3 Zodiac Signs Encounter Good Luck On September 27, 2024

Moon square Venus shows us that we can have it all.

content woman encountering good luck on september 27, 2024 Photo: Heshan Perera | Design: YourTango

On September 27, 2024, we may find ourselves chuckling a bit over the good luck we've just encountered. For three zodiac signs, the day's astrology brings us something we've been wishing for, and getting it makes us smile from ear to ear.

We've got a very helpful transit, Moon square Venus, on our side, and while this transit comes with its warnings, too, we will see that it's a lot easier to deal with warnings when so many good things are coming our way. And that's exactly why we need to watch out. Yes, the luck is here, and no, we might not be able to hang on to it, unless, of course, we are careful.


So there's good luck coming our way on September 27, but it comes with a common-sense warning, and for three zodiac signs, that's just perfect, as we need to know our limits and recognize our own boundaries. Moon square Venus shows us that we can have it all...if we play our cards right.

Three zodiac signs encounter good luck on September 27, 2024, during Moon square Venus

1. Gemini

gemini zodiac signs encounter good luck september 27, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva


The lessons of the past have started to kick in, and when the Moon squares Venus, you will be handed a strict opportunity that could quite possibly change your life. The lessons of the past are here to remind you NOT to do what you did in the past because your luck is about to change for the way better.

This is something that is easily applied to the workplace. If you have just received an opportunity for new work, but the conditions are strict, you have to weigh the idea of whether or not this is for you or if you're willing to discipline yourself to make the most out of this amazing opportunity. During the transit of Moon square Venus on September 27, you'll see that you did luck out with this, and it will press on you when it comes to deciding whether or not you can handle the pressure. 

Can you handle it, Gemini? Moon square Venus says "Yes, you can. Do it."

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2. Capricorn

capricorn zodiac signs encounter good luck september 27, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva

You've got something on your mind and it's very personal, so when Moon square Venus comes to town (bringing with it luck that's meant especially for you, Capricorn), you'll start applying that luck to whatever you've got on your mind. Yes, it's personal, and yes, you are very much in luck on this day.

September 27 shows you how a transit — Moon square Venus — can change a life, as you will see on this particular day. A LOT is going on in your life right now, and you need to know that you can tend to this personal issue and put it away. That's what you get on this day, Capricorn: an end to a problem that was bugging you and preventing you from thinking straight. This day allows you to have hope for the future. 


If you find yourself laughing to yourself, then go with it. You have encountered some very good luck, and it's working for you.

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3. Aquarius

aquarius zodiac signs encounter good luck september 27, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva

You are just about to receive some good news — just in the nick of time, too. It not only feels right, but the timing of it all seems somewhat fortuitous. You've needed this bit of luck to get you out of your funk, and now it's here, thanks to the powers of the universe.


September 27 is no ordinary day for you, Aquarius, and while it's not going to come with a parade and fireworks, it is going to blast open the gates of negativity and lay waste to them. There is no room for negativity at all during Moon square Venus, as the universe instructs you to stay out of your own way.

You have just enchanted a heaping scoop of good luck and you're going to make the best of it. This good news is just what you need and you are going to make the best of it all. It's as if it was meant to be, and you're not going to forget what you learn on September 27, 2024.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.