3 Zodiac Signs Are Blessed With Good Fortune On September 30, 2024

There's a good feeling in the air.

woman blessed with good fortune september 30 Photo: breeze393, Ivan Kazlouskij | Design: YourTango

We've got a lot going on in our cosmic sky on this day, September 30, 2024, and for three zodiac signs, it will be quite clear that this is a day of good fortune and blessings. Astrology shows us that during Sun conjunct Mercury, anything is possible, so let's keep our intentions set for the positive.

Sun conjunct Mercury shows us all that if we put our minds to it, we can create greatness. This may come as a surprise to many, especially those of us who tend to doubt ourselves. But there's a good feeling in the air enabling us with confidence and self-love.


What starts as a feeling manifests as good fortune, and three zodiac signs, this lucky experience is one we can both learn from for the future and live in during the future. What takes place on September 30 can last us a lifetime...so let's make it a good one!

Three zodiac signs are blessed with good fortune on September 30, 2024 

1. Taurus

taurus zodiac signs blessed good fortune september 30, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro


Not only do you feel blessed with good fortune September 30, you feel as though you can create more and more of it, simply by believing this is where you are destined to be. During Sun conjunct Mercury, you want it all, and you want it now.

You feel so good, Taurus, that it would be shocking to think you wouldn't be able to create the world exactly the way you'd like to see it. It's all up to you, and part of what gives you that shine on this day is that the Sun conjunct Mercury ramps up your positive energy levels.

So, you can accomplish much at this time, as well. This isn't all in your mind, though it certainly does start there. You feel as if your batteries have been seriously recharged and you cannot wait to walk into the new month of October with a beaming smile on your face.

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2. Virgo

virgo zodiac signs blessed good fortune september 30, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro

Sun conjunct Mercury lets you know in no uncertain terms that this is an excellent day for you, Virgo. Not only do you feel like you're in good spirits, but you also feel as though you are brimming with good health, and as we all know...health is the true wealth, in any situation.

You've spent a long time working on yourself and getting better this month, and the universe has picked up on this thought process. The universe wishes to help you out and continue with your positive wave.


You've completed all of your tasks for the month and have some good, solid free time to look forward to. You're really on a roll now, Virgo, and if you're able to keep up the happy vibe, you'll be set up for October's madness. It's all good!

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3. Pisces

pisces zodiac signs blessed good fortune september 30, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro


One of the reasons you feel so blessed with good fortune on September 30, is because you no longer get swayed by drama. You've started to perceive the theatrical people in your life as those who need excitement, and you don't need 'their' kind of excitement as it usually drags you down.

During the Sun conjunct Mercury, you walk away from drama and find peace and harmony. You just aren't cut out for competition or trickery. Let your friends involve themselves with that kind of stuff. You crave what Sun conjunct Mercury grants you, as this transit wishes you only the best. You feel blessed andprotected and all of this advances your confidence and courage. You feel good about life on September 30, 2024.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.