5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Attracting Luck And Good Fortune From September 9 - 15, 2024

Powerful luck shall grace these zodiac signs.

Chinese Zodiac Signs Will Have The Luckiest Weekly Horoscopes From September 9 - 15, 2024 jessicahyde from Getty Images, Andy Dean Photography, baihaki images, Tania Orozco @holatania | Canva Pro

Between September 9 to 15, 2024, luck and good fortune will be available to five Chinese zodiac signs that take calculated risks and step outside their comfort zones. Ox, Snake, Horse, Rabbit, and Goat will be the luckiest, but all Chinese animal signs will experience good fortune when following their true soul path and not someone else's.

The I Ching hexagram of luck is Fire over Mountain (#56), changing to Fire over Earth (#35). This week's I Ching reminds us that the road traveled by everyone may not have too many resources left to discover. But unexplored paths will have hidden treasures waiting for the pioneers.


So be brave and choose the path that resonates within your soul. Even if you are the first in your family to attempt such a feat in athletics, business, living overseas, or something else, you shall discover your luck on your grand adventure. 

All you need to do is blend your inner strength and iron will with your intelligence and desire to learn and grow. Who can stop such a bit of luck? Let's focus on Ox, Snake, Horse, Rabbit, and Goat.

Five luckiest Chinese zodiac signs from September 9 - 15, 2024.

1. Ox

ox chinese zodiac signs weekly lucky horoscope september 9-15, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva


Ox, your superpower is your luck. Don't be surprised when you find it acting on your behalf to remove the most challenging obstacles from your path, defeat the most evil of your enemies, and bring you opportunities that will help you reach higher than you have ever dreamed of before. 

You must meet this luck halfway to register for this powerful impact. How can it be if you shy away and sabotage yourself? If you feel called to, now's also a good time to know who your true friends are. They will be vital on your path, too. The colors blue and green will be lucky for you

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2. Snake

snake chinese zodiac signs weekly lucky horoscope september 9-15, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva


Snake, your luck is lovely and perhaps even divine. It will bring light into your life, unlike anything you have experienced. For some, this will be in the form of an overnight glow-up. For others, this will draw true friends to you who will help you on your journey forward. Some of you may even find your soulmate through this luck.

Pay attention to the signs and synchronicities, as they will show you what you must do to embrace your luck fully. If you feel called to, now's also a good time to have a daily meditation habit to be mindful and seize the day when it calls you to. The color red will be lucky for you.

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3. Horse

horse chinese zodiac signs weekly lucky horoscope september 9-15, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva


Horse, your luck has a mischievous quality to it. The more playful and light-hearted you can be, the easier it will be for this luck to flow into your life. Whether through your interactions with friends, a romantic partner, or even acquaintances with whom you have excellent camaraderie, this luck will bring you opportunities, conversations, adventures, and maybe even a few good ideas or two.

Wear more yellow, blue, or green if you feel called to. That will boost your luck. So carrying charms will mean good luck to you personally, even if that's not so for the rest of the world.

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4. Rabbit

rabbit chinese zodiac signs weekly lucky horoscope september 9-15, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva


Rabbit, don't stereotype the definition of creativity because your luck will emerge from your imagination. Once it does, the ideas and inspiration will be a game-changer for you.

You have a creative spirit within you that works well when you participate in right-brain creative activities like art, crafts or handiwork. But for others, creativity can expressed through engineering, science, coding, growing plants, or other left-brain activities.

Keep a notepad handy to capture your ideas. You can also cut back on socializing to engage with this luck truly. It's your choice, but you will benefit from going all in here. The color red will be lucky for you.

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5. Goat

goat chinese zodiac signs weekly lucky horoscope september 9-15, 2024 Vectortradition | Canva

Goat, your luck is closely tied to your siblings, whether your own or distant relatives. The exact way this blessing will arrive in your life is shrouded right now, but you will be pleasantly surprised and even thrilled sometimes. 

For some of you, this may be the announcement of a pregnancy that will make you an aunt or uncle. But keep an open mind, as this energy is playful but mysterious. You are also encouraged to dress well so you are not caught off-guard when this luck does find you. The color blue will be lucky for you.


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
