The Universe Has An Important Message For 4 Zodiac Signs On September 28, 2024

The day's Moon-Jupiter alignment is exactly the kind of cosmic happening that creates a feeling of oneness with the universe.

woman and zodiac sign wheel receiving important message from universe september 28 Photo: Artulina, Vladimir Fedotov | Design: YourTango

This Saturday, September 28, should be fun as the day's astrology gives us a very, very positive transit — a Moon/Jupiter alignment. This is exactly the kind of cosmic happening that creates a feeling of oneness with the universe, which will send important messages to four zodiac signs under this energy.

We are very open on this day. We want to pick up on the subtleties, and fortunately for us...we do. Four zodiac signs will feel as though Jupiter has personally come down to deliver the news, and yes, that does imply that it's gigantic. Jupiter doesn't do small potatoes, and on September 28, the messages we will get will be both important and practical. Something is going to 'click' for us on this day, and we will recognize the moment as crucial and positive.


The universe has an important message for four zodiac signs on September 28, 2024:

1. Taurus

taurus universe important message zodiac signs september 28, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

Here's your moment, Taurus. You've wanted a sign from the universe, and you're getting a message that says, "Move it." That's all it takes for you. You trust in the stars and when the cosmos hands you a Moon/Jupiter alignment, you go with it, freely and in trust.


Your message on September 28 tells you to go for it, not be afraid, and stop listening to the doubters that crop up at this time. The brighter you are, the more shadows you create and you've come to know that there will always be jealous parties around you because you stand out.

This is all the more reason why this Moon/Jupiter alignment is the delivery system for your universal message — you're supposed to go big or go home, and you're not going home, Taurus. You will fulfill your destiny, and you may end up a superstar by the end of it. And why not!

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2. Leo

leo universe important message zodiac signs september 28, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva


You are in a position to do something huge. Yes, it could be scary, but you are pretty much a nervy person and scary doesn't put you off. During the Moon/Jupiter alignment on September 28, all things seem possible.

Your personal message from the universe tells you, "Take on the world and be fearless about it." You aren't happy sitting in the backseat doing what you're told. It's not that you have to be the boss, you are simply not interested in being a worker bee. It's not that you aren't willing to serve another, it's that during the Moon/Jupiter alignment, you want to see what you're made of so that you can improve yourself and your status. 

If this day is all about tending to your own needs, then this is as important as it gets and you should follow that call.

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3. Scorpio

scorpio universe important message zodiac signs september 28, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

This is the day you try something new. You might have a friend or a loved one who has been trying to get you to do something you haven't done before, and while you try to play it off by letting them think you're cool and that it's in your interest, it's not something you want much to do with.

That is until this day arrives. September 28 shows you that it's good to take chances, especially when the mood of the day is as fine as it is right now. You've got the Moon/Jupiter alignment to help you open your mind up, so the idea of trying something new isn't as terrifying as it once was. You're forming a new trust with chance. 


The universe is trying to tell you that this life is for living and that on occasion, it is uplifting to try something that takes you miles out of your comfort zone, Scorpio.

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4. Pisces

pisces universe important message zodiac signs september 28, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva


Because you feel so at peace with the world on September 28, you might want to ask yourself what's going on and what did you right to achieve this kind of peace. That is what the universe wants of us on this day, Pisces: for you to do the inner work in discovering why you feel such bliss right now.

It's the universe's way of saying "stick with it." It's the way the cosmos checks in with us to let us know that we are part of the deal, that we author our own books, and that we're the ones who decide whether life is good or bad. And during the Moon/Jupiter alignment, you get to know the answer to all of that.

You'll realize that YOU did this, Pisces. You got yourself to an untouchable place and nobody can get on your nerves because you are in balance with nature. And during the Moon/Jupiter alignment, you will feel as though your happiness can only grow and expand...forever.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
