How Mars In Cancer Affects Each Zodiac Sign's Weekly Love Horoscope From Now To September 8, 2024

Romance blessed by Mars in Cancer.

How Mars In Cancer Affects Each Zodiac Sign's Weekly Love Horoscope From Now To September 8, 2024 JaySi from Getty Images Pro, Dean Drobot | Canva Pro

Beautiful love, like a cherry bake with powdered sugar on top, is in store for the collective this week from now to September 8, 2024 with Mars entering Cancer. But before we get to the love horoscopes for each zodiac sign, here are the general love messages for everyone. 

We have an important astrological transit at the start of the week — a beautiful New Moon in Virgo. So, any hopes and wishes for your love life, especially those long-term ones, are best discussed now and considered. You can manifest them to life by focusing on what you truly wish. Just know that if you have the wrong person taking up space, this manifestation will clear out the toxic for some of you so the new can sprout and take root.


On September 4, we have another transit for love. Mars enters Cancer. Since Mars is a fiery planet, its presence in a water house can dim its behavior, but it will express itself through the psyche and the emotional plane instead. 

For example, in love, instead of directly confessing feelings, Mars in Cancer may influence people to be more cautious and express themselves through gestures, eye contact, simpler words, and even songs. It's a new season for love, albeit a tiny one since Mars will move on to Leo soon enough. Now, let's look at the weekly love horoscopes for every zodiac sign.


Each zodiac sign's weekly love horoscopes from now through September 8, 2024:


aries zodiac signs weekly love horoscopes september 2-8, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

Aries's best day for love: September 5

Aries, the energy of love this week is sweet and calm for you. Let it revolutionize your life through the small details and the gestures that urge one to read between the lines. After all, it's great when someone says, "I love you." Still, the experience can be even more thrilling when they do so through the look in their eyes, the way your bodies move on the dance floor, or how they remember your favorite drink even though you told them about it once many months ago.


The more you speak from your heart to each other, through direct words and silent gestures, the deeper your bond will grow. The cosmic forces have a supportive impact on your love life, so make the most of it!

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taurus zodiac signs weekly love horoscopes september 2-8, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Taurus's best day for love: September 7

Taurus, sometimes, to find true love, one must be willing to accept that they may not know everything there is to know about it. That's why we have books on the subject, popular podcasts, and more that demystify what is either kept hush-hush or seek to help people break free from toxic patterns passed down through the generations.

Lean into this message this week, and you will transform your love life in the most profound ways possible. Of course, it's best to start small, but small steps always add up to extraordinary changes. You will benefit from having a companion journal through this phase of life.

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gemini zodiac signs weekly love horoscopes september 2-8, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

Gemini's best day for love: September 5

Gemini, it's time to dig deep within yourself and discover your true love needs. Write them down in a journal, sketch the ideas through other creative techniques, or pin things to a Pinterest board. The more you understand yourself, the harder it will be to fall into relationship traps or situations that are not for you.


You are also encouraged to be more adventurous in the literal sense of the word. Travel the world, experience different cultures and how their rituals differ from yours, and talk to more people. You will find true love when you do this. That's your message for this week.

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cancer zodiac signs weekly love horoscopes september 2-8, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Cancer's best day for love: September 5

Cancer, the energy of love this week for you is all about knowing what's suitable for you in love and what's wrong. This is not about kink-shaming anyone or frowning at the diverse ways of expressing love but about recognizing that not everything is for you, and that's perfectly alright. In areas of such personal significance, other people should not care whether you like beige, blue, or ultraviolet. Lean into that.

Those with intuitive, solid gifts may also have strange experiences this week in love. Observe and note the signs and synchronicities if a flower drops on your head while walking under a tree or a feather finds itself on your path. Decipher the clues, and you will know where to go.

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leo zodiac signs weekly love horoscopes september 2-8, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

Leo's best day for love: September 4

Leo, the key to love this week for you is to enchant your partner (or date) with all the skills in your arsenal. If you can cook, use that to your advantage and create a beautiful dining experience. If you can draw (and they can too), maybe draw a portrait of each other over wine or coffee. If you are really into music, create a playlist or mixed tape.


Just remember: making an effort in love is not about being transactional. It's about nurturing a bond so it can grow. So be mindful if you don't receive equal enthusiasm or energy in return. Maybe you need to slow down so the other person is more comfortable. Or perhaps they don't wish to nurture the relationship like you. The message is to do your best and be mindful of how it's received.

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virgo zodiac signs weekly love horoscopes september 2-8, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Virgo's best day for love: September 8

Virgo, this week's love energy has a mischievous quality for you, but not the kind that inconveniences people and damages property! This kind of love encourages laughter and draws people out of their comfort zone in a good way. If you can lean into this, you will create a chain reaction that brings more love and growth, especially if mischievousness helps people have difficult conversations without fear.

Just remember: the regular gestures of love, like being there for each other through frustration, cuddling whenever you can, and saying "I love you," are also important to create the right balance and ground the love in something tried and tested.

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libra zodiac signs weekly love horoscopes september 2-8, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

Libra's best day for love: September 7

Libra, the energy of love this week for you urges you to be a giver more than a receiver. This may be uncomfortable for those of you who have been taken advantage of in the past or like to be more of a receiver than the giver, but this is precisely how you will tap into the cosmic currents this week and root your relationship in something true.


Just remember: love is an equal exchange of nurturing and care, so this should not be for perpetuity. But it will reveal whether you are with someone who also appreciates and believes in being a giver or is not emotionally available to engage in genuine love.

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scorpio zodiac signs weekly love horoscopes september 2-8, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Scorpio's best day for love: September 8

Scorpio, the key to love for you is strange this week. It urges you to know what you consider acceptable behavior in love and what you know is a blatant red flag. If someone calls you delusional for wanting to be treated with care, pay attention. Setting boundaries against what makes you uncomfortable is a red flag. Be concerned if you are called problematic for wanting an open conversation. It's a sign that you are not engaging with someone who wants love you right.

True love cannot flow into your life if the wrong one takes up space. So, know your heart and stand by what you consider a need in love, including any fictional characters who model the kind of love you wish to have. If being caring and loving is fictional, maybe reality needs to change.

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sagittarius zodiac signs weekly love horoscopes september 2-8, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

Sagittarius's best day for love: September 8

Sagittarius, the energy of love this week for you is a bit still. You will benefit more from focusing on other areas of life because the cosmic currents are more aligned for you. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't show up in your committed romance with your partner or value the potential you see on a date. It just means now's a good time to slow the pace and allow the other areas of life to be a part of your romance, too.


Quality over quantity is the name of the game, so try to be creative when you spend time in romance. The metaphor to aim for here is turning leftovers into something delicious. It brings heart and love to a situation that could easily make someone feel stale or unwanted.

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capricorn zodiac signs weekly love horoscopes september 2-8, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Capricorn's best day for love: September 7

Capricorn, the energy of love this week for you is all about immersing yourself in love so thoroughly that you unlock the magic that real love promises. You have a unique window of opportunity to create something significant in your life through love, but you won't be able to embrace this if you are scared of embracing love.

Journal your feelings to understand yourself better. It will make you realize that living authentically from a place of love brings more love into one's life and incredible well-being. There's something magnetically attractive about people who can live from that place of heartfulness.

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aquarius zodiac signs weekly love horoscopes september 2-8, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva

Aquarius's best day for love: September 6

Aquarius, the energy of love this week for you is all about knowing who has long-term potential and who does not. Shying away from this truth will only leave you feeling disheartened when you realize you ignored red flags in the past.


Also, if you want to take a relationship to the next level but face challenges from friends or family because of ingrained beliefs about culture, race, and something else, now's the time to find out if love truly conquers all. The first message about red flags will always come first, though.

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pisces zodiac signs weekly love horoscopes september 2-8, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes | Canva


Pisces's best day for love: September 4

Pisces, the energy of love this week is strong but not spotlight-grabbing, caring but not the kind that does it for attention, and regal but not overbearing. If you lean into it, you will realize why they say you can only do your best in love and allow others to show you who they are. The best sides of yourself will become visible through this exercise, drawing you toward real love.

You are also encouraged to keep your options open since the cosmic currents are experiencing some heavy shifts right now. The relationship that lasts through it all will reveal the gold that was not visible right away. The rest will fall away with the retrogrades and the great shakeup.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.