3 Specific Zodiac Signs Have Lucky Horoscopes The Week Of September 16 - 22
Make space in your life for divine miracles.

Three zodiac signs have very lucky horoscopes all throughout the week beginning September 16, thanks to several favorable astrology transits. On Tuesday, September 17, The Pisces Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse will rise, bringing in a moment of fruition and miracles as you can have greater faith in the universe and how you manifest your intentions.
This Full Moon will help you understand the power of believing in your dreams, following your intuition and always being open to what arises. As an eclipse, this foretells what will arrive with the new upcoming eclipse cycle in Pisces and Virgo in 2025, so it’s best to become very aware of what surfaces during this time as you may receive insight into where the next phase of your journey will lead you.
On Sunday, September 22, Venus enters Scorpio, bringing depth and insight into your intentions surrounding romance, wealth, and themes of the home. Sun entering Libra on the same day encourages you to work with others to accomplish your dreams. While miracles are possible, and they often seem to happen unexpectedly, they also most occur because you create them by never giving up on your dreams.
The three zodiac signs with lucky weekly horoscopes September 16 - 22, 2024.
1. Cancer
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You are preparing to head into a fascinating and abundant phase of your life, Cancer. As the Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs on Tuesday, September 17, you will be given a gift of new opportunities that will lead to positive developments in your career, travel, new love, and even feeling more deeply connected to your life.
But what makes this so special and lucky for you is that this is only the first step in connecting you with your divine purpose. The Pisces Eclipse is only the preview for the upcoming eclipse cycle in Pisces and Virgo.
They will bring to your life beginning in 2025, which means while you will be receiving luck and guidance from the universe during this time, you can feel confident that you will be receiving opportunities for growth from the universe.
It can be hard to let go of certain aspects of life, especially if they are close to your heart or feel important. But in this new era of yourself, you have been guided to prioritize yourself more to say yes to your dreams. Relationships and your connection to home will always be important, but it may be beneficial to start thinking more about your relationship with yourself.
You will never have to choose between manifesting your dreams and success or continuing certain aspects of your life. And if it feels like there is a choice, then you already know that in those cases, the only option is to choose yourself and your dreams.
2. Aquarius
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Success often does occur when you least expect it, Aquarius, especially with how long you’ve been working to manifest this new phase of abundance in your life. This week brings a sense of luck and destiny into your life. In this situation, you can expect to receive new career opportunities, possibly bringing more chances for travel and even an increase in wealth.
You must remember that you can either continue to prepare yourself or seize this chance to upgrade your life and dreams.
You naturally evolve through your career as you realize more of your needs and purpose in this lifetime. Changing jobs or majors is okay, especially as you learn more about yourself and grow.
Regardless of specifics, or even what certain fears may try to convince you of, these new opportunities wouldn’t be occurring if you weren’t meant to seize them. Your career should feel energized, and you have the universe's support. Go after the life and career you’ve always wanted.
3. Pisces
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Your life path is deeply connected to your spiritual path, dear Pisces. The more you can lean into the power of the universe and embrace your more spiritual side, the more is revealed on your divine path.
Spend time meditating, journaling, or even being out in nature, especially now that you're beginning an incredibly abundant and transformative time in your life. Venus brings an enormous amount of luck to areas of romance, career, wealth, and even your home, but in Scorpio, it requires you to go deep, explore the hidden meaning of love, and always embrace change to create the life you dream of.
As you prepare to start working with Venus's energy in Scorpio, try to become more open-minded about the new offers and opportunities that will start coming into your life. This means that you may have to be flexible in your routine and learn to juggle commitments.
By doing so, you will manifest more abundance. Pay special attention to any offers of travel related to that project you’ve been working on, even if it feels more spontaneous.
You may be tempted to turn this offer, or a similar one, down because you hadn’t planned or created space in your life for it, but this energy is all about learning to pivot so that you can receive the newness of luck and abundance destined for you.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.