3 Zodiac Signs Break Free From Heartache On September 7, 2024

Astrology shows us that we've got a chance.

Zodiac Signs End Heartache September 7, 2024 Pastel Studio from Gambar Studio, , Artulina, Jacob Lund | Canva Pro

On September 7, the zodiac signs who have been heartbroken for far too long will finally get a break. It's time to remove ourselves from the pain, as it won't go away until we make it. Saturday's astrology shows us that we have a fighting chance during the transit of Moon trine Mars. We are officially over it. Thankfully, with the Moon trine Mars as our backbone we will finally get our lives back. It's real. Start believing it, zodiac signs.


We finally get that last little bit of courage on Saturday to break free from a heartache that took up too much time. In the beginning, sure, mourning the loss of a relationship, trust, friendship — it's only right to feel pain. But as of September 7, we will mark it as done. We're not looking back.

Three zodiac signs see heartache end on September 7, 2024.

1. Taurus

taurus zodiac signs break free heartache september 7, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva


While we can't be as glib as to say, "With Moon trine Mars, it's a piece of cake," we can say that because of this transit, the healing process will be much quicker and smoother than yesterday. This Saturday shows you, Taurus, that you can be rid of your heartache, believe it or not. You've learned that you'll have no life if you stay stuck in heartbreak. You've noticed that you feel dull as if you have nothing to offer anyone. Heartache has taken a toll on your personality, and that's a lot to say for someone as outgoing and fun as you, Taurus.

You will decide to remove yourself from this wasteland of heartache and pain. You've realized that enough is enough and that if there was some price to pay, you've paid in full. You owe nothing more, and by thinking this way, you set yourself free.

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2. Virgo

virgo zodiac signs break free heartache september 7, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva


Moon trine Mars is what does the trick for you, and by the time September 7 rolls around on your calendar, you will experience something you haven't felt in a while: freedom from heartache. And you thought it would never end, Virgo. Here's to change!

You've seen the last of your heartbroken days, and so much of it comes to you because the transit of Moon trine Mars is enough to open your eyes to see how much of a time-waster heartache is. You get it. And you've got this one life to live, so you feel this is a good day to start afresh.

The days of longing, sadness, fear, and heartache are over, and if you don't know it just yet, check your heart, Virgo. Notice that lack of pain is there? It's real. You have moved on whether you know it or not. As of this day, September, you will know it for real. It's all good. Go with it.

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3. Capricorn

capricorn zodiac signs break free heartache september 7, 2024 Ibnu Hasan and Dirtyline Studio | Canva

Heartache not only takes a backseat, it completely leaves you, Capricorn, and while you may not be used to this state of peace and happiness, you'll get used to it soon enough. You've spent enough time in the purgatory state of being heartbroken, and what you've learned is nothing.

You are a smart person, and while your heart has always had its own brain, you'll take over and end the heartache once and for all. There is no point in sticking with it anymore; this works on your intellectual rationale.


During the transit of Moon trine Mars, you see before yourself a way out, a clear path that leads to joy and happiness, and this time, you're not backing out of it. You want to be happy again and won't let heartache stop you. The past is dead, and you are here, alive, well, and ready for love, joy, and happiness.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
