What The Universe Will Provide For Each Zodiac Sign The Week Of September 9 - 15, 2024

Optimism and excitement await.

woman in the universe september 9-15, 2024 Photo: Milad Shams | Design: YourTango

The week of September 9-15, 2024, begins with Mercury, the planet of communication, entering practical Virgo once more. Under this energy, the universe can better provide specific blessings to each zodiac sign. 

Mercury’s ingress in Virgo presents a wonderful moment to add structure and get back to planning in areas of your life where Mercury will impact it. The Moon will be in Sagittarius earlier in the week as well, adding an element of excitement and optimism. With this transit, it can feel like we can accomplish anything when we believe in our potential.


What the universe will provide for each zodiac sign between September 9-15, 2024

Aries: Direction

what universe provides aries september 9-15, 2024 Adrian Mag via Unsplash | Trendify via Canva

Flow with the changes now that Mercury will finally ingress back in Virgo. When it comes to becoming more structured, you will find it easier to figure things out and get back on track. Because the retrograde period has ended, you can now measure your time and go back to revise your planner. It is a great moment to focus on your work and learning. Finding your motivation may be a challenge, but with your hunger for success, anything is possible.


Journal prompt: How are you protecting your resources and energy during this time? What new things will you add to your routine to get you back on track? What are you doing to stay ahead with school or work?

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Taurus: Progress

what universe provides taurus september 9-15, 2024 Adrian Mag via Unsplash | Trendify via Canva


Following the ups and downs of the most recent Mercury retrograde, you are now able to move forward with your projects. There are a lot of pieces to the puzzle, but your love for the work you do may allow you to put everything together. You will be more cognizant of the energy from past experiences that helped you trust your potential and move forward. During this time, you'll experience several breakthroughs in your creative process. Be open to editing first drafts or starting over.

Journal prompt: Have you worked on something new lately? What have you mastered from your creative process? What new things are you excited to learn?

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Gemini: Connection

what universe provides gemini september 9-15, 2024 Adrian Mag via Unsplash | Trendify via Canva


With Mercury back in Virgo, it can be a fruitful moment for you to reconnect with the people that matter to you. Home becomes a space where you complete any outstanding work you have to do to build a better foundation. You can feel things begin to work themselves through, allowing this to be a good period to learn new aspects about your partner. You may see them in a new light and uncover their different dimensions. If you are single, your friends can help you connect with yourself and others.

Journal prompt: What new skills have you learned at school or work? How are you achieving balance in relationships? What have you learned through collaborations with others?

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Cancer: Confidence

what universe provides cancer september 9-15, 2024 Adrian Mag via Unsplash | Trendify via Canva


Prepare yourself for things to pick up momentum. This transit will make you more conscious of your intellectual energy, so incorporate breaks when needed. You are able to bring a lot of love to your surroundings and this week’s transits can push you to tap into the leader within with a lot more confidence and focus. During this transit, you can brainstorm magnificent ideas that help inspire you to push ahead while others may notice how disciplined you are.

Journal prompt: How have you spent time with friends in the last month? Are you allowing others to help you when you need it? How are you balancing work stress with your personal life?

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Leo: Analysis

what universe provides leo september 9-15, 2024 Adrian Mag via Unsplash | Trendify via Canva


Mercury in Virgo puts a lens on your pending responsibilities and allows you to find meaning in the material things you possess. You will be a lot more concerned about maintaining what has meaning and releasing the items that no longer serve a purpose. The Virgo energy allows you to take inventory and analyze things thoroughly. This week, you can reconnect with yourself and thrive on your own, but may also feel a lot more social and open to collaborating with others. While Venus is in Libra, you are here to let others know your potential.

Journal prompt: Are you planning on donating things you do not need? Has Mercury in Leo taught you more about yourself? Are you honoring yourself during this time?

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Virgo: Healing

what universe provides virgo september 9-15, 2024 Adrian Mag via Unsplash | Trendify via Canva


Incorporating meditation is one way to deal with Mercury back in your sign. Things begin to get clearer and the planning process begins to have more meaning for you. This is a time to pick up the pace and kickstart some new projects. Mercury in Leo taught you to become more mindful of your spending habits and learn more about your material possessions, while Mercury in Virgo can help you elevate in all areas of your life, especially where you felt things were slowing down.

Journal prompt: What methods are you using to ground yourself? Have you explored any new ideas that have inspired you? Do you have a planner to keep track of the wonderful things you have planned?

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Libra: Self-love

what universe provides libra september 9-15, 2024 Adrian Mag via Unsplash | Trendify via Canva


Developing trust in yourself becomes a lot more important now that Mercury has ingressed in Virgo once more. This is your period of reflection and discovery. While Mercury was in Leo, you focused more on the social aspect and now you may feel more comfortable doing things without your core group of people surrounding you. Nevertheless, the Moon will be in Sagittarius later this week, rekindling some memories from Mercury’s stay in Leo and making you more appreciative of those you love and your experiences.

Journal prompt: Are you utilizing this period to allow your dreams to take flight? Are you trusting your abilities? Are you taking time to reflect and look after yourself?

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Scorpio: Patience

what universe provides scorpio september 9-15, 2024 Adrian Mag via Unsplash | Trendify via Canva


The Moon will briefly be in your sign early this week, allowing you to channel the energies of Mercury in Virgo. During this time you will be more aligned with your group of friends. However, if any conflicts arose during Mercury retrograde, you will have the self-trust and patience to work them out. Your communication skills will shine through now that Mercury is back in Leo, putting you in a position where you will feel more compassionate and have emotional awareness of what others may need.

Journal prompt: How are you helping your friendships evolve during this period? Have you become a better communicator in the last year?

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Sagittarius: Empowerment

what universe provides sagittarius september 9-15, 2024 Adrian Mag via Unsplash | Trendify via Canva


Themes of power and control return as Mercury in Virgo graces the top of your chart once more. It is your moment to discover your alignment with the ego, a potent period where you can get back on track with school or work and make changes that contribute to your intellectual expansion and progress. There is also a beam of composure during this time since you are a lot more aligned with what you want to learn. The astrological energy this September continues empowering you and helping you feel pride in yourself.

Journal prompt: What have you accomplished that fills you with pride? How have your plans and goals changed in the last six months?

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Capricorn: Self-discovery

what universe provides capricorn september 9-15, 2024 Adrian Mag via Unsplash | Trendify via Canva


This week, reconnect with your hopes and dreams now that Mercury has entered fellow earth sign, Virgo. You will feel like you are on a new planet, uncovering new unchartered territory that will help you learn more about yourself. The discoveries you continue to make are here to help you evolve and get out of your comfort zone. While the Moon also enters your sign this week, it is a time for you to uncover a deeper understanding of your emotional power.

Journal prompt: Are you allowing yourself to feel your emotions during this transit? What changes have you made when it comes to your work or career goals?

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Aquarius: Adventure

what universe provides aquarius september 9-15, 2024 Adrian Mag via Unsplash | Trendify via Canva


Tapping into your inner adventurer could feel like the right recipe for you this week to make even the most mundane tasks amazing and interesting. While Mercury is back in Virgo, you are able to bring a lot more energy and focus, especially when learning more about a subject that inspires you. This week, you'll experience more calm and control while you get things done, understanding now that this journey has been filled with necessary lessons to help in your evolution.

Journal prompt: Discuss the moments that you were a leader to others. What have you learned about your leadership style since Saturn has been in your sign? Has Mercury in Leo helped you feel energized?

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Pisces: Inner strength

what universe provides pisces september 9-15, 2024 Adrian Mag via Unsplash | Trendify via Canva


The energy this week helps you find the courage to open your heart to a friend or a romantic partner. While Mercury is in Virgo, it is a time to add some healing to your relationships and feel more confident expressing yourself and letting your partner know what you want. During this period you are ready to find your next adventure and let your heart explore some new territory with self-assurance.

Journal prompt: How are you planning to elevate your relationships? Are you being transparent in your relationships? Has Mercury retrograde allowed you to reconcile?

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A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.
