Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On August 25, 2024

The Moon in Taurus is dancing alongside Uranus in Taurus.

Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On August 25, 2024 ZayamiArt, BDMcIntosh from Getty Images Signature, Oleksandra Klestova | Canva Pro

Sunday's horoscopes have a lot of earth energy. The Sun is in Virgo and the Moon will pair up with Uranus. 

If you feel more restless than usual, it could actually point you to the area of your life where you can benefit from change the most and what needs to be let go of so that you can create more spaciousness for the universe to fill it with more aligned dreams and wishes.


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Your zodiac sign's horoscope for August 25, 2024.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)


You may feel an unusual surge of energy during this time, which can awaken dormant creative potential, especially related to how you make money and explore new ways to build a more stable and secure foundation. Take a pause during your day and journal your thoughts as they arise. Your unconscious mind may be more active, allowing you to become more aware of your beliefs regarding your creative potential.

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)


Today, be led by your curiosity, even if that means your schedule changes throughout the day. So, be sure to keep an open diary. This is a time to put down what you already know, and remember that there is always more to be explored. If you’ve been feeling bored lately, this energy can help reawaken your desire to be spontaneous and social. You may have an urge to wander into places that you’ve never been before.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)


Today you may have random thoughts that trigger impulsive behavior that may take you by surprise. You may be more distracted than usual, as your mind is unusually stimulated during this time. You may be more prone to overthinking, therefore be mindful that you don’t make any permanent decisions that may be unchangeable after this transit ends. What strategies can you use to manage impulsive urges and avoid making permanent decisions in the heat of the moment?

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)


You may experience some changes in your friendships, and you may even notice how different you are from your friends, or you may notice some changes within them that could, this is a good time to reconnect in a new way which can add more fun and spontaneous to your dynamic. On the other hand you may feel more distance from your connections, if so ponder on this ‘Are there any patterns or dynamics in these relationships that may be contributing to the distance? How can you work towards understanding and potentially resolving these issues?’

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Leo (July 23 - August 22)


You may feel stronger today to affirm your needs and desires in your career, you can have a more direct and honest conversation with your manager without feeling like you aren’t deserving of what you need. This is a good time to use the power in your voice, and acknowledge what your invoice has to say. It’s important to know that you are worthy of being heard as your words hold value. 

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22)


Play offers a chance to temporarily set aside the weight of our responsibilities and reconnect with a key part of ourselves that often gets lost in our ‘adulting’ daily tasks. You might ask yourself, "How can I find meaning in every moment?" or "How can I create more time in my routine for fun?" Additionally, consider, "How can I give myself permission to experience joy regardless of my responsibilities and self-imposed expectations?

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Libra (September 23 - October 22)


This is a major reset phase, which can give you the courage to transform old beliefs and challenge old mindsets. You may ask yourself ‘How can I question this belief in a new way?’ When we look at our beliefs in different ways, we’re able to see whether this is a realistic perspective or based on fear from past experiences. 

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)


When you view the people in your life from a different perspective, life begins to change and move in a new direction filled with love and tenderness. You may have flashes of insight into how your relationships are helping you feel more liberated and free, or you might notice if they are dimming your self-expression, making you feel like you have to act rather than be yourself. In what ways have your relationships contributed to a sense of liberation and expansion in your life?

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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)


Today you may feel invigorated as though nothing can stop you from conquering your goals. If you’ve been procrastinating with your time, this is an incredible placement to tick off your to-do list. Essentially you have the foresight into how your goals are building towards your future, and you have access to channel your primal energy into your ambitious pursuits. What are the key ambitious pursuits I feel most passionate about right now? 

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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)


This is a chance to heal ingrained emotional patterns that you may not have noticed in the past. You may gain better clarity on how these patterns were formed in childhood, leading to greater self-acceptance. You are likely to make decisions based on instinct, which could propel you to make significant strides toward your future. Viewing life from different perspectives may also reveal new opportunities for advancement.

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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)


You may feel more inclined to reveal your inner child to the world and live in the moment, allowing you to temporarily set aside any self conscious insecurities that you might usually feel engulfed in. If you’re open to exploring new places, you might connect with new people and forge refreshing partnerships. These connections could help you feel more comfortable being authentic and showing aspects of yourself that you usually keep private.

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Pisces (February 19 - March 20)


This is a good time to assess if you’ve been placing any self limitations on yourself, so that you can unpack what underlying fears are influencing your decisions. List your fears out on paper so that you can see it visually as it can help you to process how you can re-write the narratives of these fears, but first you have to understand its roots. Don’t resist shedding these outgrown aspects of you, as change is the symptom of new growth. 

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Sade Jackson is a psychological astrologer, writer and energy healer. She writes about Jungian lore, creativity, feminine mysticism and astrology on Substack.
