How Venus Entering Libra Improves The Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On August 29, 2024

Love becomes easy the moment you allow it to.

Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On August 29, 2024 khwanchai phanthongs images, sketchify, Poike | Canva Pro

Venus returns to Libra, one of its ruling signs, on Thursday, August 29; you will see a marked improvement in your romantic life and the ability to receive genuine, healthy love. Venus in Libra helps you and your partner work together with greater cohesiveness and focus more on compromise than on who is right. 

In Libra, Venus can love, which means that is also precisely what you will be able to do as well. Instead of giving energy to what only feels hard or holding your ground on a topic that doesn’t matter, Venus in Libra invites you to learn that love can be easy when you choose to let it be. 


Love does become easy the moment you allow it to, but there is often a great deal that goes into that process. Allowing your romantic relationship to be one of ease means that you are holding a space of worthiness and reciprocity and focusing on attracting and building a healthy relationship. It’s often thought that it’s not love itself that is complicated but the people involved.

To let love be easy means no longer needing the rollercoaster of emotions and instead simply stepping into a place of honestly believing you have received what you deserve. 


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Love horoscope for each zodiac sign on August 29, 2024:




Love is most definitely in the air, dear Aries, so do yourself a favor and start letting yourself enjoy it. But when it comes to love, you’re not just looking into dating casually. You'd rather invest in a particular relationship that you truly hope to have forever. 

There will always have to deal with timing and other outside influences in relationships, but right now you must let yourself follow your heart and start prioritizing romantic matters in your life. Plan that dateor day out together, say how you really feel, and don’t shy away from making future plans because the more you put into your romantic life right now, the greater commitment you will receive.

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It may be time for a little more self-love, Taurus. While you will be able to embrace a more loving nature and positive developments in your romantic life, you also may need to slow your pace down a bit. 

Instead of focusing on all you want to accomplish in the future with your partner, try to enjoy the present moment. This means that it’s okay to take a break from focusing solely on the foundation of your relationship, and instead make sure that each of you feels cared for in the ways you need — think nights in, early bedtimes, and even a spa day as you slow down just enough to embrace more of what love is supposed to be.

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There are changes in store for you, dear Gemini, and the reality is this is just the beginning. You have been thinking about and progressing toward greater commitment in your relationship. While you’ve had a bit of cold feet, it doesn’t mean that this isn’t the path meant for you. 

Try to take all you’ve recently learned about yourself and what you need and focus your energy on what you want to last. Long-term relationships aren’t always about excitement — sometimes it’s simply about realizing you’ve found the person you want to do life with.

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Matters of home and family will be experiencing a greater ease, Cancer, and it’s precisely what you need to feel more secure with your recent decisions. Instead of thinking that there is always something that must be done, or getting too comfortable in chaos, allow yourself to believe that this newfound peace in your relationship and home life is one that is meant to remain. 

Let yourself receive this new energy instead of looking for what’s wrong or creating problems out of nothing. Allow yourself to embrace the closeness in your relationship, focus on home projects, and believe that this new era is one that is meant to last.

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Take time to feel all your feelings, sweet Leo. You are more than first meets the eye and while you do possess a keen sense of self and determination when it comes to love, you are safe to embrace your softness.

 While you’ve been trying to navigate the truth of your heart, it’s now time to fully open it to your partner. Let your walls down and open up about how you’ve been feeling. This relationship you have in your life is a special one, but you need to leave behind trying to play it cool and instead simply be your messy and real self. The more you express and share with your partner, the better your relationship will become.

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Everything that you’ve been through has been preparing you for this moment, Virgo. You are being given the ability to completely renegotiate your relationship and create more substance in your connection. 

Instead of only focusing on the practical matters of what your partner can bring to your life, focus on the emotional fulfillment you desire. This means you may have to prioritize quality time and romance over finances or gifts, but by shifting your approach, you will also be able to find love to be even more fulfilling.

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When you love yourself, Libra, it becomes easier to determine what kind of love you want to accept. Loving yourself is a process of learning to accept yourself for who you are, believing in your ideals, and being able to care for yourself in all the ways you’ve ever desired another to. By focusing more on the love and care you have for yourself, you will also be in a better place to attract what you really deserve.

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It can feel overwhelming when you are faced with what still needs healing, dear Scorpio, but it’s also the path to the love that you really want. You may find yourself replaying aspects of the past, or feeling disheartened about whether you can have what it is you really want. 

These feelings aren’t meant to create sadness or futileness, but instead to help reveal to you what is meant for you by guiding you through deeper healing. Give yourself plenty of time to process everything that happens, but through it all never give up on your dreams.

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You may feel more inclined to focus on your friendships rather than a relationship during this time, Sagittarius, but it could lead to some interesting developments. Close connections are important to you, and because of that, you often forge very profound relationships with others. At times, this can cause issues in your romantic connection, but at others, like now, it can help show you why friendship should be the foundation for any relationship. 

You may discover that a certain connection is drifting out of the friend zone and into more — try to be open to what surfaces and let yourself acknowledge your true feelings.

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You are moving into an incredibly abundant phase of your life, Capricorn, but you do need to make sure that you are able to hold space for all that is important. Career matters may be center focus right now, but that doesn’t mean that there still isn’t growth and new possibilities in your romantic life. 

Try to be especially mindful about creating quality time with your partner and not working too many late nights. Part of your process right now is learning to create a better balance in your life, which begins with you being able to protect and invest in what is most important.

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Let yourself dream, dear Aquarius, but also let yourself follow through on those dreams. You are thinking about new adventures and far-off horizons, and you've been craving a deeper meaning in your romantic relationship. But none of that is going to happen unless you start talking with your partner and making plans for how to bring it all to fruition. 

Think about planning a trip together where you feel you are traveling with a purpose because it won’t just bring about new experiences but also a more profound connection in your relationship.

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Intimacy is an important part of any relationship, Pisces, you've shifted the way you've been approaching this theme. With all of your healing and self-work, you are seeing that to create the relationship you really desire, you need to invest more time in making sure someone honors your needs. Gone are the days of simple romantic notions. Instead, you are looking for what is real and lasting. 

Make sure to honor all you’ve learned about creating a deep sense of intimacy in a relationship, but also let yourself take a risk with your heart as that’s the only way to truly progress a particular connection in your life.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
