4 Zodiac Signs Receive A Special Gift From The Universe On September 7, 2024

There's no such thing as failure.

Zodiac Signs Special Gift From The Universe September 7, 2024 Glitter Studio, , Artulina, Jacob Lund | Canva Pro

It's Saturday, September 7, 2024 and we are open and ready to receive some good news from the universe. This day's astrology shows us that because of a transit like Mercury square Uranus, four zodiac signs will be able to turn a certain situation around in their lives for the better.

This instantly implies hope here and something to look forward to. What might have looked like a failure is actually something that can and will be worked on to the point where, later, the only way we will see it is as a success. This is our special gift from the universe on this day, and it shows up as a failure that's been completely rewritten for victory.


Four zodiac signs receive a special gift from the universe on September 7, 2024

1. Taurus

taurus zodiac sign special gift universe september 7, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

So, this day is all about the turnaround. Because of Mercury square Uranus, your mind will be in the right frame for understanding something enormous, such as what needs to change to find true happiness. Out of nowhere, you will get it. It's like the universe is giving you the info you need to know, and now it's time to make something of it. That's your special gift of the day, and it comes from making a mistake — one you learn a great deal from.


That's how the turnaround works in your Taurus world. Something had to change, and now that it has, and it's noticeable, there's no going back to what it once was. This is a brilliant moment of recognition for you, Taurus, and it's what you find so special about Saturday.

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2. Virgo

virgo zodiac sign special gift universe september 7, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro


You'll notice that everything seems to be going your way, which is pretty nice considering you've got a day off and you want this day to be as carefree as possible. You've got Mercury square Uranus to show you that it could be worse, but it isn't, and for that, you are grateful.

This day is all about comparisons for you, Virgo. While you are someone who doesn't ever want to lie to yourself, you've found that not to accept certain truths; you do end up telling yourself a little lie here or there, just for self-protection. However, on Saturday, everything seems just great. No lies are needed.

It's as if the universe is handing you a special gift, the gift of a happy day. It may just be one, or it may be one of many. Mercury square Uranus lets you know that life is hard but that it's up to you to make the best of it, and it's a pleasure for you to do so.

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3. Libra

libra zodiac sign special gift universe september 7, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro

You are all too familiar with life and its ups and downs, and honestly, if the universe could lighten up on you for a day or two, you'd be more than thrilled. Good thing that you've got the transit of Mercury square Uranus working with you on this day, September 7, Libra, as it most definitely looks like this is your lucky day.

You won't feel like questioning it or doubting it; you'll be so swept up in the good vibes that come with the universe's special gift to you that you'll just go with it, knowing that if days like this are possible, then so are weeks like this... and so on.


What you'll find happening on this day is that nobody is trying your patience and that it really and truly feels as though everyone is just backing off and letting you have your way. This isn't because you're pushy or stubborn, it's because the universe is giving you a break and it's real, so enjoy it while it's hot, Libra!

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4. Aquarius

aquarius zodiac sign special gift universe september 7, 2024 Eduard Litvinov, Gabrielle Scarlett | Canva Pro


You didn't see this one coming, but now that it's making a bee-line for you, Aquarius, this universe-special gift is something you will welcome into your life with arms wide open. You feel as though the universe is working with you, and it is, in the form of Mercury square Uranus.

You have been putting out that vibe, wanting answers, wanting something to change. You know you're a part of that process, and you've been ready to do whatever it takes to get where you want to go, but you've needed a sign, or rather...a push from the universe.

That push comes this Saturday as you work with the transit of Mercury square Uranus to undo certain past mindsets so that you can fully appreciate and take in what's going on in the present. This day brings you energy and healing; your special gift, Aquarius, can last as long as you want it to.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
