3 Zodiac Signs Experience A Turn Of Fortune On September 18, 2024

When we feel good, we create more of the same...

Zodiac Signs Experience A Turn Of Fortune On September 18, 2024 Artesia Wells, , vierfolg, mimeagephotography | Canva Pro

When the Aries Moon aligns with Pluto on September 18, 2024, we will feel it in all the right ways. When we break down this astrological transit, we look at a strong force for change and transformation. We are tired of feeling down, and this day provides us with cosmic backup for ushering in positive vibes.

Once we open that gate, it floods in, too, and for three zodiac signs, September 18 may feel like our lucky day. For some of us, this radical positivity is almost like a vacation. We are so used to feeling exhausted that we hardly know what hits us during this alignment; it's so good.


And the goodness inspires us to make more and more of it. It's interesting that when we feel good, we create more of the same just because good attracts good. We see the snowballing effect of positive energy, and when Aries aligns with Pluto, we get the job done.

Three zodiac signs experience a turn of fortune on September 18, 2024.

1. Virgo

virgo zodiac signs experience turn fortune september 18, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


If the Aries Moon wasn't enough to make you feel like the power is in your hands, then the Aries Moon aligned with Pluto will show you the real power of positivity. You rarely get into moods like the one you'll be in on September 18, but there's something in the air, and it feels good.

You'll get to experience what it's like to merge with the cosmic consciousness on this day, which may even border on the ecstatic. You do not feel ecstasy normally; you feel good, yes, but not this blissful. So much of this has to do with Pluto's influence over you. The transit pushes you into a place of pure positivity.

Because you feel so good, you affect others around you. They are not only relieved to see you in such high spirits, but your infectious attitude is one they will readily grab on to. You are showered in positive vibes now, and you like to share the wealth.

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2. Libra

libra zodiac signs experience turn fortune september 18, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

Finally, a day that you can think of as exceptional. It's not that the days have been all that bad, but you've been hungering for one good day where nothing bothers you, and all feels right with the world. That day is September 18, 2024. You've got the Aries Moon aligned with Pluto, which spells happiness for you.

You can kick back and just enjoy yourself and the people in your life. You aren't judging them, and they aren't judging you. You'll see that this Aries Moon seems to put everyone in a good mood; this is so helpful.


Note that it's due to Pluto's presence in the cosmic sky that you feel so ready to accept that it's OK to have fantastic days like this one. This is part of your personal transformation; knowing you can have happy days like this lets you trust the universe, which frees you up for even more positive energy.

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3. Scorpio

scorpio zodiac signs experience turn fortune september 18, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro


Walking through this day, September 18, with a smile on your face, makes you smile even brighter at the thought of it. You are completely showered in positive vibes at this time, and because of the Aries Moon/Pluto transit, what you do on this day continues for weeks to come.

This transit has you believing in yourself, knowing that if you need to change, you can. You accept that you are not perfect and that there is no such thing as perfection in human life. However, there is such a thing as giddy happiness, which you'll experience.

Expect to gather with friends and family around this time, as you won't be the only one to feel like rejoicing. The vibe of the day is so pure and so sweet that it will linger for days to come. Enjoy the day's beauty, Scorpio, and know that you can have as much of it as you want.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
