Love Horoscopes Are Here For September 12 — The Virgo Sun Creates Tense Energy

Relationships grow stronger through mutual understanding and partnership.

love horoscope September 12 2024 zodiac signs Dean Drobot | Canva Pro

Love horoscopes are here for every zodiac sign in astrology on September 12, 2024. Be mindful of your actions on Thursday as the Virgo Sun creates a tense energy with retrograde Jupiter in Gemini. Under this energy, your love horoscopes urge you to remain present and conscientious about being a supportive and loving partner. Let's see what else is in store for each zodiac sign's relationships.


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Thursday's love horoscopes for each zodiac sign on September 12, 2024:


aries weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Be mindful of how you speak to your partner today, dear Aries, because you could come off in the wrong way. While you are feeling courageous and bold when it comes to expressing your feelings and stating your romantic intentions, your partner may misinterpret your actions as being taken for granted or even steamrolled by your partner. 

While confidence is necessary, you also need to make sure you’re asking about their feelings and remember that a partnership is made of up two people.

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taurus weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

When you can understand what you most value in love, Taurus, then you can also ensure you don’t get distracted by what really doesn’t matter. It seems today you may be tempted by material expressions of love or even your own desire for wealth. While you do deserve to live a luxurious life, you also don’t want to sacrifice love for gifts, no matter how generous they might be. 

Make sure to show your partner that you genuinely value them and not just what they can do for you.

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gemini weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

An equal and balanced partnership is what you should strive for, which means articulating your needs is important – you just need to ensure you’re not making it all about you. In this current journey where you are still learning the balance required in a healthy relationship, today, you may cross that line and forget that your partner's feelings and needs matter too. 

Try to be proactive and ask your partner how they’re feeling making sure to genuinely listen to their response so they feel heard.

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cancer weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You may find yourself getting caught up in your thoughts today, Cancer. Although it is important to hold space for what you feel or any triggers you experience, you may not be seeing matters clearly. 

Instead of shutting down and shutting out your partner, try to talk to them about what you’re feeling and ground yourself in what you know is real. Past fears are a very real theme you might be dealing with but taking them as truth is how you end up sabotaging a current connection.

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leo weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Healthy love is about you maintaining your own life, Leo, but that doesn’t mean you may be able to do each and every thing that you want. Today you may want to break away from your relationship and head out with friends, or even just take the day for yourself. 

While this isn’t necessarily a negative desire, it does seem that it won’t be taken well by your partner or even be occurring at a sensitive time in your connection. Consider inviting them along, or making plans for tomorrow when you may feel more like having quality time with them.

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virgo weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Your dreams do matter, Virgo, but you need to make sure you’re still investing energy into your relationship. Career matters will likely take center focus today, and you will be able to make great achievements – but you also need to make sure you’re not ignoring your partner. 

Try not to work too late or take those professional calls during dinner, as having your partner still feel important in the midst of your success does come down to the little moments.

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libra weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You may feel held back or trapped today, sweet Libra. Depending on where you are on your path determines what you should do. In some situations, these feelings arise to help you understand that your connection has run its course, but in others, you may have to learn to assert yourself more. 

Try to be diplomatic in how you choose to react and never make your feelings your partner’s fault or their responsibility to fix.

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scorpio weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Try to focus on spending time in your feelings today, Scorpio. As you dive deeper into the process of transformation currently happening in your life, you need to make sure that you are operating from your healthiest self. This means not taking anything for granted, especially the outcome of a romantic relationship. 

Nothing just happens — instead, everything is a result of a choice you make. To have more of the results you want, you also need to make sure you’re making choices that align with your genuine feelings.

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sagittarius weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Gambling with your relationship never leads to a positive outcome, Sagittarius. As much as you are feeling strength within your principles and confident in your decisions, it seems you may be letting pride stand in the way of you and love. 

You may want to dial back how you’ve been approaching a particular issue with your partner and instead give a little more. There’s nothing wrong with letting your partner be right or apologizing, especially if it means more peace in your relationship.

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capricorn weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You need your personal space, Capricorn, but it doesn’t mean you need to freeze your partner out in the process. Try to explain to your partner how you are feeling and what you require. That way there is less risk that you’ll become reactive and angry. 

The more you can communicate healthily and effectively, the more you will be able to take your space however you need to and not hurt your connection in the process.

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aquarius weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You must be careful with your words and actions today, Aquarius. A trigger around commitment is likely, whether you feel overly confident that you don’t want one or that it is a guarantee. But these feelings are being blown out of proportion and don’t necessarily represent how you truly feel. 

Try to save any conversations about the future for another day, but if you can’t, proceed slowly and be mindful of how you react and what you say.

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pisces weekly love horoscope february 24 - march 2, 2025 Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

There is a fine line between reasons and excuses, Pisces, and you may benefit from reflecting on which you’re using in your relationship. At times, there are very real reasons why you don’t have space for a relationship or even to date. But other times you tend to make excuses to protect yourself or stave off change. The more you become aware of why you’re making the choices you make, the better results you will see in your relationship.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
