4 Zodiac Signs Receive Blessings From The Universe On September 6, 2024

At this time, we may have a sudden change of heart.

 4 Zodiac Signs Receive Blessings From The Universe On September 6, 2024 jessicahyde from Getty Images, Dean Drobot, baihaki images, Tania Orozco @holatania | Canva Pro

On Friday, September 6, 2024, we are ready for a great weekend and happy news. It's just a feeling we get as the astrological circumstance shows us that the Moon is aligned with Mercury. If blessings are to come our way, they'll be showing up super soon. Four zodiac signs react very positively to Mercury-Moon transits, and we can expect a sudden change of heart to occur. 

The 'blessing' we receive at this time is when we change our minds about something and benefit tremendously from that change. Because we were big enough to change our minds and think things through, the result is a blessing from the universe in the form of us getting what we want.


Four zodiac signs receive blessings from the universe on September 6, 2024

1. Gemini

Being a Gemini means you get to experience many different emotions in one day; this can be great at times and confusing for you. However, on September 6, when the Moon is aligned with Mercury, you will find that your emotions lead you to a happy place.

By changing your mind, you can finally see something clearly; this clarity helps unlock the universe's blessings. At this point, you've tried to see things from a different perspective, but the one you choose to let into your life this Friday does the trick.

Choosing to see something with an open mind gives it a chance to show up as a blessing. You are no longer shut down or closed off by particular possibilities, and with the Mercury-Moon influence upon you, you'll find that it's now okay to follow your heart, even if your heart only said "no yesterday." This is a "yes" day.


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2. Cancer

Because the Moon is aligned with Mercury, you'll find that things are going your way and that you can guide those things in such a direction that you can't help but feel as if the universe is on your side now.

You feel extraordinarily confident about the moves you make simply because you think you've had enough practice. You know what doesn't work and have decided not to pursue the impossible. This attitude reaches the universe, and in turn, it showers you with blessings for your discretion.

Mercury transits tend to work on the idea of discretion, and in your case, Cancer, your discerning nature creates the environment for blessing. You aren't here to let in negative energy, and the universe has noticed. That is why this Friday is joyous and special for you.


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3. Libra

You'll notice that the good fortune of the day seems to be coming at you rapidly, and the great thing about it is that you can handle it, Libra. You've been waiting for things to take shape in your life, and now that you've got the Moon-Mercury alignment at your back, you'll see that things start to snowball.

Something you do will set the stage for your mind to realize that it was the right thing to do and the very thing that opened the doors to more blessings for you. This Friday feels blessed, and you are ready for the fully-blessed effect.

You've worked long and hard to get where you are. You're mentally prepared to deal with great good fortune. You aren't shying away from the blessings that are so abundantly yours. You are making the very best of this transit on this day.


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4. Aquarius

Blessings surround your day this Friday, Aquarius, and good news for others can and will benefit your life, too. You are witness to something great, and it affects your entire world.

While it's not meant solely for you to hear, the good news changes your attitude and helps you to have more patience and a better outlook. Because the Moon aligns with Mercury, you will receive great news, and it will rapidly change everything for the better.


What you do with this day's good news is up to you, but at least you can take it or leave it. Nothing is being forced on you during this time, but you will still feel the pressure of having to act; that means that the blessings you receive are here to motivate and inspire you. Choose wisely, and go for the joy.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
