Relationships Significantly Improve For 5 Zodiac Signs Between August 5 - 11, 2024

Give yourself time to let your heart catch up.

Relationships Significantly Improve For 5 Zodiac Signs Between August 5 - 11, 2024 McLittle, wc studio, Shadow from Vik_Y, rovsky | Canva Pro

Oftentimes, relationships are a journey of having both your heart and mind finally arrive on the same page. While this is often spoken about more in terms of break-ups or separations, it holds for the coming together of relationships and in realizing just how strong your feelings are. 

But rather than necessarily waiting for the heart to catch up, it’s usually the mind that needs more time and even space to realize that there is no point in continuing to fight or deny the feelings of love when it’s everything you’ve been dreaming of.


And so, a moment of diving timing is created, where you are finally given the space to let your heart accept what the mind knows and for the mind to realize that there is no point in playing it safe when the heart is already fully invested. 

The week of August 5 begins with Mercury stationing retrograde in Virgo, helping you go over plans for the future and the ability to create a secure foundation within your relationship. As the week progresses and Mercury merges with the energies of Venus in Virgo on Thursday, August 8, there is a momentous occasion for the declaration of love and important conversations.


Asteroid Juno, ruler of marriage, will shift into Libra on Friday, August 9. This will bring a deep sense of commitment and even a focus on domesticity that could represent significant relationship developments in the coming week. 

While Mercury retrograde often casts fear, it is a beneficial time to revisit past topics like commitment and your union's plans. This time of reflection also helps you understand more about what you want. 

While the cosmos is bringing together a collective energy meant to help you learn more about your desires for love, there will also be an abundant source of luck as the Sun in Leo aligns magnanimously with Jupiter in Gemini on Tuesday, August 6 blessing any actions taken and helping you to feel as if you are being supported in finally following your heart.


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Relationships improve significantly for five zodiac signs from August 5 - 11, 2024:

1. Pisces

pisces weekly relationship improves horoscope august 5-11, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

You are being given a divine opportunity to take your time in bringing together a particular romantic relationship, dear Pisces. Try not to look at this Mercury retrograde as a negative aspect because it is about to help you genuinely make the progress that you have been hoping for. 


As Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo on Monday, August 5, matters from your romantic life will surface, and you will begin the process of sorting out just how to deepen your new relationship — and figure out how to create a life together that aligns with both of your needs. 

To make the best of this phase, you must allow yourself to talk and be vulnerable with your partner instead of shying away from anything that feels overwhelming. Also, remember that this new relationship will last forever, so there is no real risk; it is just the task of ensuring you approach romantic matters differently.

One thing to be mindful of, though, is that before an upgrade occurs in your life, there also are often divine tests just to make sure you are ready for what you say you want. In this case, you may find that you hear from a certain toxic ex in your life. This particular person may return with massive declarations of love, as well as how much they’ve changed and are now ready for a relationship with you. 

People aren’t what they say, rather than what you do, and in this case, it would be best to approach this as a test, knowing you don’t want any more karmic lessons because you are soulfully ready for the love that will last forever.


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2. Aries

aries weekly relationship improves horoscope august 5-11, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

As much as you’re known for being a leader and rushing toward whatever you want, it seems you’ve been a little more hesitant, Aries. While you may have good reason to want to slow down the progress of your romantic relationship, it doesn’t mean that’s what will happen. Try to understand that a portion of what you are experiencing may be less about timing and more about feeling confident that you are ready to venture into an area of deeper commitment and love. But as asteroid Juno returns to Libra on Friday, August 9, your focus once again is directed toward this commitment you’ve been hesitant to make. 


Dear Aries, while trying to slow down and be more logical is a healthy perspective, you must also realize that you can’t slow down what is meant to be. Try to honor your feelings around this time, whether it’s declaring your love for someone, initiating the first date, or even offering a significant proposal — trust that this step is one you are meant to take.

Part of the hesitancy in moving ahead in a new direction may very well be related to another romantic matter that you are still wrapping up. Whether it’s a divorce, separation, or even a messy break-up, you have been steadily progressing toward tying up loose ends and feeling like your past is truly behind you. 

You may have to balance your future and past in the week of August 5, so remember that the two can coexist; you just don’t want one to ever overshadow the other. Your past can’t be forgotten by enjoying your future, and your future can’t be rushed by ignoring the details of your past. Instead, it’s about realizing while you may have wished it was all different, you are more than capable of handling all of this so you can finally feel free to embrace the possibilities for new love.


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3. Aquarius

aquarius weekly relationship improves horoscope august 5-11, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

Part of knowing if a relationship is truly meant to be is allowing yourself to truly embrace arose, sweet Aquarius. You desire a powerful and dynamic romantic relationship, yet you often have walls that tend to keep out even the most determined of lovers. But being able to hold space, knowing you are secure within yourself, allows you to see what may be possible if you only let it. 


As the lucky energy from the alignment between the Sun in Leo and Jupiter in Gemini on Tuesday, August 6, begins to work its magic, you may finally realize that you’ve been fighting your fears for so long that you forgot that you didn’t have to be afraid of love. 

This energy will bring significant developments into your life. Whether it’s finally having the clarity you need, talking about future dreams, or even receiving a very important question, this is all about creating a relationship that will continue to grow with you. Make sure you are open to hearing what your partner has to say so that you don’t end up sabotaging a relationship just because you are afraid.

It's important to understand that life doesn’t always have to be between what you want and what your partner may envision. Instead, there is space for a compromise to exist, so long as you are willing to start speaking on what you need and what matters most to you. 

Let yourself talk about any hesitancy toward marriage or even living together, but also let yourself speak your desires and hopes. Listen to your partner with an open heart, and don’t be too quick to shoot down any offers. You want to make sure you are making any decisions with love rather than fear.


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4. Sagittarius

sagittarius weekly relationship improves horoscope august 5-11, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

You are moving into a fantastic time for love, Sagittarius, especially if you are in a position to attract a new relationship. The energy that the alignment of the Sun in Leo and Jupiter in Gemini will bring on Tuesday, August 6, will have you catapulted from your comfort zone as you crave a love with a bigger and deeper meaning in your life. This energy also heavily correlates to a new beginning, so whether this is about a new relationship or even a new era in an existing one, you are looking to start over and, this time, have it be everything you’ve ever wanted. 


The Sun governs actions taken while Jupiter brings luck wherever it goes, so you know that you must decide this week and be prepared to follow it up. Try not to get too in your head about the choices you’re making, and resist anything that may feel like a distraction. You must be clear-headed and honest with yourself about what you want from this new chapter so you can feel confident that you are also making the most of it.

As you start preparing for this new beginning in your romantic life, try to not only think about where you can have a fresh start in your relationship but also bring some different energy into your life. This would be an incredibly lucky time to plan or take that holiday with your current partner or even go solo if you’re single and still looking to meet the love of your life. 

If your plans keep you closer to home, remember that it’s not always the big choices like a trip that can help bring in the sense of newness you are looking for, but even the small ones like trying a new restaurant or activity. Take your relationship out into the world, embrace expansiveness, and whether you are single or already happy in love, let yourself embrace the magic of this brand-new beginning in your life.


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5. Taurus

taurus weekly relationship improves horoscope august 5-11, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

Dear Taurus, you are in store for not only an incredible week of new romantic beginnings — but you are also working with the energy of the Lion’s Gate Portal. Mercury and Venus will unite in Virgo on Thursday, August 8, which is also the day that the Lion’s Date Portal peaks. The Lion’s Gate refers to the alignment of Earth, Sirius, and Orion that occurs in the zodiac sign of Leo, which signifies a time of intense manifestation and divine energy that allows you to accelerate your progress rapidly through this energetic wave. 


As Mercury, Venus, and the Lion’s Gate Portal merge, there is an energy of new beginnings, but it will also bring significant processes and new developments in your romantic relationship. Mercury tends to bring new forms of communication, offers, and opportunities, while Venus is all about love and romance. 

No matter what the past has held, try to hold space for the rapid turnaround of events that can significantly change your life. If you’ve needed to have an important conversation or are starting a new relationship, then this energy will help you do just that and with the luckiest energy possible.

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You have been diligently working towards a sense of newness in your romantic life that is based on more of your growth and healing rather than just hanging onto a relationship simply because it seems easy. As you have ventured further into this phase, you’ve realized that you don’t need to ever worry about the space that is created when you release what no longer serves you. 


This idea of manifesting a great new love or even saying yes to an important proposal is all about you realizing what you are worth and choosing to hold out for what you really deserve. The week of August 5, you are supported in taking any chances or risks as you have the power to call in your romantic destiny.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
