4 Zodiac Signs Receive Blessings From The Universe On September 18, 2024

On this day, we will be getting over ourselves, releasing doubt and owning courage.

Zodiac Signs Receive Blessings From The Universe On September 18, 2024 Jessica Hyde from Getty Images, vierfolg, Pexels from Pixabay, Be Keronyart Images | Canva Pro

On September 18, 2024, blessings from the universe will pour down on four zodiac signs. Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Scorpio will receive the gift of persistence. 

Wednesday shows us that we can achieve everything we want if we stick to the plan. We're looking at an Aries Moon square Mars, which can take us from one state of mind to another where we not only believe in ourselves but find the energy to be creative in ways we didn't think possible. 


The blessing of Aries Moon square Mars is about getting over ourselves, releasing doubt, and owning courage. Wednesday could be a day of greatness for four zodiac signs.

Four zodiac signs receive blessings from the universe on September 18, 2024.

1. Aries

aries zodiac signs receive blessings universe september 18, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro


Now and then, you take charge, Aries. You'll once again take the reins and lead yourself (and possibly others) into something amazing and powerful. You may be acting on impulse, but that's perfectly fine; you need to feel when the time is right to jump, and the time is right during the Aries Moon square Mars.

Whatever is on your mind, the universe backs you up on this day, allowing you to feel as strong as possible. This strength is holistic. It covers the body and mind and doesn't get any better.

You'll feel blessed and at ease, but first, there's action. You have a goal in mind, and now that you've got the nerve and the impulse to jump on it, you'll see that not only do you make the right moves, but these moves lead you to a place of peace and deep satisfaction. You really 'do it' all.

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2. Cancer

cancer zodiac signs receive blessings universe september 18, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro

The Aries Moon square Mars gives you the blessing of knowing the right timing. There's so much 'push' in this transit that it needs the right person to handle it correctly, and you are that right person. Your timing is amazing, Cancer, because you decide to get your feet wet.

You've been wanting to do something that takes nerve, and this transit packs a punch when it comes to getting people active. Whatever was holding you back no longer seems relevant. On this day, you receive the blessing of self-confidence, which feels good.


You'll also use that great sense of timing to admit that now is the time for a major change in your life. You can't wait another day to start this process. It would help if you moved it now, and as soon as you do, you'll feel such a rush of confidence that you'll know all your next moves with work under nature. More power to you, Cancer.

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3. Libra

libra zodiac signs receive blessings universe september 18, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro


You don't always like to admit that you're wrong, but you'll find that the transit of Aries Moon square Mars pushes you to look closely at your actions. While this might sound scary, have no fear, Libra; this is all for your benefit. You get blessings, and you will understand what's going on by the end of the day.

By owning up and taking responsibility, you can set yourself on a path of truth that will pay off in liberation. This means that during this powerful Aries Moon square Mars aspect, you will see that you can no longer act a certain way — not if you want to make your life happy and healthy.

OK, that's the way that goes, Libra, and it's a great thing to liberate oneself from past addictions or behaviors, which you'll be looking at on this day. Know this: everything is going to work out, and this is because you put forth your best efforts.

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4. Scorpio

scorpio zodiac signs receive blessings universe september 18, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro

The universe smiles on you on September 18, Scorpio, and you'll feel supported in what you do now. You needed this universal affirmation; you needed to know that what you're about to do is not only right but good for everyone involved, and during Aries Moon square Mars, you'll find that you have made the right move.

While you aren't always fond of taking care of people, when the responsibility falls on your shoulders, you step up and do the right thing, always. On this day, once again, you'll realize you are the leader here, and you have to lead.


It's hard not to avoid the power zap with the Aries Moon square Mars; you are very susceptible to this cosmic energy. You'll use this energy to help others, and these people will look at you as if you are some guiding light. This will allow you to believe in yourself, as well. You make a good guiding light, like it or not!

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
