness is not your destiny...not anymore, at least.
3. Capricorn
You've always considered yourself lonely, and even when you get a chance to be social or have fun, you still maintain this lonely image, as if it's a requirement in your life. You don't like being lonely, but you've gotten used to it, and now, it's something you rely on, image-wise.
When Pluto comes out of its retrograde, you, Capricorn, will feel a resurgence of positive energy, and you'll understand that all you feel in this life is due to your perception. You believe you're lonely; therefore, you are, until now, when it all changes for you.
Pluto direct shows you that, yes, even you can live a happy life without the burden of lonesome feelings. The interesting trip with you, Capricorn, is that not only are you well-loved by friend, family and romantic partners, but you know it, too. You aren't as all alone as you'd like to think of yourself as. Pluto direct puts you back on a healthier track as you rid yourself of the 'lonely person' image.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.