3 Zodiac Signs Experience A Turn Of Fortune On September 13, 2024

Because we believe in ourselves, we are somewhat fearless.

elated woman experiencing turn of fortune september 13, 2024 GulArt from pixabay, Bombdesign, aldra from Getty Images Signature , La La La | Canva Pro

This Friday, September 13, 2024, brings us the transit of Moon trine Uranus, and with it comes an unexpected turn of fortune for three zodiac signs. Astrologically, the planet of Uranus usually represents rebellion, independence, and/or uniqueness, even eccentricity. When it trines the Moon, our self-perception changes the world around us.

This turn of fortune occurs within us, as the Moon trine Uranus supports self-confidence and freedom of thought. On such a day, we are less prone to self-doubt and will reap the benefits of such self-possession.


Because we believe in ourselves, we are somewhat fearless when taking chances on our behalves. We stir up the idea of change and good fortune because the universe supports us. The Moon trine Uranus allows us to feel good about our decisions. As they say, we create change on this day, leading us to brighter pastures.

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Three zodiac signs experience a turn of fortune on September 13, 2024.

1. Aries

aries zodiac signs experience turn fortune september 13, 2024 Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni, sparklestroke | Canva Pro


You might not have thought that you would receive a positive response to some query you put out recently, but it does seem as though the universe is now smiling down upon you. You will not only receive good news at this time; you'll see that it is true: you are about to experience a turn of fortune in your life.

And wow, is this ever what you need or what? Oh yes, Aries, you can think of Friday the 13th as your lucky day because during Moon trine Uranus, what you didn't think would take place takes place, and it is better than you thought it could be. This sets your weekend up very nicely, indeed.

Because it's a Moon trine Uranus transit, you can trust in the fact that all of your wild ideas are, in fact, great ideas and that if this involves other people, which it probably does, then you can count on this weekend to be fun, exciting and very, very active. Good for you, Aries!

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2. Gemini

gemini zodiac signs experience turn fortune september 13, 2024 Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni, sparklestroke | Canva Pro

You're a funny one when it comes to self-confidence, Gemini. Sometimes, you feel very down on yourself, as if all you can do is break things, but you've come to learn that you can also fix everything you break. This has become a talent with you, and on September 13, you can parlay that skill into good fortune.

This turn of fortune for you is a surprise, but not one you cannot handle. Friday is very inspiring for you. It hypes you up to get back into believing in yourself again. During the transit of Moon trine Uranus, you'll see that it's OK to be a little neurotic, as that helps you decide what is best for you.


That's not to say this day is filled with neurotic feelings; it's not. What it does do, however, is show you that you've got this broad range of emotions and that, oddly enough, you can choose which ones suit you for whichever purposes you need. This day pushes you over to the light side, and that's where all the great ideas come into your head, Gemini.

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3. Capricorn

capricorn zodiac signs experience turn fortune september 13, 2024 Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni, sparklestroke | Canva Pro


While life is pleasant enough, you've been feeling as though you really could use some stimulation, and during Moon trine Uranus, it's hard to avoid being pumped up for something new and different. What's happening during Moon trine Uranus on September 13 is that you, Capricorn, are about to experience a turn of fortune, and all because you want it.

You believe in the power of manifestation and the Law of Attraction, and you'll get to experience the whole idea of what you think becomes at this time. Moon trine Uranus is a very powerful and somewhat magical transit in so much as it allows us to make something out of nothing.

So, if you are hungry for more excitement in your life, then you shall have it. What helps the situation is that you are not complaining; you know that life has its ebb and flow energies, and because you are curious about bringing in a little more positive energy, it naturally occurs for you on this day.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
