3 Zodiac Signs Enter A Season Of Abundance On September 12, 2024

We are in line for a heaping dose of positive energy.

zodiac signs enter season of abundance September 12 2024 Dean Drobot | Canva Pro

An interesting twist is about to happen in our daily horoscopes on September 12, 2024. Sun square Jupiter leads three zodiac signs to a season of abundance and happiness. Thursday's astrology teaches us hard lessons due to the Sun square Jupiter in our sky. We may find that we are in line for a heaping dose of positive energy. The kicker? We don't think we deserve it.

Some have said, "Right now, everything is as bad as it possibly can be, and at the same time, everything is as good as it possibly can be." So, what does this mean and how does this apply to you? Well, think about it; does deserving anything matter? What happens, happens, and we are there to witness it. So, on September 12, we'll witness what Sun Square Jupiter wants us to see: that we, too, are there for the season of abundance and that no matter what we do or don't do — it's on. Three zodiac signs enter a season of abundance and gratitude on Thursday.


Three zodiac signs enter a season of abundance on September 12, 2024.

1. Cancer

cancer enters season of abundance september 12, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio / Canva

There's a very good reason you can work so well with the transit of Sun square Jupiter: you're ready. You want to bring good vibes into your life, and you're willing to accept that you deserve the best. You are one with all things, and you feel good about life. During Sun square Jupiter, you are presented with the idea that this is up to you. The squared aspect here shows you that you do have a choice in the matter. Will the next few weeks be a season of abundance or a season of drought? This one's up to you, Cancer.


You are the one who makes this season one of abundance and joy. You are ready now, Cancer, and you're not waiting for someone else to make things right for you. You are the one who gets to decide whether you're happy or not, and you choose happiness and abundant love.

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2. Libra

libra enters season of abundance september 12, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio / Canva


There's just so far you can go with resentment or guilt, and you've just about had enough of both feelings. It's time to adopt a new attitude because you want what everyone else wants: love and peace. It's that simple. On September 12, during the Sun square Jupiter transit, you'll see that love and peace are both possible and that it's worthwhile to rid yourself of unnecessary emotions. They've held on to you long enough; you're tired of feeling blue. It's time to get on the good foot, as they say.

Because your attitude is spot on, you can open the doors to happiness and abundance. You crave love and affection, and the days of wondering where you are worthy of it are over. During Sun square Jupiter, you see the light that shines on the fact that you are worthy and lovable.

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3. Scorpio

scorpio enters season of abundance september 12, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio / Canva


On September 12, you experience a change of heart, Scorpio, and it looks like you are finally coming to terms with the fact that you are worthy of love. Now is the time for healing and accepting, and you'll receive the idea that you are fine as you are. As soon as you take all of this in, you begin the healing process, and with a healed heart and mind, you open up the gates to great love and exceptional abundance. Love starts shifting its direction towards you, and because of Sun square Jupiter, you come to know that you're why it's doing so.

You are the ruler of your fate, and by the time this transit comes by, you'll have decided that you are worthy of having a good life. You want happiness and you want lots of it, and why not? You are certainly here to be as happy as possible, so let the season of abundance begin here and now.

RELATED: What The Universe Will Provide For Each Zodiac Sign The Week Of September 9 - 15, 2024


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.