15 Rare Signs You've Found Lasting Love That's Real And True
Your relationship will go the distance.

Fans of the movie "The Princess Bride" will remember the scene where Westley and Buttercup are parting ways, and the princess wonders if she'll ever see him again.
He says, "Hear this now: I will always come for you." When she asks how she can be sure, Westley tells her, "This is true love — you think this happens every day?"
As rhetorical questions go, most of us would agree with the implication. It doesn't happen very often, let alone every day. People frequently fall in love!
But how can you know the signs you've found lasting love, or if it's something less (fleeting attraction, infatuation, a short-term romance)? Luckily, there are a few indicators.
Here are 15 rare signs you've found lasting love that's real and true
1. You've stopped wondering if there's someone better out there for you
Alax Matias / Pexels
A glaring sign you've found real love is when you stop thinking about any other potential mates, and begin to focus all your attention on the object of your affection.
So, if you've been searching for your soulmate for a long time, you know when it's time to stop looking.
2. There's only one person you want to flirt with
Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels
Single people are used to flirting, subtly or overtly, usually going out of their way to do so with multiple people. But when you've found true love, now you're interested in charming only your partner.
3. You do things to bring happiness to your partner, without expecting something in return
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Sometimes, we do things expecting something in return, whether it's money, a trade of some kind, or even a favor for future use. However, people who find a soulmate-level relationship no longer need to do this.
If you've found lasting love, the only motivation to give is because you want to enrich your partner's life.
4. You trust the other person with your most vulnerable secrets
DimaBerlin / Shutterstock
It's not easy to be completely transparent, especially with people you've just met and let into your life. But sometimes, when you know this person you're with is the one, it's easy for you to share those innermost parts of yourself.
True love gives you the courage and safety to be real. And doing so with your partner means you've found a lasting connection.
5. You're excellent collaborators
Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels
Relationships succeed when both partners treat each other as equals and work as a team. Unfortunately, sometimes couples will compete with one another in unhealthy ways.
But true love leads two people to work together as teammates and partners in the most important aspects of life.
6. The joys far outweigh the struggles
Leah Newhouse / Pexels
No relationship is without problems, of course. Arguments are to be expected in any healthy partnership, but it shouldn't always be gloom and doom.
The best relationships are those that have incredible moments that create lasting memories. And true love brings many more highs than lows.
7. You don't feel the need to change the other person
Growth in a relationship is to be expected, but when you're with someone, trying to change them shows it's not real love. Why would you want to change someone instead of helping them become a better version of themselves?
If you've found lasting love, you accept your partner as they are, all while encouraging growth and development.
8. Your partner inspires you toward greatness
Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels
The best partners know how to spur each other onward and upward. Your partner should be your biggest fan, supporting your goals and ambitions, and offering a listening ear along the way.
You'll know you've found true love when your partner acts as an inspiration in your journey to personal growth and success.
9. You're still going strong after the honeymoon phase
Helena Lopes / Pexels
The early stages of romance can be misleading with all the supercharged emotions. Both partners may show a side of themselves that isn't authentic, despite being happy and carefree with one another.
But true love grows deeper even as infatuation fades. And if you've made it through the honeymoon phase and still feel deeply about your partner, it's a good sign.
10. You've overcome obstacles
Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels
Love must be tested by adversity to know if it's sturdy enough to last over the long haul. If you've gone through challenges or difficulties in your relationship, but have come out the other side stronger than ever, you've found your soulmate.
11. Laughter comes easily and often
Andres Ayrton / Pexels
Abundant humor is one of the signs you've found lasting love. You share a similar perspective on life and feel the freedom to be silly together.
Relationships don't need to be serious all the time, after all!
12. You don't feel the need to hide your quirks and odd habits
Anna Shvets / Pexels
When you first begin a relationship with someone, you may hide your quirks from your partner out of fear of judgment. But being with your true love means you can be authentic and don't have to bury those parts of yourself.
When someone loves you for who you truly are, you don't have to pretend in any way. And it's a sign that you're with someone who really gets you.
13. You negotiate with win-win as the goal
cottonbro studio / Pexels
Life is full of compromises; it's what makes relationships go the distance! But sometimes, one partner may have their own needs in mind without caring about the needs of their other half.
However, in a relationship that lasts, those who are meant to be together seek solutions that satisfy both of them.
14. You think about growing old together and smile at the thought
Helena Lopes / Pexels
Looking ahead can sometimes be frightening, especially if you're in the early stages of your relationship. You may worry that you aren't meant to last or that some hurdle will come between you.
But when you've found true, real love, there's nothing you can't handle with your partner by your side.
15. You feel blessed every day
Diego Rezende / Pexels
Deep-down gratitude for your partner — and your good fortune at having found each other — continually brightens your life. You thank the universe daily for bringing you two together. And it's a beautiful thing.
eHarmony is an online dating site that believes people deserve to find love — true love that comes with a lasting relationship.